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Infiltration Forums > World > Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan) (Viewed 4386 times)
illuge   location:
Bay Area
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Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
< on 6/8/2020 9:06 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
I’ve been inactive for a while, but here I am, rising from the ashes with some original content. I spent about half a year living in Japan, and I have some good stuff to share. First off, a hidden water park up in the Kyoto mountains.

The entrance from the street, protected by steel poles. The sign has been painted over and is barely readable.

Bizarrely, there are (at least) two living koi in the pond.

There are collapsed remnants of an equally exciting museum across the street from the park. It’s been in this state for over 20 years, and I’ve heard anecdotal collapse-related concerns from neighbors.

Looking at Google Maps, the stairs seem have been demolished towards the end of last year. The main building is still standing.

Zen_Compass      |   | 
Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 1 on 6/12/2020 12:46 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
I hope to get back to Japan and explore more haikyo! Nice pictures!

illuge   location:
Bay Area
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Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 2 on 6/12/2020 8:04 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
Posted by Zen_Compass
I hope to get back to Japan and explore more haikyo! Nice pictures!

Thank you, and same here! I can't wait to go back as soon as everything settles down.

If we ever cross paths geographically, hit me up - I'd love to link up with more explorers in Japan.

Emperor Wang   location:
On an island, in a river
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Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 3 on 6/14/2020 10:21 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
Nice stuff. The overgrowth on the staircase of the slide is awesome.

It's great to be alive!
Whyshy   location:
Halifax NS
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Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 4 on 6/15/2020 6:11 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
Still fish in the pond im surprised by that

Zen_Compass      |   | 
Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 5 on 6/17/2020 11:26 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
Posted by illuge

Thank you, and same here! I can't wait to go back as soon as everything settles down.

If we ever cross paths geographically, hit me up - I'd love to link up with more explorers in Japan.

If you are ever in Korea, hit me up. There's a lot to see here!

The fish reminds me of the long-abandoned Nam Gwang Hospital in Gwangju, South Korea. The pond was somehow a thriving home for lots of koi fish.

Gakuranman   location:
Tokyo, Japan
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Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 6 on 9/16/2020 11:10 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
Same. Been inactive for ages an decided to pop in. Amazed to see this place still looks exactly the same. And that the site still works!

Don't think I've actually visited this one in Kyoto yet. It looks pretty decent though!

MysteriousExpedition   location:
Chicago, Illinois
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Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 7 on 9/23/2020 2:34 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
Love this! Take me with you! :'(

Whyshy   location:
Halifax NS
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Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 8 on 9/27/2020 2:21 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
The stairs in pic 9 look safe to traverse to me haha lol. I assume everything inside the buildings was removed n they were completely empty?

Giri Giri      |   | 
Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 9 on 3/24/2021 3:50 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
I started my urbex life in Japan and lived near Kyoto! This is one site I didn't get to but I'll have to visit when I'm back for work. I plan to share my photos from nearby Nara Dreamland (pre-demolished ones) in the near future. So much good stuff in Japan...

Ruins-the-Moment   location:
Fremont, CA (East Bay Area)
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Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 10 on 1/11/2022 7:56 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
Posted by illuge

Thank you, and same here! I can't wait to go back as soon as everything settles down.

If we ever cross paths geographically, hit me up - I'd love to link up with more explorers in Japan.

Oh man I wonder if it's still standing around. Gotta go satellite map searching now.

Really hoping to go back to Japan for a 3rd visit in Dec.

Posted by Zen_Compass

If you are ever in Korea, hit me up. There's a lot to see here!

The fish reminds me of the long-abandoned Nam Gwang Hospital in Gwangju, South Korea. The pond was somehow a thriving home for lots of koi fish.

If I do Japan, I'll also be going over to South Korea for a few days! :v
I'll be staying with a friend in Seoul... not sure if he'd want to remotely try to go to an abandoned place with me, esp given he is Korean and can't just - dumb foreigner away trouble haha

YoelT   location:
Viet Nam
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Re: Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan)
<Reply # 11 on 1/15/2022 2:26 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER Forum Quote
Ooh this is really nice! Love all the vegetation. And the boat!
Infiltration Forums > World > Water Park and Museum (Kyoto, Japan) (Viewed 4386 times)

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