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Mission Control
UER newbie
The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Pretty sure I got nailed by the flu.
It's a nasty bugger, intense muscle/joint aches, low grade fever, headache, malaise and it seems that every body part is effected.
Oddly the coughing, sneezing and runny nose are slight.
Almost no sore throat however lymph nodes in the chest and neck are aching though. Screwing up my sense of balance at times as well.
Wheezing at times but with a occasional productive cough right from the get go.
Even though the coughing isn't intense, it hurts.
This comes on fast and nasty.

If you get this, rest, rest, rest.
You will pay heavily if you try to be active.
Don't eat or if you are hungry, small portions... yeah it torches to GI track too.

Rest or you will pay; do not underestimate it.
These buggers can and do kill... weakest link.
If you push it you won't know you crossed the line until it's too late.
Conserve your energy; whatever it is, it can wait.

On day 4, it's still giving and that's with me completely resting.
Resting will keep you out of the hospital and lessens symptoms.
Leave the fever burn; it's part of the body's defense mechanism.
Eating raw garlic cloves may help especially in the beginning phase.


*a warning for exploring pain and suffering in Texas
[last edit 1/3/2020 6:45 PM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Chicagoland/Sometimes Austin
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It's been really really bad here. Two of my sisters got it and lots of friends. I don't remember it being this bad in the past couple of years.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Pear
It's been really really bad here. Two of my sisters got it and lots of friends. I don't remember it being this bad in the past couple of years.

The elderly, those under 16 and especially 2 yo are at the highest risk of severe complications and death.
These groups should be vaccinated as the young may have acquired no cross immunity from previous exposure.
In my case I probably have some cross immunity but it's still nasty.
The whole state is getting hit hard.
Looks like it's going to be a very bad year as it hasn't probably even peaked yet. It tends to peak out by Feb-April.

Lol, even if you got one strain there are a couple others circulating at the same time so it's possible to get nailed more once in the same year.
Might not be a bad idea to get vaccinated... it is extremely contagious.

On a positive note stirring up one's immune system with shock like this may stimulate it to cure cancers in the early stage before they manifest themselves.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Last year I fucked up and forgot to get my flu shot, so it hit me full force. A week of extreme fatigue, aches, coughing, congestion, and fever so severe all I could do was lay curled up in my bed with the lights off. Not sure how high my fever was, but there was a day or two where I was too delirious to tell reality and fiction apart, or even remember my own name. And for the cherry on top of the shit cake, I failed my genetics final that week because I was too ill to study and my professor didn't accept a doctor's note diagnosing me with influenza as a valid excuse.

The moral of the story is get your flu shots, people. This year I got mine as soon as the campus vaccine clinics opened.
[last edit 1/3/2020 10:29 PM by Aran - edited 1 times]
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Lol, I never had a flu shot yet.
Nothing's changed my mind do otherwise.
I believe there are benefits to letting nature run it's course with these viruses.
Active immunity from the infection it's self is superior to the immunity provided by the vaccine but only to one variant.
Perhaps decades from now they may miscalculate that year's vaccine batch and leave a gap for a virulent strain to exploit.
Acquiring immunity by real world exposure is not without it's merits.

If you have children under 16 or elderly in your household you may wish to get vaccinated to help protect them.

DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Funny this is the first thing that popped up when I signed on just now because I'm currently sick as a dog. Not the flu, thankfully (I know, shame on me, but I've never had a flu shot before...), but one of those nasty chest colds that I was just thinking how lucky I was before Christmas to not have had to deal with in several years. Damnit.

The worst part is I'm having to take care of a 1.5 year old and I don't see how I can keep her from getting whatever I have - no matter how many times I wash my hands and use the lysol.

Edit: I'm pretty sure I have what the OP has, judging from his descriptive post. Ugh.
[last edit 1/4/2020 2:03 AM by Dee Ashley - edited 1 times]
San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
While I truly believe the flu shot is a sham, the elderly in homes are more than likely required to have it administered.

I once told a nurse that I worked with to keep his damn poison away from me, I don't ever get the flu shot.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Dee Ashley
Funny this is the first thing that popped up when I signed on just now because I'm currently sick as a dog. Not the flu, thankfully (I know, shame on me, but I've never had a flu shot before...), but one of those nasty chest colds that I was just thinking how lucky I was before Christmas to not have had to deal with in several years. Damnit.

The worst part is I'm having to take care of a 1.5 year old and I don't see how I can keep her from getting whatever I have - no matter how many times I wash my hands and use the lysol.

Edit: I'm pretty sure I have what the OP has, judging from his descriptive post. Ugh.

Sorry but not surprised to hear this
It's bad in Texas now.
It's spread by coughing and sneezing as well as touch. Highly contagious.
Pretty much impossible not to spread it if you're in close contact with someone. There are antivirals for the little one.
Most effective if used in the first 48 hours of onset, sooner is better.

If you're running a fever, runny nose, coughing, feeling like dogmeat everything hurts it's a pretty good chance that's what nailed you.
It started straight out in me with chest and neck pain. Within 8 hours it was kicking my ass proper.
After 4 days it's not as bad but it's not done. Still running a fever on and off.
I kid you not, my scalp hurts from it. WTF?
Hate these weird viruses.
Vivid reoccurring nightmares too with a touch of anxiety, perfect.

Best advice; rest, sleep as much as you can and try to stay hydrated.
14 hours in bed are not uncommon and easy to do with this bugger.

Posted by RescueMe1060
While I truly believe the flu shot is a sham, the elderly in homes are more than likely required to have it administered.

I once told a nurse that I worked with to keep his damn poison away from me, I don't ever get the flu shot.

