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New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hi All,

New to the site and can't wait to dive in and connect with the community. I've always been fascinated with discovering/exploring odd, forgotten places off the beaten path. Trying to get out as much as possible (state-wide) and document/photograph all that I can.

Currently living in Austin. Unfortunately, there aren't too many abandoned/vacant spots in the city or nearby worth spending time on -- in my opinion at least. I've done the Zoo, and yeaaah..that's about it these days. Planning on spending the next few weekends either in Houston or San Antonio to check out some new spots. Had plenty of time to research new locations over the past 3 days waiting the 72 hr period to post lol

Just a two-man crew (the wife & I), but if you're in the area we'd love for folks to join us. Or if you guys have any recommendations (not asking for specific locations, necessarily) or tips for good areas around TX I'm all ears!

I'm here to make wavy eyebrows and climb on stuff
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hi Nathannno, and welcome to UER!

There's quite a handful of active explorers in Austin and the DFW, and myself in Houston.

You might have a better response getting folks to join you if you first make a photo post or two as a token of trust.

Make sure to read the FAQ, and have a bit of patience as the forums can move kind of slow at times. But I assure you there's quality explorers to be met in your region here

P.S. Have we spoken on instagram? Just wondering from contextual clues. Could be mistaken though!
Chicagoland/Sometimes Austin
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hey! Not super often that a local shows up here but it happens I guess. Like Dan said, there are a few of us. While there may not be a whole lot of local spots, there's definitely plenty to see in many parts of the state, close and far. Very happy to have a new local member!
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by AdventureDan
Hi Nathannno, and welcome to UER!

There's quite a handful of active explorers in Austin and the DFW, and myself in Houston.

You might have a better response getting folks to join you if you first make a photo post or two as a token of trust.

Make sure to read the FAQ, and have a bit of patience as the forums can move kind of slow at times. But I assure you there's quality explorers to be met in your region here

P.S. Have we spoken on instagram? Just wondering from contextual clues. Could be mistaken though!

@AdventureDan -- Awesome to hear others are in the area, and I really appreciate the tips/advice. Looking forward to making a photo post after this weekend!

I've been chatting with other explorers on IG but I don't think we've crossed paths. However, I believe I found your profile and starting following today. Assuming I found the right page, you definitely have an impressive catalog of shots!
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Pear
Hey! Not super often that a local shows up here but it happens I guess. Like Dan said, there are a few of us. While there may not be a whole lot of local spots, there's definitely plenty to see in many parts of the state, close and far. Very happy to have a new local member!

@Pear -- Much appreciated, and you're absolutely right. Tons of locations just waiting to be explored
East Texas
I am de SpezMan
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hola! If you happen make your way up towards east Texas, I'm floating around up here!
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by nathannno
Hi All,

New to the site and can't wait to dive in and connect with the community. I've always been fascinated with discovering/exploring odd, forgotten places off the beaten path. Trying to get out as much as possible (state-wide) and document/photograph all that I can.

Currently living in Austin. Unfortunately, there aren't too many abandoned/vacant spots in the city or nearby worth spending time on -- in my opinion at least. I've done the Zoo, and yeaaah..that's about it these days. Planning on spending the next few weekends either in Houston or San Antonio to check out some new spots. Had plenty of time to research new locations over the past 3 days waiting the 72 hr period to post lol

Just a two-man crew (the wife & I), but if you're in the area we'd love for folks to join us. Or if you guys have any recommendations (not asking for specific locations, necessarily) or tips for good areas around TX I'm all ears!


I’m in Dallas, so not exactly local, but closer than most. .

There are quite a few places in Houston and San Antonio, and if you like to photograph them as much as I do, I’d recommend taking the long way (and find new routes each time) when you make the drive to either. There are a lot of really photogenic abandonments in central/south Texas (lots of schools, hospitals, and homesteads) if you take the time - and go off the beaten path a little.

Be sure to post pics of your adventures once you find some locations!

- DA

Edit: grammar matters.
[last edit 5/3/2020 10:19 PM by Dee Ashley - edited 1 times]
Austin, TX
Nothing to see here.
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Austin explorer reporting in. Once things die down a little, let us grab beers from six feet away.
Liberty Hill
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hey there! It's really not too often that an Austinite pops up, but yeah, it's unfortunate there's not a whole lot left in this locale.

Haven't done any actual exploring in years, but the bug's bitten me again recently, I'd be down to join up once all this is over.
Smack dab in the middle of Texas
Best to not look back and see what follows
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I know of quite a few spots north and south of Austin and continually building and updating my own personal data base. There are definitely spots you just gotta know where to look. I tried to do a meet up about 2 years ago but it kinda fell through the cracks and only one guy showed up.

Smack dab in the middle of Texas
Best to not look back and see what follows
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm another Austin explorer. Don't get out as much as I used too but since it's starting to cool down I'll be out quite a bit more

Edit I'm dumb and already responded to this thread a few months ago.
[last edit 9/1/2020 1:58 PM by Trout na bout - edited 1 times]
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I used to get meet and greet notices from an Austin group but I never could find the time to make the drive from the coast up to Austin.

Hopefully they are still going strong.
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I suppose I need to change my location to Austin, since I moved out here last November...
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by IndoAnomaly
Austin explorer reporting in. Once things die down a little, let us grab beers from six feet away.

Well now, I work for a brewery soooooo.......
Austin, TX
Nothing to see here.
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by backslider26

Well now, I work for a brewery soooooo.......

Heyyyyyy. Beers on you!
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hey everyone. Houstonian here. I have been wanted to do some more urbex. If anyone is going out this weekend let me know. I only know of a few spots in Houston.
Dallas, Texas
serenity now, insanity later
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
As a young undergrad at UT the Urbex was simply amazing on campus.....it's a damn shame that most of the spots have been significantly fortified. UT had some amazing tunnel systems.
Austin TX
Some dude with a camera
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Old post, but Austin person checking in. Was fairly active when I lived in DFW a long time ago, been inactive for awhile.
Smack dab in the middle of Texas
Best to not look back and see what follows
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I used to be heavily active in the area but life got busy. Trying to get back out there. Glad some people are finally in the area
Chicagoland/Sometimes Austin
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Re: New to UER from Austin. Looking for other explorers in Texas!
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Still going strong out here!
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