Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Obsoletion Station
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
On the way between Kansas City and Denver last month, I stumbled across an abandoned gas station in central Kansas. No big writeup here, there's not enough history to write one. Just the remnants of an old gas station on the lonely prairie.

This station was truly in the middle of nowhere, with nothing around but the highway, tallgrass, and windmills as far as the eye could see. There was something poetic about an abandoned relic of the fossil fuels industry surrounded by the windmills of the green energy industry though.

Austin, TX
Nothing to see here.
Re: Obsoletion Station
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I actually really enjoy that second shot. Something about the blue sky and green grass contrasting with all the white of the signs and the turbines.
Seattle + Bay Area
It's only a matter of time..
Re: Obsoletion Station
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Great shots Aran!
Re: Obsoletion Station
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
wondering how much gas was going for when this place closed down
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