Hey, everyone. My friend and I were thinking about going train surfing but we've never done it before. We're familiar with the train schedule in our area but we're a little concerned because the train is specifically for tourism; there are going to be a lot of people on that train constantly looking in every direction. We also just have no idea how to do it properly. What's the easiest and safest way to do this? Should we just find something else to do? Thanks for your help.
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Mission Control
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You mean on the top of passenger cars?
If you're jumping a freight train best to do it before it's moving and plan to stay on until it stops.
Jumping even a slowly moving train is very dangerous. Notice the grade height from where you are stepping to the height of the first foot hold; they are high up.
It's imperative you plant a foot hold fast after you get 2 firm hand holds on a side ladder and plant yourself.
3 points of contact at -all- times.
Interlock a knee through the rungs of the ladder if you are resting if possible.
Best to find a place where can sit with a wind break.
Cars sway, it's more noticeable at the top. Side clearances can be tight.
If it's moving you better be spot on, strong*, agile and fast enough to control your body completely. Any fuck up can easily leave you dead or crippled for life.
Steel is completely unforgiving... never play on steel.
*if you can't do at least 8 pull ups don't even think of jumping a moving train.
If you're jumping a freight train best to do it before it's moving and plan to stay on until it stops.
Jumping even a slowly moving train is very dangerous. Notice the grade height from where you are stepping to the height of the first foot hold; they are high up.
It's imperative you plant a foot hold fast after you get 2 firm hand holds on a side ladder and plant yourself.
3 points of contact at -all- times.
Interlock a knee through the rungs of the ladder if you are resting if possible.
Best to find a place where can sit with a wind break.
Cars sway, it's more noticeable at the top. Side clearances can be tight.
If it's moving you better be spot on, strong*, agile and fast enough to control your body completely. Any fuck up can easily leave you dead or crippled for life.
Steel is completely unforgiving... never play on steel.
*if you can't do at least 8 pull ups don't even think of jumping a moving train.
Totally wasn't planning on standing on it, or even climbing on top of one of the cars. There's a little platform on the back that I was going to sit on because I don't want even the slightest chance of falling off. I'm more in it for the scenery.
That being said, how do I go about not getting caught? I'm definitely 100% concerned about NOT dying or getting hurt but I'm also a little worried about the consequences of doing this. The police in my area can get pretty cranky.
That being said, how do I go about not getting caught? I'm definitely 100% concerned about NOT dying or getting hurt but I'm also a little worried about the consequences of doing this. The police in my area can get pretty cranky.
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Mission Control
Total Likes: 3996 likes
Posted by UrbanDK Totally wasn't planning on standing on it, or even climbing on top of one of the cars. There's a little platform on the back that I was going to sit on because I don't want even the slightest chance of falling off. I'm more in it for the scenery. That being said, how do I go about not getting caught? I'm definitely 100% concerned about NOT dying or getting hurt but I'm also a little worried about the consequences of doing this. The police in my area can get pretty cranky. |
Stateside it's the RR police you need to really concern yourself with. They have jurisdiction across state lines. Their job is to secure the rails and trains.
Crossings or anywhere were there's road access to the rails they may be lurking. This is rare but they are out there. They will sometimes parallel trains on the highway.
Yards, side tracks/switches where the stop and stations are prime hazards for unwanted encounters.
Keeping a low profile in these areas helps.
Engineers and RR workers will dime you out too sometimes just for being on the right of way.
Wear a good pair of leather high top lace up boots, and a pair of gloves good for climbing. Wear colors/shades that blend in, don't wear blue. Dress warm enough for the ride.
Remember you may end up hundreds of miles from where you started

As always, do your research, know what you intend to do, and know the risks.
Here's a start: https://old.reddit...g_myth_vs_reality/
Here's a start: https://old.reddit...g_myth_vs_reality/
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Mission Control
Total Likes: 3996 likes
Posted by UrbanDK I walk along the tracks in my area sometimes and I've never seen any RR police, but I'll be careful. I really appreciate the advice. Thanks, guys! |
Depends on the area and rail line.
In some areas they are worse than others.
In W TX they will bust you.
In PA the worst that happen to me for active track walking were with local cops asking me to leave or one time just saying be careful.
Dodged RR police at least twice.
Once a switch tower employee saw me, yelled down to me and invited me to take a few shots of the control room.
You never know... track walking is fun.
I live on the east coast where there's nothing to do unless you're rich or willing to get creative. Most people here aren't rich so this is what we do. Haha. I didn't even know railroad police existed until I did my research on this, but again, I'm way more concerned about doing this smartly and not dying. And maybe a little concerned with not ending up that far from where I start. Thanks again for your help; if I have any doubts about this then I'm bailing so I don't become railroadkill.
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Mission Control
Total Likes: 3996 likes
I've been walking tracks since I was 5.
My grandfather took me on my first walks, it was an active freight line... he was pretty cool.
Avoid running on or across rails; if you do every step better be spot on.
It seems you always end up hitting steel if you do fall; I have and so have friends.
Be careful on bends and on multirail right aways especially if a train is there; it may obscure a moving second or third train from view.
Get in habit of looking behind yourself a lot.
In tunnels and narrow passes if you can't safely clear them in time lay face down and eat gravel as close to the wall as possible. Cover your head with your arms and hope nothing gets thrown you way.
My grandfather took me on my first walks, it was an active freight line... he was pretty cool.
Avoid running on or across rails; if you do every step better be spot on.
It seems you always end up hitting steel if you do fall; I have and so have friends.
Be careful on bends and on multirail right aways especially if a train is there; it may obscure a moving second or third train from view.
Get in habit of looking behind yourself a lot.
In tunnels and narrow passes if you can't safely clear them in time lay face down and eat gravel as close to the wall as possible. Cover your head with your arms and hope nothing gets thrown you way.
Posted by UrbanDK Totally wasn't planning on standing on it, or even climbing on top of one of the cars. There's a little platform on the back that I was going to sit on because I don't want even the slightest chance of falling off. I'm more in it for the scenery. That being said, how do I go about not getting caught? I'm definitely 100% concerned about NOT dying or getting hurt but I'm also a little worried about the consequences of doing this. The police in my area can get pretty cranky. |
Doesn't sound like youre really up to this. Why not find an easier way to see the scenery. People or rather, "urbexers" on UER are pretty big on getting permission. Maybe you should buy a ticket?
p.s. since 9/11 rail yard cops and companies like Union Pacific have really cracked down on trespassers. Even harmless teeny boppers just playin around should expect to be handled if caught.
Posted by 2Xplorations Doesn't sound like youre really up to this. Why not find an easier way to see the scenery. People or rather, "urbexers" on UER are pretty big on getting permission. Maybe you should buy a ticket? |
I mean, I do want to see the scenery, but 80% of it is about the idea of train surfing. I live here, so technically I see the scenery all the time. Anyone could buy a ticket and do it; it's a different story when you're outside the train. (Plus, those tickets are really expensive. Haha.) I'm also just doing this as practice in case I ever want to do it again on a bigger or faster train.
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