Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Very popular and well known spot, I've known about it for a long time, but I only went recently, it was also my first time exploring with another explorer from UER.

Abandoned in 2005, the property has changed hands multiple times since. The hotel once had over 250 rooms for guests, but is now pretty gutted and all four non-ground floors are just a concrete shell of what they used to be.

There's tons and tons of evidence of homeless people, I was lucky enough to go at the right time of day where I didn't run into any, but there was a floor where some homeless people had installed deadbolts on the both of the stairwell doors so that they could lock themselves on a floor and other people wouldn't be able to intrude while they were there, smart, right?

There's a lot of graffiti as well, like I said, it's a very well known spot, I've seen numerous youtube videos of kids exploring it with the buildings' name in the video's title. The offices are pretty moldy and the kitchen and nightclub are so filled with debris at this point, there wasn't really anywhere to walk or anything to see. But.. the building still stands!

1. Exterior shot of the backside of the hotel

2. Taken through one of the little stairwell windows




6. Main room

7. The pool.. filled with rubble

8. Hot tub


10. Went on the roof!


12. The sky was pretty

13. A separate building that was part of the hotel

Milwaukee, WI
Meow Meow Fudder Mucker!
Re: Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I always wanted a rubble pool.... Dare I dream? She may be beat up, but no crudely sprayed penis' gets a thumbs up from me....
[last edit 3/2/2019 3:26 AM by Mr. Bitey - edited 1 times]
Central Va
Re: Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Cool set! I love how your photos are always so warm compared to the usual cool look that people do.
Re: Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
What a stud in pics 8,9,11 lmao. Great pics as always man and had a great time showing you around the place, keep it up.
Re: Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ryanpics
Cool set! I love how your photos are always so warm compared to the usual cool look that people do.

Thanks for the support! (not all my photos are like that though)

Posted by rt2096
What a stud in pics 8,9,11 lmao. Great pics as always man and had a great time showing you around the place, keep it up.

STUD. Appreciate it though, always happy to do something like this again!

Re: Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
First Post on UER,

Just looking for some like minded people,

Was looking through this region. I got a shiver as I looked at the this post. I was looking at the pictures and was like "i know that place!"

I was there with my daughter a week or so ago, how awesome is that! I don't have a lot of experience but this is a great place to visit.




Re: Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
One more just cause its the same hot tub


I love when nature starts to take over


[last edit 1/9/2020 3:25 AM by FreeLee - edited 1 times]
Re: Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Cool hotel
Littleton, CO
Dishpit dipshit
Re: Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by dapoet2000
Cool hotel

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[last edit 5/28/2022 7:37 PM by Wowee - edited 1 times]
North Carolina, USA
Re: Abandoned Hotel
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I have so many insane shots from this spot and I’m still trying to figure out the picture thing… So sad they tore this place down. When i went, I found so many needles. It was a minefield. However, I understand why they tore it down given the part of town its in.. Good pictures.
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