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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Texas Lockdown...

Texas coronavirus death count: 3

Texas pabdemic store hours:
[last edit 3/19/2020 3:19 PM by blackhawk - edited 2 times]
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by corvidcache

LMAO YES I want to call it CorVid-19! Starting today, that's what I'll say.

haha, I didn't notice my typo until I saw your post.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum


Texas is a fairly safe state... so far.
Godspeed to the Lone Star state
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Texans can dial 211 option #6 for help with food, shelter and utilities.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
In Texas find your local county coronavirus page.
Example in Ector county:

5 confirmed cases here so far... lol, right.


DHS says lock and load hombres...
[last edit 3/30/2020 6:52 PM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Its funny

You cant buy toilet paper anywhere in my 3 county area, Panic buyers from Dallas and Ft Worth came all the way out here and stripped the shelves.

Now its ammunition. Retail outlets and even online dealers are out, panic buyers again.

AR15s that were hard to sell at $450 $500 are now bring over a thousand. Just like the Obama executive order panic and before that the Clinton crime bill.

At one point the pointy head survivalists and the Walter Mitty types were paying over 2 grand for low end ARs. Then the bottom of the military style (Beto O Rourke) rifle market fell out and you had trouble selling one for 400 bucks.

Here we go again. People that never owned a gun in their lives were lined up outside gun stores waiting to buy a gun, any gun.

The end is near...
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
^I've had trouble getting ammonia water for the last 3 weeks.
Thank god for Dollar General.
Some frozen food there as well.


Cases in Ector county nearly doubled in the last 24 hours.
Up to 22 confirmed cases, no deaths so far.
East Texas
I am de SpezMan
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Explorer Zero

AR15s that were hard to sell at $450 $500 are now bring over a thousand. Just like the Obama executive order panic and before that the Clinton crime bill.

Just wait until some normalcy returns, cheap panic bought ARs and glocks in your local pawn shop for cheap!

Posted by blackhawk
^I've had trouble getting ammonia water for the last 3 weeks.
Thank god for Dollar General.
Some frozen food there as well.


Cases in Ector county nearly doubled in the last 24 hours.
Up to 22 confirmed cases, no deaths so far.

I work in two ERs in Wood and Henderson County. Smith county currently has 83 with 2 deaths and is the largest so far. The county with a unusually high mortality rate is Nacogdoches with 16 cases and 2 deaths.
[last edit 4/9/2020 3:04 AM by Kotaru - edited 1 times]
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Explorer Zero
Its funny

You cant buy toilet paper anywhere in my 3 county area, Panic buyers from Dallas and Ft Worth came all the way out here and stripped the shelves.

Try Dollar General. Ask for it as they are hiding it from the hoarders
Paper towels work well too, but many have figured that out by now so they are gone.
Midday/midafternoon during the week are usually the best time.

Posted by Kotaru

I work in two ERs in Wood and Henderson County. Smith county currently has 83 with 2 deaths and is the largest so far. The county with a unusually high mortality rate is Nacogdoches with 16 cases and 2 deaths.

Welcome to UER
A lot of people here are packing now, it's getting edgy.
My friend was just showing me his Springfield .40

Fitness level or lack of it is a key determiner for survival with the tropical fevers.
Seems to be a big factor with this virus too.

Ector county just had it's first death.
34 confirmed cases and has been steadily increasing at a slow but steady rate so far but it's probably getting ready to pop.
The last dozen cases were all person to person save one unknown.
A few days earlier it was a split between travel and person to person in the known vector cases.
Not good.
The streets and stores here are busy. A lot can get exposed in a short amount of time because of this.
Stay strong, stay well.
[last edit 4/9/2020 3:32 AM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Don't be a Maxx
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

Try Dollar General. Ask for it as they are hiding it from the hoarders
Paper towels work well too, but many have figured that out by now so they are gone.
Midday/midafternoon during the week are usually the best time.

Welcome to UER
A lot of people here are packing now, it's getting edgy.
My friend was just showing me his Springfield .40

Fitness level or lack of it is a key determiner for survival with the tropical fevers.
Seems to be a big factor with this virus too.

Ector county just had it's first death.
34 confirmed cases and has been steadily increasing at a slow but steady rate so far but it's probably getting ready to pop.
The last dozen cases were all person to person save one unknown.
A few days earlier it was a split between travel and person to person in the known vector cases.
Not good.
The streets and stores here are busy. A lot can get exposed in a short amount of time because of this.
Stay strong, stay well.

You misinformed fuck.


Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
My last cashier at Dollar General in Titus just became our #6. Oh well, it was a full week ago when he checked me out. Waiting for it to hit the chicken plant then all hell will break loose.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Caryw01
My last cashier at Dollar General in Titus just became our #6. Oh well, it was a full week ago when he checked me out. Waiting for it to hit the chicken plant then all hell will break loose.

That sucks.
Hopefully no culling...
Was just at Dollar General.
Easy to get what you need there then Walmart.

In Ector County things are going well in spite of people being out all over the place.
No new cases in 2 days and still holding at 1 death.
There are a fair amount of old people and nursing homes here.

San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
this thread was really strange to re-read. parts of it aged well and other parts got really moldy
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