Hey guys, its been a while since I've posted anything. I've been laying pretty low lately aside from one pretty significant explore (relative to me), and part of the reason is because of this dilemma I have, which I'm bringing to you to maybe have a discussion about. So, I am a college student at a very good institution, and, essentially, I have my whole life set up for me as long as I put in the work and play my cards right. The only issue is that my only passion is rooftopping. I love it dearly and it makes me feel like I am living a life truly worth living, and its upsetting that I cannot truly articulate what it feels like, though I hope many of you know just the same. So, the problem is this: How do I grapple with the potential of ruining what lies before me in pursuing my passion, or on the other hand, the possibility of not enjoying my life as much as I could because I let go of my passions for the sake of security. It may seem a little dramatic, but an arrest doesn't look too hot on the background check of a Med school applicant, so I'm kind of feeling like this is a one and bust situation. I bring this to you to learn from you, so anecdotes or personal experience is very much welcomed, or even just a little devil's advocacy to fuel a discussion. How do you gauge what you value?
Posted by 2Xplorations That's easy. Post the question on an Internet forum and hope somebody you don't know that's never been in your situation tells you what to do. Simple. |
I thought I might get a smart ass reply. Fact is, when you trespass you take risks, and if any number of people on this website were to get caught doing it, I bet it would f*** things up for them. This forum is huge. I PROMISE you that there are people going through the same thing. How are you going to tell me you've been in the game this long and haven't met anyone who was thinking the same thing. And it's a f****** question regarding a thought process man, damn, I want to know people's perspectives from all sides so I can best formulate my own perspective, but yet, even with my desire to hear all sorts of things, what I don't need is your oh so clever reply. Reminds me of another time you weren't too nice to a new kid. What sucks is you probably have some good things to say too, but you're too busy looking down on me from your high horse.
Posted by ChvsingxGhxsts I thought I might get a smart ass reply. Fact is, when you trespass you take risks, and if any number of people on this website were to get caught doing it, I bet it would f*** things up for them. This forum is huge. I PROMISE you that there are people going through the same thing. How are you going to tell me you've been in the game this long and haven't met anyone who was thinking the same thing. And it's a f****** question regarding a thought process man, damn, I want to know people's perspectives from all sides so I can best formulate my own perspective, but yet, even with my desire to hear all sorts of things, what I don't need is your oh so clever reply. Reminds me of another time you weren't too nice to a new kid. What sucks is you probably have some good things to say too, but you're too busy looking down on me from your high horse. |
Apparently youre too stupid to realize there is some advice there. Its called grow a pair. Suck it up. Go do it or don't go do it that's your choices. That's my advice. Don't wait for someone on the Internet to hold you hand and validate your emotions. I mean how do you answer a question like that ? What are you expecting? A poll? 3 out of 10 response say don't do it? 4 out of 10?
e.g " go with you inner feelings if it feels right do it "
WTF maybe you should just read about other people exploring so you don't have to risk the great future you have planned out for yourself. wow . . .
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Posted by ChvsingxGhxsts I appreciate your response though man, thank you |
Expect to be arrested if you do it enough times.
No way to predict that, no matter how careful you are unless you're not breaking the law.
Law of averages... and shit happens.
Too many variables to even guess how this will turn out if you proceed.
If you think you're having a tough time here, consider what it will be like having a cop or even the FBI leaning on you like a cheap suit.
I've done this more then a couple times but at least three times over shoots.
Two of those times the cops were pissed and this...
Got tagged and interviewed unannounced at my home a couple days latter by two FBI Agents for shooting in Chester PA.
What really got them curious were the shots I took off the roof of the Chester Power Station.
Fortunately I had permission to be on that roof. All the shots were legal.
Posted by 2Xplorations Apparently youre too stupid to realize there is some advice there. Its called grow a pair. Suck it up. Go do it or don't go do it that's your choices. That's my advice. Don't wait for someone on the Internet to hold you hand and validate your emotions. I mean how do you answer a question like that ? What are you expecting? A poll? 3 out of 10 response say don't do it? 4 out of 10? e.g " go with you inner feelings if it feels right do it " WTF maybe you should just read about other people exploring so you don't have to risk the great future you have planned out for yourself. wow . . . |
What I'm expecting is some insight. I didn't ask for a do it or don't answer I asked for people to tell me the way they consider similar things for themselves, and maybe by taking in different people's perspectives I can find some insight from people perhaps a little less fragile at the mention of someone being fortunate enough to have something to lose. Sorry about it. And yeah, I got your message, but your advice is essentially the same f******* thing youre talking s*** about , e.g go with your inner feelings, or in your terms, grow a pair and make your own choice, hm, real insightful. I don't need people to validate my emotions, I don't need need people to hold my hand, and I definitely don't need to take any disrespect from you on account of how old you are, or how long you've been here. I don't care who you are, there was no need for what you had to say. I don't know why you thought your two cents was needed. I asked for a grown up conversation where people can discuss something that means something to them. I don't care if this, or me, or my problems mean anything to you, I really don't. I don't need to be liked, I don't need to have my hand held, and I don't need your approval. But this is something I'm passionate about, and whether THE 2xplorations believes it or not, people are in the same boat, and would maybe want to have a discussion, even just for discussion's sake about a topic so nuanced. So please, go ahead, try and get the last laugh, but afterwards, let me have my discussion.
