Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
avoiud the chemical one. its a gateway industries property and theres high police presence in the area plus it is alarmed. and has several tenits in it

i've been in and had a tour the proper way its neat but yea inless u can get somone who works there to show u around avoid

yellow wherehouse is know its being demolished sadly.

the others are not nessarly abandoned
[last edit 12/22/2011 6:36 AM by 1ajs - edited 2 times]
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Also, I know you're new on here and you don't know any better (we all lived through that too) but it's a good thing NOT to post addresses or locations of abandonments on the forum. Everybody has access to seeing the forum. The best way is just to PM a user, that way it's more private and it limits the amount of vandalism that can occur if the wrong person comes across the forum. But other than that, welcome to UER! Happy Holidays and yeah, hit me up if you wanna check out some abandoned places!

Oh and yes on that note...

Happy Holidays everyone! Best of luck in the year when the World ends!
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks for the heads up, I was wondering about that to be honest, but didn't see it mentioned in the rules. If you guys want me to edit that last post and make it more vague, I'll gladly do so. Thanks for the tips man, I'll be sure to hit you up sometime soon, maybe you can show me some cool stuff. I'm thinking of going out tonight, probably too late to organize anything though, so I'll just go solo.
And Merry Christmas/etc to you all, hope you're getting out lots over break, that's what I'm trying to do
[last edit 12/22/2011 11:28 PM by TheJok3r - edited 1 times]
Seattle, WA
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheJok3r
Thanks for the heads up, I was wondering about that to be honest, but didn't see it mentioned in the rules. If you guys want me to edit that last post and make it more vague, I'll gladly do so. Thanks for the tips man, I'll be sure to hit you up sometime soon, maybe you can show me some cool stuff. I'm thinking of going out tonight, probably too late to organize anything though, so I'll just go solo.
And Merry Christmas/etc to you all, hope you're getting out lots over break, that's what I'm trying to do

Yeah, it'd be best to edit out details.

Good luck tonight! I haven't been out in awhile, almost tempted to join, but I dunno..
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by iagox86

Yeah, it'd be best to edit out details.

Good luck tonight! I haven't been out in awhile, almost tempted to join, but I dunno..

Can't edit posts after 24 hours after post, any way around this or anything? Hope I haven't caused too much of a problem with this on my first post haha
Seattle, WA
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheJok3r

Can't edit posts after 24 hours after post, any way around this or anything? Hope I haven't caused too much of a problem with this on my first post haha

Eh, no big deal.

I PMed you my contact info. I don't really have any plans during the next week, feel free to hit me up.
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
WWaaaaaaaaaant aaaaa pllaaaaaneeee thatttt loooooooooooops thaaaaaaa looooooo, mmeeeeee IIIIIII wannnnnnnt aaaaaa huuuuuuuuullaaaaa hooooooop.

Merry Christmas everyone. Don't get arrested for Christmas!
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I remember reading a while ago that someone was thinking of checking out the semi-abandoned military base at grant and kenaston. If anyone its still interested in that place, I have the contact info for the guy you'd need to talk to to get a permit to go in for photography purposes. No promises on whether our not you'd get the permit (i haven't tried) but if you want to try, let me know, I'll forward you the info.
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheJok3r
I remember reading a while ago that someone was thinking of checking out the semi-abandoned military base at grant and kenaston. If anyone its still interested in that place, I have the contact info for the guy you'd need to talk to to get a permit to go in for photography purposes. No promises on whether our not you'd get the permit (i haven't tried) but if you want to try, let me know, I'll forward you the info.

You have NO chance exploring that. PM for more info. Plus, the buildings are all gutted and boring.
Seattle, WA
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by R426
You have NO chance exploring that. PM for more info. Plus, the buildings are all gutted and boring.

Sounds like a challenge to me!
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by iagox86

Sounds like a challenge to me!

Haha, if you're able to outrun the military police, city police and police helicopter, I'll be impressed. Has anybody else ever noticed that "cop" is within helicopter??
Seattle, WA
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by R426
Haha, if you're able to outrun the military police, city police and police helicopter, I'll be impressed. Has anybody else ever noticed that "cop" is within helicopter??

I have contact info for somebody who has authority at the base. If I can come up with a good enough pretext... >: )
[last edit 12/27/2011 4:57 AM by iagox86 - edited 1 times]
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
perhaps someone should audit the building for securness and tell the owner what he could do to keep people out
Seattle, WA
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by R426
No comment to that really. I mean, how do we know for sure nobody saw us getting in? It WAS pretty obvious, plus the whole woman and dog thing. I'm sure she saw us while she was pulling up.

*shrug* who knows?

In any case, I'm glad we did it.

On another topic, me and MCRex met TheJok3r last night. He's a cool guy, doesn't afraid of anything.
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by iagox86

*shrug* who knows?

In any case, I'm glad we did it.

On another topic, me and MCRex met TheJok3r last night. He's a cool guy, doesn't afraid of anything.

Thanks again man, it was a good time, I told my brother about it, he wants me to take him there soon (see iagox's pics on page one for said location). I can't wait to get out some more. I came up with a few more ideas today of places I'm gonna check out in the next week or so, I'll keep you updated/maybe grab some pics if I find anything cool.
Seattle, WA
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheJok3r

Thanks again man, it was a good time, I told my brother about it, he wants me to take him there soon (see iagox's pics on page one for said location). I can't wait to get out some more. I came up with a few more ideas today of places I'm gonna check out in the next week or so, I'll keep you updated/maybe grab some pics if I find anything cool.

I messed up my shoulder yesterday, so I'm gonna keep away from anything exerting for a couple weeks. Keep me posted on anything interesting you find, though!
[last edit 12/31/2011 12:56 AM by iagox86 - edited 1 times]
Look behind you
I'd do you for a klondike bar
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
okay so I've been gone for a few days, I come back and the first post I see has a shit tonne of info in it - I know he can't change it now, but srsly, not one of you got a mod? -_-'
Fixing now.

Welcome, new-comer. Fresh meat is awesome.
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Yield
okay so I've been gone for a few days, I come back and the first post I see has a shit tonne of info in it - I know he can't change it now, but srsly, not one of you got a mod? -_-'
Fixing now.

Welcome, new-comer. Fresh meat is awesome.

Who cares. This isn't a secret society. If you travel anywhere in the city you'll find abandoned shit.
Seattle, WA
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ACA83

Who cares. This isn't a secret society. If you travel anywhere in the city you'll find abandoned shit.

The concern is about helping with vandalism, arson, etc. We don't wanna make it easier for the assholes.
Re: Winnipeg UE Part 2
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ACA83

Who cares. This isn't a secret society. If you travel anywhere in the city you'll find abandoned shit.

Last time I checked, urban exploration is secret within itself no? "Urban Exploration: The act of exploring places you shouldn't be"

Also, I highly doubt you can just start talking about exploring an abandoned building in 7-11 or Wal-Mart or at the dinner table... Just saying yo, why do you think we use screen names and not our real names Mr. ACA83? LOL
[last edit 1/5/2012 9:31 PM by R426 - edited 3 times]
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