Tucson, AZ
Anything but dogs. God I'm terrified of dogs...
(Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
So lets say you find a building, locked up tight, right next to a busy road. There is a weirdly high amount of no trespassing signs, and the entire building is locked up tight. Rebar welded over almost all of the windows and doors.

How would you go about trying to get inside?
North Carolina
Never a dull moment in Midworld.
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Pray for a PoE, and if you can fit (and reasonably be assured that you can get out), do what you gotta do. I once found a huge factory outlet store that had welded/bricked windows and doors, near a rather busy road with an apartment complex across the street...there was a piece of plywood that had been partially pulled off a doorway, so I squeezed in and found a small room where the inner door had been bricked, but some industrious SOB had chopped out a (roughly) 2ft. h x 1.5ft. w rectangle about 4 feet or so off the ground. On the other side was a landing and a staircase, and a discarded step stool. On my side was an old metal table. I WANTED this, and while I'm not a huge guy (180, 5'9), I'm not exactly tiny...before entering, I know a few people saw me, but nobody said anything, so I carefully got on the 2' table, put my leg thru, squeezed my upper body in (still not sure how, and was very careful, that would've been an embarrassing call to the fire dept), placed my leg on the ladder, then pulled the other leg in. I was sore as hell the next day, but it had been a pretty cool explore and a funny story.
Personally, I try to find any feasible way in, but I won't do B&E...I'll check for cameras the best I can, and if there's dogs-no go! As for the busy road, you can try predawn, or a weekend/holiday, or, depending on what the facility is, just try looking like you belong there...most people either don't care or don't pay enough attention in the first place. In fact, I explored a factory last week near a busy-ish road, RR workers nearby, and a few active buildings nearby, I know I was seen...had to be, but I walked right across the tracks and into the place, spend awhile taking pics then left; nobody said a damn word!
I guess maybe you might not be looking for advice, just killing the dead air, but either way, I usually just research and assess what I can, and if it looks doable (and my gut says it's okay) I just do it. Good luck to you, I saw your water park pics...nice! Don't know that I would've tried that one unless I knew for a fact those dogs were away.
Tucson, AZ
Anything but dogs. God I'm terrified of dogs...
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Cfourexplore
Don't know that I would've tried that one unless I knew for a fact those dogs were away.

I heard the dogs in the house, otherwise I would have stayed far away from potential police dogs!

One of my big concerns is a rumor that I heard about this place being used for police training. I don't think that it's true, I've been there and back at least 3 times in the past two years and it's never disturbed, and there's nothing I can find on the internet about it.

There is an attached building with a big hole in the roof that goes to the floor, next time I visit I'm going to bring some thick ropes and check that out as an option. Thanks for the advice, Anything helps!
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
For places close to busy roads, I usually try to do a scouting trip late at night to find a PoE, then when I go back either during daytime or evening, I know exactly where to go. Less time being suspicious to the public eye.

Also (I'm sure you already know this, but) when scouting at night use a flashlight as little as is possible. Wait for your eyes to adjust. A flashlight at night is even more obvious than going during the daytime.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheDrummer
For places close to busy roads, I usually try to do a scouting trip late at night to find a PoE, then when I go back either during daytime or evening, I know exactly where to go.

You can't see crap at night. Scout the perimeter out in daylight. Take pics to look over latter.
Then predawn it if you must.
Nighttime exploring is a good way to find hellholes and cops... for most sites nighttime is the worst time.
If a site is completely light tight it doesn't matter when you go except for ingress, egress.
NW Indiana
I walk the path that leads this way, through woods outback lest I stray
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
what does POE stand for?
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Try to get on the roof and hope theres a hatch up there
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by xlookex
what does POE stand for?

