Posted by Mike Lee Are any of the DFW URBEX groups on FB active? I have been posting there mostly since its easy to upload my pics and my plans to go explore. MIKE LEE
There used to be a couple, but I got burned pretty badly on one of those groups. When I say burned, I mean, someone called the police regarding a location I posted. Long story short, I ended up getting arrested and was on probation for two years for trespassing after one Facebook group member decided to play vigilante in an urbex group. I recommend a high degree of caution if you decide to post on any of those facebook groups. Definitely don't post anything that could get you into trouble! That said, there were one or two that were very active back in 2015 when I was a regular contributor and I still am friends with a handful of the members from back then.
EDIT: And..., I just saw how old that post was about DFW facebook groups was, lol. I'm notoriously bad about looking at dates it seems. I'll leave it alone in case someone out there needs to be cautioned.
For the record, I'm totally against posting in facebook groups when it comes to sharing anything legally sensitive - no matter how tiny the infraction or unlikely the consequence.