Anywhere in San Antonio?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hey, I moved down to SA from Chicago about a year ago and haven't gotten a chance to do any urbex since then... I don't know anyone out here who does any, and I don't know any good places. Almost feels like there aren't any. Anybody know anywhere good? Anything I should know that'd be different from what I'm used to in Chicago?
Smack dab in the middle of Texas
Best to not look back and see what follows
Re: Anywhere in San Antonio?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
San antonio has some great spots. Just keep your eyes open. Not to spill the beans on any locations. There is a fairly publicly known brewery thats closed down people like to frequent
San Antonio TX
Re: Anywhere in San Antonio?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
If you're into drains or creek bed infrastructure, there's plenty of dams and tunnels if you look around.
Las Vegas area
When in danger, when in doubt, RUN IN CIRCLES, SCREAM AND SHOUT!
Re: Anywhere in San Antonio?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Anyone willing to poke-around at San Antonio International Airport & investigate a building?

Probably a recently vacated federal or military operation with a hangar though it may still be in-use. It's not a super-secret squirrel site because the antennas on it's roof give-away the fact that it is/was US Gov't.

I'm just trying to figure out who the user was/is.

If anyone's game to investigate, please PM me.


San Antonio, TX
Re: Anywhere in San Antonio?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
There are tons of spots in San Antonio. With a couple of hours spent researching in the right places, you can find quite a few well-known spots around San Antonio to start exploring around here.
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