Is Picher Worth the Trip?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Recently moved to OK for college, and was looking to start exploring again. I know that Picher used to be a really cool town to explore but I've heard that about 90% of the buildings there are gone, is it still worth making the trip to check it out?
Northeast Ohio
Re: Is Picher Worth the Trip?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I recently visited Picher while passing through on a road trip. Most of the buildings are gone but there is still a bit left to see. I wasn't exceptionally thorough because I didn't have a lot of time but I did find one abandoned house that had some stuff left behind. I guess whether it's worth it depends on what you're looking for and how close you are.
human world
Re: Is Picher Worth the Trip?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Ernesthemmingway
Recently moved to OK for college, and was looking to start exploring again. I know that Picher used to be a really cool town to explore but I've heard that about 90% of the buildings there are gone, is it still worth making the trip to check it out?

whereabouts in oklahoma? i moved here recently as well and have been considering a picher trip. even if most of the buildings are gone id still love to snoop around and see the remains
Re: Is Picher Worth the Trip?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by BloodBoss

whereabouts in oklahoma? i moved here recently as well and have been considering a picher trip. even if most of the buildings are gone id still love to snoop around and see the remains

Just the Stillwater area, there's not a ton here so I've just been searching for other places and Picher came up, I think its about a 2 hour drive from me. I wont be able to go for the next couple weekends but after Lets def plan a trip out there.
Fort Worth
Re: Is Picher Worth the Trip?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I went there many years ago and while it was kind of fun, even back then there wasn't a lot there. Now I hear there is even less.
Re: Is Picher Worth the Trip?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by cowtownclimber
I went there many years ago and while it was kind of fun, even back then there wasn't a lot there. Now I hear there is even less.

Yea I've done some snooping around on google earth and couldn't really find anything noteworthy, as well as some older posts but that's it.

Edit- If I end up going, I'll take some pics and update the location.
[last edit 10/19/2022 4:39 PM by Ernesthemmingway - edited 1 times]
west county
Re: Is Picher Worth the Trip?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Yes. Go.
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: Is Picher Worth the Trip?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I know this is an old thread, but I was in Picher a couple years ago and almost everything was torn down since I had been there before that. If you already live in Oklahoma it might be worth a trip (I kinda doubt it tho, depends on where in Oklahoma you are). However, there are other things nearby that might be more interesting. If I were you I would research a town called Vinita (can’t remember how to spell it) OK, not too far from Picher and it had some gems when I was there last.

*The EPA, however, did recently include the town that neighbors pitcher on the north side of the state border on the superfund list, so there might be some newer items on that side of the OK border. That’s just a guess though. I think the town is called Treece? Something like that.*
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