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Noble Donor
Omaha, Nebraska
What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This small building sits about 20 feet away from a city street, with a corn field behind it (yeah, there's a corn field in the middle of the city here) and a cemetery and residential neighborhood across the street. There are no other structures nearby on this side of the street. It has one door on the side facing the street, and one on an adjoining side. There's a louvered vent above each door. The doors are locked. On the back, there are two fairly large electrical boxes with largish conduits going into the ground. I've driven past it for years and finally decided to stop and take some pictures.

It looks to me like a restroom/outhouse sort of building, because of the two doors (men's and women's?) and the vents above the doors. I can't figure out why there would be one there, though. I've looked at historical aerial photos of the area from 1993, 1962 ans 1941, and there was never anything on that side of the street other than a field. Also, I can't figure out why a bathroom would need two large electrical boxes to power it.

Any guesses? Seen anything like it before?

The building:

This door has not been opened for a while:

The electrical boxes:

Best picture I could manage to take of the inside through a gap at the edge of one of the doors:
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
If the building is in the country, it could be a well pumping house. I dunno, just my best guess.
Manteca, Ca
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
My guess would be a city water or sewer pump building. We have them out here and they look a lot like your pictures. The heavy electrical connection is for the pump motors.
On the Road to Wellville
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Lots of conduit and two doors sounds like a old military demarc. Where the military phone and data lines connect to a civilian network like AT&T.

There are two doors because one side of the interior would be the military maintained and the other would be civilian maintained.

These are usually a good distance from the actual military installation. The reason being, that if the installation takes a direct hit, this critical point in the communications link to the outside world, would not be affected.
Noble Donor
Omaha, Nebraska
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Radio2600
Lots of conduit and two doors sounds like a old military demarc. Where the military phone and data lines connect to a civilian network like AT&T.

There are two doors because one side of the interior would be the military maintained and the other would be civilian maintained.

These are usually a good distance from the actual military installation. The reason being, that if the installation takes a direct hit, this critical point in the communications link to the outside world, would not be affected.

This makes a lot of sense to me. The building is in Omaha, NE, which is reasonably close to Offutt AFB, some missile silos, and some sort of installation with a bunch of strange antennas.

Area 51A
INTRUDER ALERT! "I only came to dance." -Combichrist
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The question we should be asking is what's below that cleverly disguised "corn field"?

I'm a conspiracy junkie.
[last edit 5/8/2014 3:47 PM by A Through Z Explorations - edited 1 times]
On the Road to Wellville
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by A Through Z Explorations
The question we should be asking is what's below that cleverly disguised "corn field"?

I'm a conspiracy junkie.

In NY, there was a large park with several soccer fields that was owned by the DoD, but was not part of a military installation. That park had a chain link fence around it with signs that read "photography prohibited" about every 100 or so feet. Although there was nothing there to photgraph other than grass and a few soccer goals.

One day in the early 1970's, a 10 foot high plywood fence went up (so you couldn't see into what was going on there) around some of that park and heavy construction went on there for 2 yeras.

When the fence came down, nothing changed from what the park looked like when the fence went up.

Over 40 years have passed since the plywood fence came down and still nothing stands in the area where the fence was, but the rest of the park has been built over.

Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Haha, that's right by my house, I never noticed it much really, but I do wonder about those big circular odd-shaped buildings a little further down 132nd.
Area 51A
INTRUDER ALERT! "I only came to dance." -Combichrist
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Radio2600


How did I ever miss that reply from you early in the year?
That link takes me to an empty site (or it's probably not compatible on my phone).
What is it???
Washington, District of Corruption
I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their views.
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
You're 100% correct.

Posted by Radio2600
Lots of conduit and two doors sounds like a old military demarc. Where the military phone and data lines connect to a civilian network like AT&T.

There are two doors because one side of the interior would be the military maintained and the other would be civilian maintained.

These are usually a good distance from the actual military installation. The reason being, that if the installation takes a direct hit, this critical point in the communications link to the outside world, would not be affected.

Noble Donor
Omaha, Nebraska
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Dominus
Haha, that's right by my house, I never noticed it much really, but I do wonder about those big circular odd-shaped buildings a little further down 132nd.

I'm pretty sure they store drinking water for MUD.
West Hollywood, CA
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Radio2600

In NY, there was a large park with several soccer fields that was owned by the DoD, but was not part of a military installation. That park had a chain link fence around it with signs that read "photography prohibited" about every 100 or so feet. Although there was nothing there to photgraph other than grass and a few soccer goals.

One day in the early 1970's, a 10 foot high plywood fence went up (so you couldn't see into what was going on there) around some of that park and heavy construction went on there for 2 yeras.

When the fence came down, nothing changed from what the park looked like when the fence went up.

Over 40 years have passed since the plywood fence came down and still nothing stands in the area where the fence was, but the rest of the park has been built over.


Fascinating. Did you ever manage to find out more info about what's going on there?
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
bump, i wanna hear more about the field, and how we all suspect an underground facility somewhere
Provvy-Prov, Rhode Island
www.mycophagia.c om
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Obviously, it was placed there by the Illuminati.
Noble Donor
Omaha, Nebraska
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Radio2600
One day in the early 1970's, a 10 foot high plywood fence went up (so you couldn't see into what was going on there) around some of that park and heavy construction went on there for 2 yeras.

When the fence came down, nothing changed from what the park looked like when the fence went up.

Maybe it was something like an AT&T "Project Office"
Jersey City
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
For some reason tho photos won't show on my work computer. Is it near Boys Town?
Kansas City, KS
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I have this ongoing thought in my head.

One day I am going to be poking about some abandoned building or walking through some random field (much like this one) and I'm just going to black out.

Upon awakening I will find myself in a cell or a cage or being drug down some hallway in some black site.

Thus begins my life of being a government test subject or brain washing for the secret soldier program or some other random master level conspiracy concept.

This building might be conducive to this type of happening.
On the Road to Wellville
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Jimplicit

Fascinating. Did you ever manage to find out more info about what's going on there?

Only took 3 years to respond.

No actually. The hypothesis is either:

1. Whatever was put there, is still there.

2. The heavy construction in the early 1970's was to REMOVE something and there's nothing there.

The last check of property records still show that the property is still owned by the US Navy, but the fences and ominous signs are long gone. The property not changing ownership and not being redeveloped after nearly 50 years later makes #1 a real possibility.

Any more, there are lots of high-powered munitions that can penetrate even the most hardened bunkers, so keeping the locations secret plays heavily into their protective nature.

Whether there is something there or not, is purely conjecture and it has no obvious entry point or surface features.

About 10 mikes to the West is what is lovingly referred to as the "Führerbunker" and contains the Nassau County Police and Fire Dispatch Center as well as the regional Civil Defense office. That location is well known and easy to spot on the surface. The mysterious "brick shithouse" in the parking lot behind police HQ is the only indication that it exists.
Noble Donor
Omaha, Nebraska
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by WestOhooligan
For some reason tho photos won't show on my work computer. Is it near Boys Town?

Yes, it's on 132nd adjacent to the Boys Town agricultural fields.
Atlanta & Bay Area
No snitching...
Re: What is this little building?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It looks like it that has to do with some water. A lot of times pipes will be housed under a fake rock or in a small shack like that just so they aren't such an eye sore and they are somewhat hidden from most people.
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