Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
In the countless hours of searching google maps, I've often followed the old rail lines and found some interesting bridges. Here are a few that I've found and one that has been well documented:

Location 1: BCRY (Barrie Collingwood Railway)

The abandoned section of the line starts at County Rd. 56 and proceeds west through Angus, north through New Lowell and stops in Stayner where it has been converted to a walking trail. This bridge is located in Angus and spans across the Nottawasaga River:




Location 2: McKinnon Ghost Town and Bridge

This location has been covered a few times on Ontario Abandoned Places but I found it searching Flickr. A user named "Lone Primate" covers a pile of cool (none trespassing) locations around the GTA and Southern Ontario. He does old bridges, abandoned streets/roads and paths all of which he walks in his bare feet. Not my idea of a good time but he seems to find some nice spots.

Anyway, the bridge is used by the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs and the trail was freshly groomed making for an easy walk. Others have mentioned that walking in the dead of summer is a bad idea:







Location 3: Hamilton and North-Western Railway (H&NW)

The H&NW ran north from Hamilton on the western end of Lake Ontario to Collingwood on Georgian Bay and Barrie on Lake Simcoe. The split was located north of Beeton. The line that went to Alliston and up to Collingwood was eaten up by land development and next to no trace can be found north of Alliston.

The line to Barrie has been repurposed to a multi-use / snowmobile trail from Cookstown onwards. The section south of Cookstown was left abandoned up until recently. It too has been converted to a multi-use trail.

A few decades ago, my Dad and I used to travel along the Beeton-Cookstown section to get to the OFSC trail. So, I decided to go back to this old bridge to see what it looked like. With the exception of the safety rails, it's pretty much the same:





I found these two studs while travelling between locations:



This was a super chill day for me as I didn't have the thought of getting busted in the back of my mind. Also, it was closer to home which allowed me to spend more time at each location.

I hope you enjoyed. Thanks!

Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
For 7&8, the ice really added something to the pictures. I Like the spots and shots!
[last edit 3/6/2021 3:07 PM by BoredFun27 - edited 1 times]
Ontario, Canada
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Mr. Nosey
I found these two studs while travelling between locations:

Haha! Quite the succinct description.

Very nice post and an interesting change-up.

Dream.. But Don't Sleep
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Awesome collection. Love how the snow adds to the shot. Here's a couple of my favorite bridges in Chatham..

This one is abandoned:

This one is still active:

Both are located by a location knows as "The Glue Factory"
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Ground State

Haha! Quite the succinct description.

Very nice post and an interesting change-up.

Why thank you kind sir!

I've been able to locate a few more larger bridges in Welland and the Cayuga area. It's quite the sight to see the forgotten/dismantled lines crisscrossing that area and heading down towards London. Lindsay was also a big rail hub but most have been turned into trails.

I will have more to add in the coming months.
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by samw1seg
Awesome collection. Love how the snow adds to the shot. Here's a couple of my favorite bridges in Chatham..

This one is abandoned:

This one is still active:

Both are located by a location knows as "The Glue Factory"

Thank you! I was struggling with the colors and "snow blindness." I took a pile of picks that just didn't work. I'm learning the hard way when it comes to light.

I really like your shots.... I would love to head that way but it would take 2.5 hours just to get there. Add in the travel time to different locations and it doesn't make it viable as a day trip. Once everyone is vaccinated, I may be more inclined to stay in a hotel and do a weekend trip to Chatham and Windsor. My ultimate goal is to be able to cross the boarder. Seems like they have a wealth of cool places.

Toronto, ON
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
@sam nice shots!

Love this post @MrNosey, good hunting indeed. Love #8!
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by theninjalobster
@sam nice shots!

Love this post @MrNosey, good hunting indeed. Love #8!

Thank you!

I was wearing moon boots because of the snow. Not the best for climbing but I managed to get the shot and get down. Next time I will have the proper attire.

0.506953, 73.450199
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Nice work man.... Old rail lines aren't just fun hikes to a cool bridge, they often turn up all kinds of interesting stuff along the hike. Love it!

You likely already use it, but just in case, I'll leave this here:
Shahre:'on Kaybec
Bonsoir et cest partie
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I get this, im glad when i was younger google earth didnt exist... i would have wasted so much time on there!
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by samw1seg
Awesome collection. Love how the snow adds to the shot. Here's a couple of my favorite bridges in Chatham..

This one is abandoned:

This one is still active:

Both are located by a location knows as "The Glue Factory"

Really cool pictures samw1seg!
Re: Bridge hunting
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by nostra-YOUPPI!
I get this, im glad when i was younger google earth didnt exist... i would have wasted so much time on there!

I truly am laughing because I just closed google maps because my eyes are throbbing. It's too addicting. I spend more time looking at maps than I do looking a women. Never thought that would happen.
Re: Bridge hunting (Day 2)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I think I'm hooked on forgotten rail bridges. Just got back from this one:




4. Green water:



7. My favorite because of the two different colors in the water being split by the bridge:

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