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Infiltration Forums > Journal Index > The fall of the house of Usher. > Risk(Viewed 1201 times)
entry by CaptOrbit 
3/21/2011 7:10 AM

I have been caught at a few sites and asked to leave, but that is it. That is not a coincidence, it is a result of careful planing and preparation. I also follow a fairly strict set of rules that say I don't talk to people about secure locations.
Well you have to tell your friends right? No, I don't, not about sensitive sites, and it's for the same reason I don't loan out tools. I've had "friends" that I've known for years turn on me in the course of day, and besides I go exploring for me, not them.

If anything else more serious (LEO related especially) ever happened to me, I personally accept that it will have been no one's fault but my own.

I failed to adequately plan and/or prepare.
I trusted someone I shouldn't have.
I was careless on-site. or... none of the above,
I just rolled the dice and lost, and I am constantly aware that losing is always a possibility when you gamble.

I can't speculate on the motives of any given "rat" all I can say is that if it happens to me, I myself will share an equal part of the blame for having allowed it to happen.*

*Opinions expressed above do not necessarily reflect you the readers mindset, personal values or ethics. I also in no way express or imply that anyone else need conduct themselves in this manner. They are simply guidelines set up for my personal use and direction.

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Infiltration Forums > Journal Index > The fall of the house of Usher. > Risk(Viewed 1201 times)

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