[last edit 10/22/2014 3:22 PM by ProperBryan - edited 2 times]
^That's a great before/after.

Crowded Streets, Empty Walls by michaelbrnd, on Flickr
Not exactly Southeastern US but at least its abandoned.

Crowded Streets, Empty Walls by michaelbrnd, on Flickr
Not exactly Southeastern US but at least its abandoned.
[last edit 10/22/2014 7:06 AM by miber - edited 1 times]
Posted by Once-ler Dead Machine http://i902.photob...02_zps05b6cbbb.jpg ~O |
I always love seeing those centrifugal governors. Really cool technology, and a big part of the steam engine boom of the early 1800's. Great shot as well!
Posted by lelandro https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5498/14429826780_f153495386.jpgZombie Machinery Lelandro |
Last time I went those were gone

Shy Beast

Thanks turtl, I just love that old technology as well. Even after a century it could still be going strong with a little TLC. Just think of all the amazing things we could still have if we hadn't left them to rot and scrap.

Thanks turtl, I just love that old technology as well. Even after a century it could still be going strong with a little TLC. Just think of all the amazing things we could still have if we hadn't left them to rot and scrap.
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