[last edit 1/25/2015 11:04 PM by R3d - edited 1 times]
one time at the fisher body plant 21, we found a pyramid that someone made out of the wooden blocks found in many wooden floors in factories.
we sat there for about an hour, and watched him engineer a plan and take blocks out 1 by 1 to create a fancy opening, and you could get inside the pyramid after.
junix was a smart motherfucker....
when he was done....
im gonna have to start hosting my own pix
we sat there for about an hour, and watched him engineer a plan and take blocks out 1 by 1 to create a fancy opening, and you could get inside the pyramid after.
junix was a smart motherfucker....
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click to view |
when he was done....
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click to view |
im gonna have to start hosting my own pix
What happened? I am very sad now 
edit; Never mind, I forgot there was a search function. I am seriously crying right now, I am sorry Junix that you couldn't keep exploring with us

edit; Never mind, I forgot there was a search function. I am seriously crying right now, I am sorry Junix that you couldn't keep exploring with us

[last edit 1/29/2015 9:36 AM by LuminousAphid - edited 2 times]
Posted by TomUE Wow.. He was the first person I ever went exploring with. I remember meeting up with him when I was just 16. Him and vision. Riding the belt-o-vator in the flour mill. Exploring the military housing near the college. The UW steam tunnels.. I met up with him just last year to explore this little fertilizer plant thing up in Bellingham. I'd lost his number I had been meaning to contact him again.. I had no idea he suffered from depression. He always lived on the edge it seemed like he had no fear climbing up on scary looking ledges and looking over. I always looked up to him and admired his bravery and sense of adventure. I just can't believe it... I guess I am just fortunate to have gone on those adventures with him. Unfortunately I have finals tomorrow from 8am-5pm so I will miss the service but I will send flowers and my regards. -Tom |
Hey Tom, how's it going? I just came back to the forum all excited, and then saw this and shit.... I am crying. He and you were some of the first people who took me exploring, and it's sad to hear that he was in enough pain to make this decision.
I'm sorry Junix, you were indeed a good guy and will obviously be missed
P.S. where is the book? would like to sign as well, if it's still there
[last edit 1/29/2015 9:57 AM by LuminousAphid - edited 1 times]
I know this is late, but I just found out...
Kevin was the kindest friend I've ever had. I knew Kevin in Seattle when I lived there in 2004-2007. To be honest I'm not sure when we first met. We hadn't been in touch in way too long.
Some memories that stand out exploring and non exploring:
*We'd go exploring together, and I ALWAYS felt safe no matter where we went. I knew he had my back no matter what. Kevin gave me his respirator, so I would stop having asthma attacks when I went exploring. I still have it...I'm still amazed at the number of places I managed to get us permission to go to. He cared about the history of places as much as I do.
*Kevin had a way of making you feel comfortable. He could also call me out when I needed that, but always out of kindness - even if I didn't want to hear it - He knew he had to speak his mind. I should've listened to him more. He had an amazing ability to judge the character of a person. He knew who to trust and who not to trust. He was always right about that - I just didn't always listen.
*My car was starting slowly and needed a new battery. The place I took it to was trying to rip me off in telling me the connections were too corroded by the leaking battery acid, so I needed to spend like $200 on new connections (in addition to their inflated battery price). I got a battery. He spent almost an hour to get rid of the caked on acid so he could pop out and put in the new battery. The whole time I'm pacing worrying he's going to shock himself or get burned by the battery acid.
*We went canoeing across Lake Washington together. We were tired and he wanted to take a peek at the floating bridge, so we paddled to the bridge. Before we knew it guns were pointing at us from a police boat. The police yelled for us to put our hands up and asked us why we were holding onto the bridge. We played dumb even though we were next to a giant sign that said to keep back 25 or 50 feet from the bridge and said we were taking a break. We went across the lake and landed in what we thought was a park. We got out to take a break, but were quickly approached by some very unwelcoming dogs. We bolted back to the canoe. On our way back, I asked how far he thought we'd canoed. He said he'd figured it out. The next day he sent me the email below. If he said he'd do something he did it. He scanned a strangely large old book I took out of the UW Library all about how to design/build a state hospital on a special scanner at work because he knew how much I loved it.
*He wasn't big on texting, so we'd email each other during the day when we were at work. I'm glad I still have most of them. They're snapshots in time.
We fell out of touch, and I had been trying to reconnect. I didn't think of trying to message him on here until late last night. I'm grateful to have had him in my life. I wish I could've been a better friend to him in recent years. My heart aches to know he was in so much pain.
Canoe Trip Email Screenshot
The Good Old Flour Mill Rooftop with Jace
He Had No Fear...I have no idea where this was in WA - I think it was a school?
Kevin was the kindest friend I've ever had. I knew Kevin in Seattle when I lived there in 2004-2007. To be honest I'm not sure when we first met. We hadn't been in touch in way too long.
Some memories that stand out exploring and non exploring:
*We'd go exploring together, and I ALWAYS felt safe no matter where we went. I knew he had my back no matter what. Kevin gave me his respirator, so I would stop having asthma attacks when I went exploring. I still have it...I'm still amazed at the number of places I managed to get us permission to go to. He cared about the history of places as much as I do.
*Kevin had a way of making you feel comfortable. He could also call me out when I needed that, but always out of kindness - even if I didn't want to hear it - He knew he had to speak his mind. I should've listened to him more. He had an amazing ability to judge the character of a person. He knew who to trust and who not to trust. He was always right about that - I just didn't always listen.
*My car was starting slowly and needed a new battery. The place I took it to was trying to rip me off in telling me the connections were too corroded by the leaking battery acid, so I needed to spend like $200 on new connections (in addition to their inflated battery price). I got a battery. He spent almost an hour to get rid of the caked on acid so he could pop out and put in the new battery. The whole time I'm pacing worrying he's going to shock himself or get burned by the battery acid.
*We went canoeing across Lake Washington together. We were tired and he wanted to take a peek at the floating bridge, so we paddled to the bridge. Before we knew it guns were pointing at us from a police boat. The police yelled for us to put our hands up and asked us why we were holding onto the bridge. We played dumb even though we were next to a giant sign that said to keep back 25 or 50 feet from the bridge and said we were taking a break. We went across the lake and landed in what we thought was a park. We got out to take a break, but were quickly approached by some very unwelcoming dogs. We bolted back to the canoe. On our way back, I asked how far he thought we'd canoed. He said he'd figured it out. The next day he sent me the email below. If he said he'd do something he did it. He scanned a strangely large old book I took out of the UW Library all about how to design/build a state hospital on a special scanner at work because he knew how much I loved it.
*He wasn't big on texting, so we'd email each other during the day when we were at work. I'm glad I still have most of them. They're snapshots in time.
We fell out of touch, and I had been trying to reconnect. I didn't think of trying to message him on here until late last night. I'm grateful to have had him in my life. I wish I could've been a better friend to him in recent years. My heart aches to know he was in so much pain.



