Rock Rapids
Old grain mill in Sheldon Iowa
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Well this building was in really sad shape but at least I got some nice pictures.

While there was lots of graffiti there was basically no signs of other types of destructive activity to the building. This is pretty typical of the mostly white and rural parts of the country. I don't advise people go inside this building as the roof is about to collapse, and I noticed that the concrete floors were in really bad shape and might collapse under someone's weight dropping them 10 feet into the flooded level below. There were lots of nice pieces of metal sticking up down there waiting for someone to get impaled on them.

I thought the last image was pretty funny.

I'm probably not wearing pants.
Re: Old grain mill in Sheldon Iowa
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Good thing I brought my 84" monitor to work with me today.
Rock Rapids
Re: Old grain mill in Sheldon Iowa
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by climb_something
Good thing I brought my 84" monitor to work with me today.

sorry, this site doesn't handle scaling of images as far as I can see..
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