Second try... the third try will be THE ONE!
Today as it was my free day from job I had planned a solo ue marathon. Going to my favourite places in a period of 12-14 hours and documenting the places for the UE DB (at wich I have access now! yey!).
unfortunately I had a friend tag along. :\
I had planned to:
- borrow a good camera
- start the exploration at 5 AM and end it a 5 PM - 7 AM
- cover a huge area of my city
I settled with:
- my friend's lame camera wich had the "date in the corner" option turned on L-)
- starting the exploration at 2 PM and ending it at 6 PM (due to him feeling "ill")
- covering a tiny little portion of what I had planned

I did get some lame shots of some drains/flooded tunnels/sewers wich I plan to explore as soon as I get my hands on some toe to armpit waders and mask (for mold mostly). Other than that today was a very good day... wasted.

So, here are the few shots I got today:

Entering the "sealed" drain (some belive that is an ancient drain, I have my doubts)

View from inside the drain (from the left):

View from the right (it's flooded alright):

Clearing the entrance to reveal the stink of the sewer:

I didn't step inside this one lol (photo taken from the entrance)

(notice the lame date mark....ahhhh....who keeps that on their camera anymore??!)

P.S. today (next day after this post was created) I got time to upload and test the UE DB. I've added the pics I've taken on the way home in 20 minutes in an abandoned house overlooking the Tomis harbour. Here's the link:
I'd like to delete this location when I get my new camera and start it from scratch - anybody know how that can be done? In any case enjoy these low quality photos until than.
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[last edit 1/31/2007 7:04 PM by EXElent - edited 1 times]
Comments: (use Reply to add a comment)
I'm way too old for this shit.
Re: Second try... the third try will be THE ONE!
Posted on Forum: Infiltration Forums
Those house pictures are god-damned great. Not too sure about this tunnels full of what looks like solidified crap
Re: Second try... the third try will be THE ONE!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by BLinAZ
Not too sure about this tunnels full of what looks like solidified crap

Well, it IS semi solidified crap!) What would you expect from a sewer for a couple of houses (I think it's just for a couple of house or the crap wouldn't have time to solidify) ?
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