snaps around the tracks
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
i`ve always biked past these train tracks never thinking much about them, until recently when i realized they were basically mineral veins of abandoned buildings hidden around the city. with this newfound knowledge i`ve discovered some of my favorite locations. I believe that the industrial and rugged atmosphere of most abandoned buildings is amplified by the tracks making it a perfect location for pictures and exploring, I might add that the graffiti gives the locations some stunning colors.

have fun exploring






I pace my game for zero-hour completion.
Re: snaps around the tracks
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
These are great, keep up the good work and stay safe out there.
Dream.. But Don't Sleep
Re: snaps around the tracks
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Love the rooftop shots. What city were those taken in? I recognize some of that graffiti from Windsor.
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