Posted by Radio2600
Not true. I know 6 people that have gotten the nickel ride for taking pictures on the "wrong" street. Five of them were in NY where the POP* charge is called "obstructing government administration". 2 were in NYC that were taking pictures of abandoned buildings from a public sidewalk. The other 3 were walking around in Kiryas Joel (all Jewish town). The Shomrim (Jewish neighborhood watch) asked what they were doing and they basically told the Sho,rim to f-ck off. The Shomrim called the police ans all three of them spent the night in the Orange County Jail for walking down a public street. The one in Iowa was charged with "loitering" after he took some pictures of illegally parked cars that happened to be owned by police officers while walking on a public sidewalk. POP = Pissing Off the Police Charge. That's what the cops charge you with when you haven't committed any actual crime, but they "don't like what you're doing". You'll beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride. With liberty and justice for all. I almost forgot the picture.
I had 2 FBI Agents pay me an unannounced house call one week after I shot the hell out of Chester PA.
All on public property except for the Chester Power Station where I had permission to be on the roof and anywhere my exploring bastard ass wanted to be... except the coal barge unloading towers

Point being, no arrest.
You have to learn to deal effectively with people and LEOs.
Cursing generally doesn't work well... and I curse a fucking lot, but not always.
The one time I was busted ($1100 worth, $550 in fines) shooting a Nike site and causing general civil unrest I ended up with an invite from the police chief to shoot it anytime I wanted (he had the keys). The same chief let me plead down from state felonies to city misdemeanors by putting in a good word to the prosecutor. Just a little misunderstanding that didn't require a lawyer. Gave the city kitty a little money for the commotion my 30 odd six tripod caused... yes, well.
Or Pennhurst... another long story but the state police gave me free rein there; normally they arrested trespassers every time.
I've pushed the limits more than once street shooting, but no arrests.
Once I was detained for about 45 minutes at a fair until the fair president declared "What, you're trying to keep a photographer from shooting the fair?!" to the Lt in charge when she was asked what she thought. Full permission to shoot the hell out of that fair from then on.
Bottom line, how you conduct yourself and communicate with people and LEOs matters. Each person has their own style, if it works, it's good.
If you get hauled off public property for shooting, better reevaluate yourself.
Oh yeah and bah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!
I'm pretty much what you see is what you get.
My images match my story down to the frame.
I also have people skills... yeah me, lol.
Talked to many cops and a few FBI Agents just out of interest and friendship over the decades.
Most are people persons and adrenaline junkies.
What I'm saying is it's a steep learning curve... take small steps at first.
Posted by OriginalJynx
I have the same thought as you, but this place is a old movie theatre and community relic where I live. The original theater was built in the 40's and I sadly I never got to go before it shut down, but late is better than never, eh?
You could try contacting the owner for permission or wait for the demo or remodeling and talk to the supervisor for permission. I've done this with very good results more than once. Face to face is best. They must like you and trust you to be safe for this to work.