San Antonio
Wowee wee
New to Denton
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hey there,

With the university semester starting and with a new city and a whole lot of new boredom has come to light.

I've been into urbex in San Antonio for the past year and this interest in the abandoned has traveled with me and I would love to hear about what there is to know about urbex in Denton as well as a few tips and tricks with the area.
Looking foreword to exploring soon!

Re: New to Denton
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I’d say careful on fry street and keep your head on a swivel but that’s just common sense. As far as exploring, easy spots are available on google. Campus cops aren’t too observant, don’t speed on bicycles on campus though. I hope some of this helps.
Dallas, Texas
serenity now, insanity later
Re: New to Denton
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
There are some good places up there, campus definitely has some interesting spots. A lot of good industrial steam "tunnels" run through campus, Denton has an interesting vibe to it. I know of some interesting abandoned buildings a bit west of denton heading near ponder.
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: New to Denton
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Use caution if you happen across the old missile base over there. The guy that bought the property is a gun nut and from what a friend told me in his unpleasant encounter with him, not a very stable individual. I don’t know of anyone that has explored that location in several years now.
I don’t make it out to Denton as much anymore, but there are a lot of cool farms west of I-35 and even some time capsules if you’re willing to spend a lot of time looking for them.

Edit: if industrial abandonment is more your thing, I’d suggest driving the extra 30 minutes or so to Fort Worth. Not as much lately, but still lots of stuff to explore in Funky Town.
[last edit 11/10/2022 12:26 AM by Dee Ashley - edited 1 times]
Re: New to Denton
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Old Alton bridge West of town...remnants of what used to be there and was once the county seat before Denton....havent been there yet..but have seen a little just driving by.

Please check out my other endeavors

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[last edit 12/23/2022 7:28 PM by Kelmaur - edited 2 times]
Texas, Dallas
Re: New to Denton
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Around the frisco area, many creeks and 6 x 12 tunnels with interesting construction all tucked away.
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