Lippy Mechanic Bastard
Trent Hills, ON
A liminal mind is all I've ever known.
3/12/14 - fun&Games
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Yes he was on the banlist. Yes it was because he stole my license plates and then proceeded to rob some local businesses with them his car.

And I miss the guy. We had been friends since the age of 14, and we explored some crazy stuff together, even before I knew urban exploration had a name.

Gerald lived by a "Drive it like you stole it" mentality, and chances are, if he was driving it, he probably stole it.

Gerald was in a halfway house at the time of his death, which was caused by a conflict of medications. He left behind two beautiful daughters.

Miss ya dude.
9/13/83 - 3/12/14

(Prince Edward Heights in 2005)

(Foymount, ON on a spur of the moment midnight explore, with a girl he met the same day)

High Park, Toronto
Re: 3/12/14 - fun&Games
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Sorry to hear bud! *hugs
west county
Re: 3/12/14 - fun&Games
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
shit man. sorry for your loss.

even friends who took advantage of you were still friends for a reason at one time and you will always have those memories.
Burlington Ontario
Re: 3/12/14 - fun&Games
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Far too young, looks and sounds like a wild dude!!

Thanks for sharing here
Re: 3/12/14 - fun&Games
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hope his kids are getting looked after.
Durham Region
Someday is NOT a day of the week !
Re: 3/12/14 - fun&Games
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Sorry Bandi

Re: 3/12/14 - fun&Games
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Ten years already

I added him to my tribute page >here<
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