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Smack dab in the middle of Texas
Best to not look back and see what follows
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
So I am one of those guys that gets overly excited about halloween and waits most of the year for it. (Bummer it's only one day) My exploring buddy and I were thinking of doing a night explore at an old brewery on that night but not quite sure what to expect as it is a fairly easy place to access and quite publicly known.

So my questions to you folks is...

What is your halloween tradition?

Should I be expecting to run into people causing mischief?

And would you think police would pay extra attention to abandonments on halloween?
New Jersey
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The cops used to haul people out of the Overbrook Hospital on halloween night. I always told people to stay away from there. Im sure most other well known places get similar scrutiny.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Halloween is just a day to play dress-up, which I do throughout the year, and party. Presumably security guards are on extra alert. It doesn't make my top five list of holidays to explore on.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
EsseXploreR, Steed, spot on.
Kids, parents and cops out everywhere.
I lay low on Halloween.
People are trouble...
Milwaukee, WI
Meow Meow Fudder Mucker!
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by EsseXploreR
The cops used to haul people out on halloween night.

Posted by Steed
Presumably security guards are on extra alert.

Posted by blackhawk
I lay low on Halloween.
People are trouble...

+2 experience
+5 wisdom
+5 trespassing ticket avoidance
+7 money saved for no ticket

[last edit 8/30/2018 5:23 PM by Mr. Bitey - edited 2 times]
On the Road to Wellville
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
When I was a teenager, we used to put green dye and soap flakes in a fountain.

One year they had a cop guarding the fountain. So we started shooting off fireworks a block away from the fountain. When the cop went to investigate, we put the soap and dye in the fountain.

After that, they drain and winterize the fountain before Halloween and have been doing it that way for the last 30+ years.

Milwaukee, WI
Meow Meow Fudder Mucker!
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Radio2600
When I was a teenager.....

LOL. Total teen dick move. Kids were, are, and will always be dicks. I was certainly no different. I did something similar things I am not proud of, but still occasionally giggle about...
Chicagoland/Sometimes Austin
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The last time I was at this brewery I assume you are talking about (in another large city relatively close to where we live), there was a cop sitting at the gate with three city worker cars there as well. I might've gotten unlucky but definitely play other locations in the area, there's plenty of cool stuff.
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
mods, please move this to the kiddie forum...
Smack dab in the middle of Texas
Best to not look back and see what follows
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Pear
there was a cop sitting at the gate with three city worker cars there as well.

Pretty sure its same place. They are getting ready for renovations and I've seen cops parked around the perimeter but never seen anyone inside.

I was just hoping to change up my Halloween tradition of getting drunk and roaming cemeteries and forests. But looks like it will be the same old
[last edit 8/30/2018 8:27 PM by Trout na bout - edited 1 times]
On the Road to Wellville
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
To summarize, Halloween is to explorers what New Year's Eve is to heavy drinkers - Amateur Night.

The night of October 30 was Fire Night when I was growing up in NYC. Some kids would go around setting garbage cans on fire. The FDNY would drive around with a pickup truck full of fire extinguishers putting out trash fires.

In the Catskills, it was called Gate Night or Mischief Night. I think in Detroit it's called Devil's Night.
San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
what are y'all dressing up as this year?

I have a gorilla costume that I've been using for almost a decade.

My buddy takes over his parents house and turns it in to a walk through haunted house with areas that we hide in and jump out to scare the kids who come by. complete with strobe light, smoke machine and heavy metal music
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
hey Beevis, lets knock over some trash cans, he hehe hehehe that would be cool...
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Radio2600
To summarize, Halloween is to explorers what New Year's Eve is to heavy drinkers - Amateur Night.

The night of October 30 was Fire Night when I was growing up in NYC. Some kids would go around setting garbage cans on fire. The FDNY would drive around with a pickup truck full of fire extinguishers putting out trash fires.

In the Catskills, it was called Gate Night or Mischief Night. I think in Detroit it's called Devil's Night.

It's a pagan holiday... a bottle of whiskey and numerous cigars sound about right.
Spirits and such are invited...
San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I always watch Hocus Pocus too
On the Road to Wellville
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by RescueMe1060
what are y'all dressing up as this year?

Something Civil War related.

Mid to south TX
I just like to take pictures TBH
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
If its the same brewery I'm thinking of, they might be more alert on Halloween when I went in (if its the brewery that comes to mind) there was one security guard and random cops patrolling mid day. Just be careful and alert and I think you should be good
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
As far as holidays go, isn't the US having Labor Day next week? The Korean Labor Day is always a good time to go exploring, because construction workers and security are the most likely to have the day off over here.
North Carolina
Never a dull moment in Midworld.
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed
As far as holidays go, isn't the US having Labor Day next week? The Korean Labor Day is always a good time to go exploring, because construction workers and security are the most likely to have the day off over here.

Yeah, Labor Day is on the 3rd (Monday), the construction workers will generally be off, most city and state work crews...I work security myself at an active site (rather ironically I suppose) but I'll be working Monday. Can't speak for all companies and contracts, but Labor Day is usually just a 'time and a half' day.
As far as urban exploring it's essentially a three day weekend, so I guess it would be more optimal than a regular weekday.
Re: Halloween
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
TG and Xmas are my fave days to explore. I've lowered expectations and no thinks I cook so I explore to my hearts content and then show up for food. Halloween as others have said is amateur night so I usually lay low
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