Point of entry.
Hamilton, ON
Are you on the square?
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Captain Chernobyl
Try to get on the roof and hope theres a hatch up there

That's usually a good way to do it, if you can. They usually don't bother to secure rooftop entrances. I guess they think nobody thinks to go up there? I unno.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TrixieSparrow

That's usually a good way to do it, if you can. They usually don't bother to secure rooftop entrances. I guess they think nobody thinks to go up there? I unno.

TrixieSparrow lives
These are intended for firefighters to easily excess fires or for escape.
[last edit 9/16/2018 11:48 PM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
On the Road to Wellville
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I have a special technique for gaining entry, but it lacks stealth.

NW Indiana
I walk the path that leads this way, through woods outback lest I stray
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

Point of entry.

Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

You can't see crap at night. Scout the perimeter out in daylight. Take pics to look over latter.
Then predawn it if you must.
Nighttime exploring is a good way to find hellholes and cops... for most sites nighttime is the worst time.
If a site is completely light tight it doesn't matter when you go except for ingress, egress.

Fair point. I live where nobody can mind their business, and have called police on me for looking suspicious. When I posted originally, I was super tired and wasn't quite thinking straight :/

edit: now that I think about it, I scout more during the day than at night. Please ignore anything I've said in this thread 🙃
[last edit 9/17/2018 5:13 PM by pxl.z - edited 2 times]
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheDrummer

Fair point. I live where nobody can mind their business, and have called police on me for looking suspicious. When I posted originally, I was super tired and wasn't quite thinking straight :/

edit: now that I think about it, I scout more during the day than at night. Please ignore anything I've said in this thread 🙃

People are trouble... even kids.
If you're on public property ie a public road there's nothing they can do.
Nail some shoots from there; the cam sees more than you can... then plan from them.

Risk vs reward. I avoid houses almost always; high risk, little reward.
If you're going into a well secured site you better make sure it's worth potential B&E charges, very few are worth taking that amount of risk.
Know the B&E laws for your state; in some just opening a door or window can turn a misdemeanor into a felony.
The most I would risk are trespassing charges. Even then an arrest can easily cost you over a grand+ and a lot of wasted time.
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

People are trouble... even kids.
If you're on public property ie a public road there's nothing they can do.
Nail some shoots from there; the cam sees more than you can... then plan from them.

Risk vs reward. I avoid houses almost always; high risk, little reward.
If you're going into a well secured site you better make sure it's worth potential B&E charges, very few are worth taking that amount of risk.
Know the B&E laws for your state; in some just opening a door or window can turn a misdemeanor into a felony.
The most I would risk are trespassing charges. Even then an arrest can easily cost you over a grand+ and a lot of wasted time.

Good insight, thanks!
On the Road to Wellville
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk
If you're on public property ie a public road there's nothing they can do.

Not true.

I know 6 people that have gotten the nickel ride for taking pictures on the "wrong" street.

Five of them were in NY where the POP* charge is called "obstructing government administration".

2 were in NYC that were taking pictures of abandoned buildings from a public sidewalk.

The other 3 were walking around in Kiryas Joel (all Jewish town). The Shomrim (Jewish neighborhood watch) asked what they were doing and they basically told the Sho,rim to f-ck off. The Shomrim called the police ans all three of them spent the night in the Orange County Jail for walking down a public street.

The one in Iowa was charged with "loitering" after he took some pictures of illegally parked cars that happened to be owned by police officers while walking on a public sidewalk.

POP = Pissing Off the Police Charge. That's what the cops charge you with when you haven't committed any actual crime, but they "don't like what you're doing".

You'll beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride. With liberty and justice for all.

I almost forgot the picture.

[last edit 9/18/2018 3:35 AM by Radio2600 - edited 1 times]
Tucson, AZ
Anything but dogs. God I'm terrified of dogs...
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Captain Chernobyl
Try to get on the roof and hope theres a hatch up there

I've actually gotten onto the roof and there is a big hole, something that I could just about squeeze my body into. Trouble is, it's a good 10-12 feet off the ground. I've thought about climbing down on a rope, but the risk of not being able to get back up even if I tie knots and have a plan scars the sh*t outta me.
Tucson, AZ
Anything but dogs. God I'm terrified of dogs...
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

Risk vs reward. I avoid houses almost always; high risk, little reward.
If you're going into a well secured site you better make sure it's worth potential B&E charges, very few are worth taking that amount of risk.

