Currently in Cobourg, ON. I also live in Toronto and San Francisco.
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When I first went to Berlin, in 2013, I learned about Spreepark, but it was "too late" to infiltrate. There had been too much vandalism and arson, big fences had been erected, there was lots of 24-hour security on site, with dogs. I rode my bike around the fenced perimeter but didn't dare enter.
When I returned to Berlin in 2015, I was lucky. Spreepark was open to the public on certain nights for concerts. I bought a ticket and entered the park fair and square. I stayed on the paths. Here's some of what I saw.
When I returned to Berlin in 2015, I was lucky. Spreepark was open to the public on certain nights for concerts. I bought a ticket and entered the park fair and square. I stayed on the paths. Here's some of what I saw.