“-Never- got caught.” -blackhawk 2016
Philippines Summer Trip 2019
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
While visiting family in Davao City, Philippines, I came across a few small spots around the city. Didn’t do anything too major, but here’s what I’ve got.
Security guard posing for the picture!

Burnt abandoned house in the downtown area of Davao.

At least cats have found their home.

Beachside concrete house.

Decayed kitchen area.

Front of the most famous Davao abandonment, the “Durian Hotel.”

[last edit 12/18/2019 3:06 AM by Natchraz - edited 3 times]
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Philippines Summer Trip 2019
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
You got guts. That is one country I would not do any exploring.
Suwon, South Korea
Join me on a quest
Re: Philippines Summer Trip 2019
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Philippines is a goldmine. There are fascinating places. The real danger is in the heart of slums, or mostly unhabited islands (like in The Life Aquatic).
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