I have the same thought as you, but this place is a old movie theatre and community relic where I live. The original theater was built in the 40's and I sadly I never got to go before it shut down, but late is better than never, eh?
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Radio2600

Not true.

I know 6 people that have gotten the nickel ride for taking pictures on the "wrong" street.

Five of them were in NY where the POP* charge is called "obstructing government administration".

2 were in NYC that were taking pictures of abandoned buildings from a public sidewalk.

The other 3 were walking around in Kiryas Joel (all Jewish town). The Shomrim (Jewish neighborhood watch) asked what they were doing and they basically told the Sho,rim to f-ck off. The Shomrim called the police ans all three of them spent the night in the Orange County Jail for walking down a public street.

The one in Iowa was charged with "loitering" after he took some pictures of illegally parked cars that happened to be owned by police officers while walking on a public sidewalk.

POP = Pissing Off the Police Charge. That's what the cops charge you with when you haven't committed any actual crime, but they "don't like what you're doing".

You'll beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride. With liberty and justice for all.

I almost forgot the picture.

423518.jpg (101 kb, 554x413)
click to view

I had 2 FBI Agents pay me an unannounced house call one week after I shot the hell out of Chester PA.
All on public property except for the Chester Power Station where I had permission to be on the roof and anywhere my exploring bastard ass wanted to be... except the coal barge unloading towers
Point being, no arrest.

You have to learn to deal effectively with people and LEOs.
Cursing generally doesn't work well... and I curse a fucking lot, but not always.

The one time I was busted ($1100 worth, $550 in fines) shooting a Nike site and causing general civil unrest I ended up with an invite from the police chief to shoot it anytime I wanted (he had the keys). The same chief let me plead down from state felonies to city misdemeanors by putting in a good word to the prosecutor. Just a little misunderstanding that didn't require a lawyer. Gave the city kitty a little money for the commotion my 30 odd six tripod caused... yes, well.
Or Pennhurst... another long story but the state police gave me free rein there; normally they arrested trespassers every time.

I've pushed the limits more than once street shooting, but no arrests.
Once I was detained for about 45 minutes at a fair until the fair president declared "What, you're trying to keep a photographer from shooting the fair?!" to the Lt in charge when she was asked what she thought. Full permission to shoot the hell out of that fair from then on.

Bottom line, how you conduct yourself and communicate with people and LEOs matters.
Each person has their own style, if it works, it's good.
If you get hauled off public property for shooting, better reevaluate yourself.
Oh yeah and bah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

I'm pretty much what you see is what you get.
My images match my story down to the frame.
I also have people skills... yeah me, lol.
Talked to many cops and a few FBI Agents just out of interest and friendship over the decades.
Most are people persons and adrenaline junkies.
What I'm saying is it's a steep learning curve... take small steps at first.

Posted by OriginalJynx

I have the same thought as you, but this place is a old movie theatre and community relic where I live. The original theater was built in the 40's and I sadly I never got to go before it shut down, but late is better than never, eh?

You could try contacting the owner for permission or wait for the demo or remodeling and talk to the supervisor for permission. I've done this with very good results more than once. Face to face is best. They must like you and trust you to be safe for this to work.
[last edit 9/18/2018 2:20 PM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Tucson, AZ
Anything but dogs. God I'm terrified of dogs...
Re: (Not So) Hypothetical entry question
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

Full permission to shoot the hell out of that fair from then on.

Context is incredibly important for this sentence...

No but really, thanks for the advice, I think that may me my first plan of action before hurting myself!
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