I agree with you. I think getting it serves a purpose(s) not fullfilled by the vaccine.
Last year ripped me up pretty good though. I was looking at the beginning of double pneumonia. Super sticky mucus that didn't want to come up. Finally resorted to the old techniques of slapping my rib cage hard as I coughed and keeping my chest higher than my head while sleeping to slow down the coughing.
A secondary bacterial infection is possible. Fight to keep your lungs clear, deep breathes and coughing are good as long as it's productive.
Lol, this is part of "resting".
The worse it gets, the harder you have to fight.

It's imperative to keep your lungs clear as possible; this is how it kills.
If you're spitting up blood, you need to get to a hospital asap.
People in poor physical shape can simple run out of heart/lung capacity as severe infections can impose a prolong and severe strain on the cardiovascular system. Hence the vaccines for the elderly.

[last edit 1/4/2020 3:05 AM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Flu shots typically only include 4 strains. Some years CDC puts out their projection report too late for big pharma to plan for it so they guess.

Even still if you get a strain not included in the shot you might benefit from reduced symptoms.

Ive been getting flu shot since 1983 its have never gaven me autisticness or disl3xyphobia yet

(also have not had the flu or rabies)
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by 2Xplorations
Flu shots typically only include 4 strains. Some years CDC puts out their projection report too late for big pharma to plan for it so they guess.

Even still if you get a strain not included in the shot you might benefit from reduced symptoms.

Ive been getting flu shot since 1983 its have never gaven me autisticness or disl3xyphobia yet

(also have not had the flu or rabies)

I don't know...
being able to spit out bright yellow sticky globs of highly infectious phlegm at will is pretty cool
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

I don't know...
being able to spit out bright yellow sticky globs of highly infectious phlegm at will is pretty cool

My chafed, red nose would disagree with the coolness of this ability.

I feel like roadkill right now.

Don't be a Maxx
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Dee Ashley

My chafed, red nose would disagree with the coolness of this ability.

I feel like roadkill right now.

Elderberry, and emergen-c help! Apple cider vinegar, with lemon, Cayenne pepper, and globs of honey. (Add a little tequila if you feel up for it). I find that options other than some kind of tussen/ normal flu remedy in a bottle are rather helpful.

SouthEast, Texas
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
You poor people! i hope i dont get that crap. Im sure your scalp is hurting bh, The last time i had that horrid mess the hairs on my head hurt and all my teeth felt rotten ...i even had bad dreams about all my teeth falling out on the floor.I wished to die a few times ... Sending Well Wishes to you both!
[last edit 1/5/2020 5:49 AM by MisUnderstood! - edited 1 times]
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Dee Ashley

My chafed, red nose would disagree with the coolness of this ability.

I feel like roadkill right now.

Sorry... last year that was my lot.
My nose didn't get destroyed this time.

Vaseline or coconut oil, coat the inside and outside.
Use lotion on the Kleenex when wiping or blowing it.
Try to use a decongestant to reduce the wear and tear.
Generic Sudafed is my favorite but women can react strangely to it.

Posted by MisUnderstood!
You poor people! i hope i dont get that crap. Im sure your scalp is hurting bh, The last time i had that horrid mess the hairs on my head hurt and all my teeth felt rotten ...i even had bad dreams about all my teeth falling out on the floor.I wished to die a few times ... Sending Well Wishes to you both!

This isn't as bad as the one I had last year. Dee sounds like I did last year
I've been eating raw garlic, about 5-10 gms@day before this started. Seems to have helped even so I still got it. The garlic may have spared me most of the sore throat and nose symptoms.
Even the cough isn't bad... raw garlic* is good stuff.
However everything else kicking with it. Running a fever on and off now. Yesterday my stamina wasn't
If you get this don't rush back too fast as it's a "sleeper"; you feel ok until you exert yourself a little and find out the tank is empty and you're still pretty sick.
I was near passing out yesterday just from standing and walking a little bit.
An impressive little brut it is

*stopped eating the garlic once the flu got going. Raw garlic can be irritate the GI tract... and if you got what I have, it will be irritated.
I didn't vomit but my stomach let me know what it would do if I ate!
Lack of protein and calories also makes you feel worse and the body is burning a lot of calories from fighting the infection.
Both garlic and elephant garlic are super foods that should be part of your diet. Best eaten raw.
Coffee, nuts, fats help kill the "heat" when you eat them.
[last edit 1/5/2020 3:53 PM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Well, I feel a little better, but we just took the baby’s temperature and it was 102.
I was afraid of that.

DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
And for the record, anyone that says, “laughter is the best medicine,” obviously has never had Blue Bell cookies ‘n’ cream ice cream with Hershey’s chocolate syrup and bananas before.

I highly recommend this treatment for anyone else that is under the weather currently.

(Edited to kill the title link)
[last edit 1/6/2020 9:25 AM by Dee Ashley - edited 3 times]
San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Your best medicine link goes to a private page, I'm assuming its the picture of your ice cream?
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by RescueMe1060
Your best medicine link goes to a private page, I'm assuming its the picture of your ice cream?

Yeah, lol, I just added the photo for emphasis but didn't make it public on Flickr.

Don't be a Maxx
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Dee Ashley

Yeah, lol, I just added the photo for emphasis but didn't make it public on Flickr.

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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: The Flu and related viruses in Texas*
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
GA is leading the nation in flu illnesses at a whooping 8% of it's population.

I'm on day 6 and feeling pretty good now... not resting completely can make you sicker and delay recovery.

Update, lol after being up for about 6 hours not feeling as good... more rest.
Nasty little bugger...
[last edit 1/6/2020 8:43 PM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
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