[last edit 9/19/2016 10:36 PM by willow_X - edited 2 times]
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Mission Control
Total Likes: 3996 likes
Welcome to UER
Most here aren't big fans of tags...
Unfortunately ND is rather barren.
However due the oil mining and it's infrastructure if you're near these areas you can find some prime, recently abandoned sites.
Whole yards abandoned with some searching... think Haliburton.
This is all that's listed on the UEDB for NK that you can view:
Consider this piece of cold war history:
Sure it's not free and it's a museum, but one of a kind you can't see & shoot any other way and remain free.
Most here aren't big fans of tags...
Unfortunately ND is rather barren.
However due the oil mining and it's infrastructure if you're near these areas you can find some prime, recently abandoned sites.
Whole yards abandoned with some searching... think Haliburton.
This is all that's listed on the UEDB for NK that you can view:
Consider this piece of cold war history:
Sure it's not free and it's a museum, but one of a kind you can't see & shoot any other way and remain free.
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Mid Plains Drifter
Total Likes: 15 likes
Graffiti and Urban Exploration goes hand in hand. Yes it’s breaking rules to acquire locations for malicious intent (vandalism). However there are many Full/ non-full members who will express their point of views. I think it’s nice to see color on some surfaces. Some surfaces look great untouched. My opinion, continue to document good photos of everything when exploring. Great job and welcome!
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Mid Plains Drifter
Total Likes: 15 likes
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