Posted by blackhawk Expect to be arrested if you do it enough times. No way to predict that, no matter how careful you are unless you're not breaking the law. Law of averages... and shit happens. Too many variables to even guess how this will turn out if you proceed. |
Totally right. Though I will say I try my best to eliminate as many variables as I can to run the probability of success up, but even then, as you said, shit happens. But I reckon I've done it few enough times to where, with eliminating as many variables as I can, perhaps the law of averages won't quite catch up to me, where the sample size is small enough. Thanks for your words blackhawk.
Hey ChvsingxGhxsts, I'm a rather new member here (and perhaps what they call a 'lurker', as I've not yet posted pics), and I guess to some degree I know what you're fighting with. I'm an abandonment explorer, especially hospitals and schools...I'm also a security guard. Without itemizing what each of us has to lose (I think we could easily agree that the end result would be devastating regardless of what's at stake to each person, should it be lost), I personally tend to keep in mind what pays the bills and keeps me alive, but I can't let it overrule what makes me happy. This sounds stupid I know, like a captain obvious bit, but I guess this is the philosophy I base my decisions on (which usually works for me, at least) so I'm just offering a perspective that may help.
Like Blackhawk said; shit happens...and sometimes it won't wait til you're on a roof or in a derelict building, it happens when you drive to the store, or when you eat that "questionable' taco from that food truck. That's not to say 'let's just cut out the middle man and kill ourselves to spite cruel fate', but why deprive yourself joy, even in smaller doses, because of what might happen but probably won't?
I've done several explores lately, and each time I research what I can, identify/assess/eliminate (or prepare for) what risks I can, then I head out knowing that there is NOTHING I've done to this point that will protect me from that aforementioned 'shit'. I get those are explore jitters, the alarm bells go off, but usually I push on, tho I've had a few 'nope' moments as well as the GTFO point...rare, but when those bells go off, they make jitters look like nothing. I've called off a couple times last minute, but so far I have always walked away with the payoff of a great explore, thinking 'you're a damn fool, don't know how you pulled it off, you should be dead or in the pokey...but what great pics!'. It beats watching reruns and NOT scratching that wreckless (but addictively wonderful) itch for what I love to do.
That's the philosophy that works for me anyway, trying to trust my instincts without my mind throwing out that worst case scenario the whole time. The worst CAN happen, but usually doesn't, or it does in a least expectant time, when you're guard is down. I've been caught once, after having crawled thru a hole in a fence at an old amusement park; I was politely asked to leave, and even passed a few jokes with the guard...could've just as easily been a cop, or a hillbilly with a shotgun, but it wasn't.
Sorry this is so long, not trying to ramble, but I guess it's my long winded way of saying don't deny yourself joy, but do it in moderation...carefully. Based on your posts and responses you seem like a smart guy, analytical, cautious and self aware, so I think you'll be fine, you obviously have a handle on your life (both sides of it) so do what you gotta do, and good luck with it. I hope I've helped, it never hurts to ask for an outside opinion, even when it turns out you've had the answer the whole time (damn, who ordered the fortune cookie?!). Good luck to you, and have fun out there!
"When you've truly done something right, people won't know you've done anything at all."
Like Blackhawk said; shit happens...and sometimes it won't wait til you're on a roof or in a derelict building, it happens when you drive to the store, or when you eat that "questionable' taco from that food truck. That's not to say 'let's just cut out the middle man and kill ourselves to spite cruel fate', but why deprive yourself joy, even in smaller doses, because of what might happen but probably won't?
I've done several explores lately, and each time I research what I can, identify/assess/eliminate (or prepare for) what risks I can, then I head out knowing that there is NOTHING I've done to this point that will protect me from that aforementioned 'shit'. I get those are explore jitters, the alarm bells go off, but usually I push on, tho I've had a few 'nope' moments as well as the GTFO point...rare, but when those bells go off, they make jitters look like nothing. I've called off a couple times last minute, but so far I have always walked away with the payoff of a great explore, thinking 'you're a damn fool, don't know how you pulled it off, you should be dead or in the pokey...but what great pics!'. It beats watching reruns and NOT scratching that wreckless (but addictively wonderful) itch for what I love to do.
