New to UE (Dallas)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hi everyone! I'm new to this and have mostly been finding locations and exploring on my own - I'd love any tips or company!

I'm also interested in learning photography so if you have any critiques/feedback I'd appreciate that as well!

Here are some of the places I've explored so far:

The bum tunnels

448570.jpg (90 kb, 643x875)
click to view

448571.jpg (98 kb, 593x756)
click to view

A warehouse in South Dallas

448572.jpg (72 kb, 626x250)
click to view

448574.jpg (99 kb, 461x346)
click to view

Rowlet Creek Trestle

448575.jpg (93 kb, 384x515)
click to view

448576.jpg (60 kb, 327x449)
click to view

I wanted to post more photos from more locations, but I'm having a really hard time getting my photos down to the <100k size limit (they're all around 3-5Mb currently) If anyone has a tool or advice on how to do this, please let me know!
Fort Worth, TX
Re: New to UE (Dallas)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hey brother. Which part of Dallas are you from? I'm from sorta-south Fort Worth myself but I've gone to a similar drain pipe in a Dallas park. I'm still figuring out how to catalog things on here myself, find locations I -know- are on here somewhere (Ellis Pecan Co. building, etc.)...
448584.jpg (99 kb, 649x802)
click to view

Dallas, Texas
serenity now, insanity later
Re: New to UE (Dallas)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Rowlett Creek trestle was a classic smoke spot back in my high school days. Good posts, hope to see you explore some more around the area.
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: New to UE (Dallas)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Welcome to DFW!

I live next to DFW airport and have been pretty active around here since 2014 or 15. A lot of the local spots have been demolished or refurbished lately, but there are still a couple decent spots. I think I’ve been to the those drains you posted at the beginning of your post. It was great until a couple days later when I realized I had climbed through a ton of poison ivy... I had to drive to Utah the next day and I was absolutely miserable the whole way there, lol.
The photo resolution issue is a big pain in the ass and it’s been that way since I’ve been coming around here. Using a mobile device makes it even worse. There are a couple ways to make it work, I’ll add some links to some previous threads about it below:

I suggest doing a search for resolution or similar keyword in the search tab (left of screen) and seeing what else comes up if you’re still having issues. There are a ton of other people that have asked about uploading media to this site.

It’s always great seeing new locals come around. I look forward to seeing some photos and hearing about your exploring adventures!
"This gene pool could use a little chlorine."
Re: New to UE (Dallas)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by tarsonadams
Hi everyone! I'm new to this and have mostly been finding locations and exploring on my own - I'd love any tips or company!

I'm also interested in learning photography so if you have any critiques/feedback I'd appreciate that as well!

I wanted to post more photos from more locations, but I'm having a really hard time getting my photos down to the <100k size limit (they're all around 3-5Mb currently) If anyone has a tool or advice on how to do this, please let me know!

Hey Tarsonadams, welcome to UER

I use a free software program called fastone image resizer. Quick and simple and does batch resizing.
Dallas, Texas
serenity now, insanity later
Re: New to UE (Dallas)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Welcome to DFW, we have some cool places around here I hope you enjoy being here.
Dallas, Texas
serenity now, insanity later
Re: New to UE (Dallas)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Welcome to DFW, we have some cool places around here I hope you enjoy being here.
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