Posted by ACA83 Sewer or a storm drain? I wonder where it runs. |
do we even have storm drains downtown? isn't it all combined sewers in the core? Don't quote me on that though I'm not actually positive. Also not positive, and not to sound like captain obvious but I would guess it goes to the river lol
On another note though.. two more weeks!
Posted by dirtyw0rld do we even have storm drains downtown? isn't it all combined sewers in the core? Don't quote me on that though I'm not actually positive. Also not positive, and not to sound like captain obvious but I would guess it goes to the river lol On another note though.. two more weeks! |
I think you might be right. Now its got me wondering how all of winnipegs sewer system is run.
its a sewage one that runs up mcdermot pritty massiv i think its around 12feet in diamiter
theres some storm water only ones that were put in the last few decades and such be surprized whats under our feet....
theres some storm water only ones that were put in the last few decades and such be surprized whats under our feet....
[last edit 2/22/2014 8:13 AM by 1ajs - edited 2 times]
Posted by ACA83 Now its got me wondering how all of winnipegs sewer system is run. |
Theres a map available somewhere online that shows the combined sewers and the out flows into the river. Some city report I remember seeing a while back
Posted by 1ajs be surprized whats under our feet.... |
I love whats under my feet....
[last edit 2/23/2014 8:51 PM by dirtyw0rld - edited 1 times]
He means like if you decided string and paper cups were the next big thing in communication, you could probably go to the city and get maps of the other utilities in the city and see if its feasible to run a string and paper cup network throughout the city using homeless people as long distance repeaters, and also so you could run them underground in an echo chamber without cutting into the cities main fiber optic lines.
Posted by ACA83 He means like if you decided string and paper cups were the next big thing in communication, you could probably go to the city and get maps of the other utilities in the city and see if its feasible to run a string and paper cup network throughout the city using homeless people as long distance repeaters, and also so you could run them underground in an echo chamber without cutting into the cities main fiber optic lines. |
Yeah, what he said....

[last edit 2/27/2014 1:08 AM by 1ajs - edited 1 times]
Anyone here into climbing? I know curiousgeorge an iagox are/were, but they're moved away/not really around anymore. Since there isn't really much interesting stuff in wpg anymore that's worth doing (opinion), and my interests have changed, I'm really just looking for things to climb. A few things I climbed I the past that I'd like to check out again, and open to hearing new ideas. Anyhow, message me if you want to chat. Up for buildings or structures, or if anyone else goes/wants to come to vertical adventures and hang out there, I'm there once or twice a week
You can buy a good set of bump keys for $25...if you don't feel like making your own. Finding the right bump hammer is the hardest part..
You need it to get into YOUR attic, right?
You need it to get into YOUR attic, right?

[last edit 4/2/2014 11:39 PM by sentry - edited 1 times]
Hey what's up Winnipeg?
I'm new to the site and looking to meet up with some people or at least talk to somebody about checking out some areas that may be of interest.
Still waiting for the weather to dry up to start going out exploring and taking pictures. It's starting to look nice out so the wait can't be much longer.
I'm based in the north end area, and I'm always looking for spots to check out and people to meet. Would appreciate any response
Take care, best if luck to you all!
I'm new to the site and looking to meet up with some people or at least talk to somebody about checking out some areas that may be of interest.
Still waiting for the weather to dry up to start going out exploring and taking pictures. It's starting to look nice out so the wait can't be much longer.
I'm based in the north end area, and I'm always looking for spots to check out and people to meet. Would appreciate any response
Take care, best if luck to you all!
Posted by A5yk0n3 Hey what's up Winnipeg? I'm new to the site and looking to meet up with some people or at least talk to somebody about checking out some areas that may be of interest. Still waiting for the weather to dry up to start going out exploring and taking pictures. It's starting to look nice out so the wait can't be much longer. I'm based in the north end area, and I'm always looking for spots to check out and people to meet. Would appreciate any response Take care, best if luck to you all! |
You don't need nice weather to explore....
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