That's the philosophy that works for me anyway, trying to trust my instincts without my mind throwing out that worst case scenario the whole time. The worst CAN happen, but usually doesn't, or it does in a least expectant time, when you're guard is down. I've been caught once, after having crawled thru a hole in a fence at an old amusement park; I was politely asked to leave, and even passed a few jokes with the guard...could've just as easily been a cop, or a hillbilly with a shotgun, but it wasn't.
Sorry this is so long, not trying to ramble, but I guess it's my long winded way of saying don't deny yourself joy, but do it in moderation...carefully. Based on your posts and responses you seem like a smart guy, analytical, cautious and self aware, so I think you'll be fine, you obviously have a handle on your life (both sides of it) so do what you gotta do, and good luck with it. I hope I've helped, it never hurts to ask for an outside opinion, even when it turns out you've had the answer the whole time (damn, who ordered the fortune cookie?!). Good luck to you, and have fun out there!
"When you've truly done something right, people won't know you've done anything at all."
Posted by Cfourexplore |
I very very very much appreciate you taking the time to write that cfour, that was amazing. That was a really interesting perspective on pursuing what you love. Obviously while taking it at face value as to keep yourself safe, but also thinking about "shit happens" in a way that doesn't always shut down your desire, because shit also happens when you're not living your passion, and you could die at any moment having not chased it.
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Mission Control
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Posted by ChvsingxGhxsts I very very very much appreciate you taking the time to write that cfour, that was amazing. That was a really interesting perspective on pursuing what you love. Obviously while taking it at face value as to keep yourself safe, but also thinking about "shit happens" in a way that doesn't always shut down your desire, because shit also happens when you're not living your passion, and you could die at any moment having not chased it. |
Make no mistake about what puts the food on the table and the roof over your head.
Passions should be tempered by your responsibilities or those passions will be your undoing.
It's a slippery slope.
At 18 it's to best apply yourself at school or work and develop a base to build on for your career.
Passions that seem so important today maybe meaningless in a few years or decades.
Control the heat... if it seems like a bad idea, it probably is.
My take on this is that you're worried any encounter or citation from police or FBI will show up should a background check be conducted on you.
Study up on laws in your jurisdiction. Know what will fuck you over, and what you can get away with.
There's no fine technique, it's being able to think. That is why you will find some snarky and backhanded responses here.
Study up on laws in your jurisdiction. Know what will fuck you over, and what you can get away with.
There's no fine technique, it's being able to think. That is why you will find some snarky and backhanded responses here.
Posted by blackhawk Passions should be tempered by your responsibilities or those passions will be your undoing. |
This, too. You're advocating for the smarter, safer of the perspectives. It helps to hear some sobering words like this as well.
Posted by Fleeting My take on this is that you're worried any encounter or citation from police or FBI will show up should a background check be conducted on you. Study up on laws in your jurisdiction. Know what will fuck you over, and what you can get away with. There's no fine technique, it's being able to think. That is why you will find some snarky and backhanded responses here. |
What I did not include is that I was thinking about all of this in context to thinking about climbing a crane, which I understand to be one of the more punishable offences. So essentially, yeah, I think getting caught like that would fuck me over.
As for the backhanded responses, obviously this question has no straightforward answer, its a philosophical grapple. Inherently it requires my own ability to think in order to reach a conclusion where there isn't anything concrete, and I know that. But it seems that there has been some offence taken at my wanting to learn from others and how they think, as it may appear to some that I would be taking their word for gospel and neglecting my own capacity for free thought, which is simply not the case. I think trying to learn from other people should never be frowned up, you know? But I think my intentions were misunderstood. Obviously it didn't help that I took to full evidence dropping full frontal attack mode at some disrespectful but on the whole insignificant assumption on my ability to think for myself. While I stand by what I said wholeheartedly, after cooling down I see that I probably went overboard in taking an insult to heart.
So I guess with that, to 2xplorations, while I still don't appreciate and fully deny the implications of the first response, I am sorry for blowing it up. Even though it was an argument, and I took offence, I was a dick. Truthfully, I'm sorry. I'd send him a better apology directly but I reckon he probably doesn't want to hear from my smart ass.
Posted by blackhawk If you think you're having a tough time here, consider what it will be like having a cop or even the FBI leaning on you like a cheap suit. |
This. Truer words have not been spoken. I can imagine all the sobbing while Mommy and Daddy sit and wait outside the interrogation room! Then trial day comes (with attorney paid for by Mommy and Daddy of course)
"but your honor, please don't convict my client on criminal trespass charges, he has his whole life planned out and his parents have already paid for medical school, after all he just wanted to be like the cool kids on UER, a website that promotes underage criminal activity so he can impress them and they will think he is cool too"
Verdict: not ready .
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