Hello and welcome. I'm not sure how many people from even Texas in general are still active on this site, from what I can tell it's only me and a couple of others. One thing to note is uer does frown upon asking for locations and finding them is part of the hobby. With that being said there are plenty of resources on Google you can use to find at least one or two spots in the DFW. Good luck on your adventures!
I'm still around (DFW). I've been here for a long time but I haven't logged into UER for a while. I took break from exploring for a few reasons, but these last few months I've been exploring more. Hopefully I'll stop by here more often. Honestly, I don't even know who's active on here anymore, or I'd try to steer you in the right direction.
I've never really been Active on here, but still know several people in the area (And Houston) that Explore, and that I've went with. I've always mostly organized with people I know through discord, and have a lot of the randos (Almost all people I met in Valley View) we've ran into Exploring added on there. I will definitely say that there's a major Generational Gap between people that used, and still use UER, and the people you see in most UE discord servers though
DFW here. It's been quiet lately. There is a youtuber that has been posting some things, his video exploring the underground dart tunnels is good. Just not always the best practices. Can find his channel jct3562.
I haven't been really active lately, just too much risk the older I get.
I haven't been really active lately, just too much risk the older I get.
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