I just found out... I posted some pictures and some of my thoughts on this thread.
Really great to hear from you Megan despite the circumstances. Kevin touched many lives, I expect as time passes people will occasionally continue to pop up to mourn his passing. PM your details I can send you a memorial card from the funeral if you like.
I just want to also take this opportunity to say to anyone reading this thread who might be depressed and considering suicide. Just read through the comments here to see the void Kevins passing has left in many lives. Reach out to a friend if you are ever so down. Anyone in this thread and beyond who knew Kevin would have done anything in their power intervene if only they had known.
I just want to also take this opportunity to say to anyone reading this thread who might be depressed and considering suicide. Just read through the comments here to see the void Kevins passing has left in many lives. Reach out to a friend if you are ever so down. Anyone in this thread and beyond who knew Kevin would have done anything in their power intervene if only they had known.
[last edit 3/6/2015 7:09 AM by PorkRenegade - edited 1 times]
Thank you for bringing that up PorkRenegade. There's help out there. There's nothing to be embarrassed about.
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Mission Control
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I just realized who this was.
Although I don't believe I ever interacted with him, I recall Junix's posts; they were good.
He was a good, well respected UER member who passed away far too soon
My heartfelt condolences to all who knew and cherished him.
Requiescat in pace, Junix
Although I don't believe I ever interacted with him, I recall Junix's posts; they were good.
He was a good, well respected UER member who passed away far too soon

My heartfelt condolences to all who knew and cherished him.
Requiescat in pace, Junix
Three years ago today, Junix passed away. Although I've never posted in this thread before, I come here when I miss Kevin the most to read your messages. It's a place where I'm reminded of his love of adventure, his curiousity, his kind and giving nature, and the positive impact he had on so many people's lives. Thank you to everyone who took the time to post and especially to TunnelRunner33 for the memorial "somewhere in Seattle." That location was one of the first buildings in Seattle that Kevin explored after moving there, and he talked about it all the time. Exploring brought Kevin and I together, and we shared seven years and a marriage because of it, so here are a few photos over the years.

Thank you pax for posting. I just starting balling partly because I'm sad and it still hurts and out of happiness to see I'm not the only one thinking about him. He looked so happy in those pictures. Snapshots in time...
Posted by megankc I just found out... I posted some pictures and some of my thoughts on this thread. http://www.uer.ca/...rrpage=3&pp#post44 |
Maybe a Mod could merge this this thread in the link in the comment above?
This thread is in a public category, and can't be made private.