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Ybor City, FL
Re: Moving to Orlando soon, what can I expect?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Florida is awesome, it's just the people here that are terrible.

Expect ALL the traffic in Orlando.
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Moving to Orlando soon, what can I expect?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk
Florida? You have my sympathy.
Say goodbye to that nice dryness.
More in the ocean(hint) to explore than on the land in Florida.

True. If you get into diving at all, I know the Keys have over 3000 shipwrecks, and most of them sunk relatively shallow. Apparently shipwreck diving has a pretty big scene out there, or so I hear.
Re: Moving to Orlando soon, what can I expect?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

Post by Aran
True. If you get into diving at all, I know the Keys have over 3000 shipwrecks, and most of them sunk relatively shallow. Apparently shipwreck diving has a pretty big scene out there, or so I hear.

Any wreckage shallow enough for snorkeling or is it all scuba and wreck diving permits?


at the beginning
Male w/ Female Bits
Cave Cave Deus Videt
Re: Moving to Orlando soon, what can I expect?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I am going to say a hurricane in the near future
Re: Moving to Orlando soon, what can I expect?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Well this is Florida, a hurricane is always in the near future, also alligators.

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