Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheJok3r

is it like an old bellhop elevator? found one of those in another building too

theres an elevator in the grain exchange that starts in the basement and goes deeper just sitting there
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Wow its been awhile since Ive been on here, haven`t gone exploring at all lately either

Those tunnels have always peaked my interest, would love to get lost in the red river tunnels one of these days.

Had a chance to scout around while driving today.

There`s a school being torn down, easy access but its close to a main road and I have a feeling the locals are not the friendliest. Perfect place to toss on some construction clothing.

Also, anyone tried the cellulose plant? Saw some activity outside of it during the day, but I have a feeling its another easy one. Only thing is it could be risky for asbestos.

Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
hydro sold the tunnels to mts btw who was given them when they bought wpg hydro witch used them to run fibor lines
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by big rudy

Also, anyone tried the cellulose plant? Saw some activity outside of it during the day, but I have a feeling its another easy one. Only thing is it could be risky for asbestos.

...zeeeees onneeeee?



Straight outta New Bedlam
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by big rudy
Also, anyone tried the cellulose plant? Saw some activity outside of it during the day, but I have a feeling its another easy one. Only thing is it could be risky for asbestos.

Its being used for storage by the re-store.
Buy the ticket, take the ride
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheJok3r

is it like an old bellhop elevator? found one of those in another building too

Yea, it has one of those sliding metal doors that you have to close manually.
Look behind you
I'd do you for a klondike bar
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It's been so long since I posted - I miss you guys and the scene, how's it going? I'll try to give advanced notice for when I'm back in town so we can get together -ajs, etc. Curious will be there in a few weeks, you should pm him. <3
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Aca83, its hard to say. It looks similair, but theres a few details that its missing. Its next to an old rail line, and surrounded by a fence with signs that read "hazard - natural gas" or something of that nature.
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by big rudy
Aca83, its hard to say. It looks similair, but theres a few details that its missing. Its next to an old rail line, and surrounded by a fence with signs that read "hazard - natural gas" or something of that nature.

I believe he's got the right one. Checks out on google maps
Winnipeg :D
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Curious_George

Its being used for storage by the re-store.

Too bad :/, It looks pretty awesome! would love to check it out.
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It's pretty active now, like CG said somebody's using the yard. Never used to have that fence either. But even then, people were frequently using the place.
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
R.I.P. Michel cop

Winnipeg :D
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Does anyone have any history about that building that I can read into?
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by EasySnipe
Does anyone have any history about that building that I can read into?
Look behind you
I'd do you for a klondike bar
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Saw MC in person a couple days ago and was surprised how sad it made me CG and I had one of our first dates there, on the roof, dancing to the club music from down the street.
F-ing dangerous building but it was damn fun. *sigh*
I'm thinking of having an explorer's meet and greet bbq where I'm staying, anybody free? Would be nice to see the new faces come out
Look behind you
I'd do you for a klondike bar
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
OOOOOO actually the new Batman film comes out this weekend at imax - I think they're doing midnight showings, we could have a bbq at my place then go to the movie together!!
(Everybody say yes)
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hey everyone, saw this site a while ago, signed up, then promptly forgot about it. Me and my buddy went and explored that old bakery/factory, and it reminded me of here. It's an awesome site, I just wish there was more abandonments in Winnipeg = /. BTW have any of you guys checked out that apartment on portage before the sealed it all up? It was pretty awesome.
Look behind you
I'd do you for a klondike bar
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Potata
Hey everyone, saw this site a while ago, signed up, then promptly forgot about it. Me and my buddy went and explored that old bakery/factory, and it reminded me of here. It's an awesome site, I just wish there was more abandonments in Winnipeg = /. BTW have any of you guys checked out that apartment on portage before the sealed it all up? It was pretty awesome.

you explored the bakery?

Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Sadly my buddy that I explored it with has all the pics, and he's off the continent right now. I will post them up when he gets back in 5 days. I think it was a bakery since it had signs regarding hygiene standards and something to do with packing bread crumbs. It was pretty big with two conjoined buildings, four storeys and a basement. I do remember hearing that it was abandoned in the 70s.
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