Hooker's Cave near Abbott, TX -- directions to the entrance
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Could someone point me to the entrance of Hooker's Cave located on the Old Carr Ranch near Abbott, TX? I already have seen the UER photos taken inside the cave, and have no intention of entering it. I am just curious as to where the entrance is. I am researching for the History of West Museum. We are trying to feature a theme entitled "The Wild Wild West" and Hooker's Cave is part of the legend of how West was founded. I know where the ranch is. I just need some direction. From the remnants of the now burned down home, what direction do I turn to? I'm a 65 year old retired teacher with a curiosity of this cave. No way will I even attempt to go inside. Too old for that & I fear snakes, at least the poisonous kind. Thank you for this wonderful resource!
Milwaukee, WI
Meow Meow Fudder Mucker!
Re: Hooker's Cave near Abbott, TX -- directions to the entrance
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I have never been - I live in WI. But, I found precise locations of the cave you seek with a simple Google search. I would suggest you start there.

I will have to go on record here as saying - Your account is almost a year old, and this was your first post. Being 65 and having no interest of entering the cave is suspect. That said, don't be stupid. I have no clue what is in that cave, but don't go alone. Let someone know you have gone, and when you will return. Be sure and let them know how many people are going with you. Use common sense. If it requires climbing gear, I personally wouldn't even risk it unless I was with an experienced spelunker.

My conscience is officially clear.
[last edit 8/7/2018 12:53 PM by Mr. Bitey - edited 1 times]
Re: Hooker's Cave near Abbott, TX -- directions to the entrance
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
the latest (modern era) opening has been covered up

that being said it is part of the Balcones fault after all, there may be other ways in
Re: Hooker's Cave near Abbott, TX -- directions to the entrance
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm BACK! I'm not 65 any longer but I am still curious about Hooker's Cave. Don't worry about me being reckless. I'm a mother with family. I like myself too much to make careless decisions. I have a map of the cave from the spelunker who explored and mapped it out many years ago. The fella is OLD. He can't remember where the entrance is. He gave me the map about 15 years ago. It's not any help as to finding the entrance. I also have a few photos of the inside but only at the entrance. Yes, I know. The entrance is covered. That's fine. I still want to see the entrance. I saw a fleeting comment that the cave is going to be commercialized as in open for business like InnerSpace down I-35 south near Georgetown, TX. Many of the commercial caves in TX are located near I-35 except Caverns of Sonora. I am just wondering if anyone has heard that Hooker's Cave is destined to have a gift shop and snack bar. Near the entrance. Wherever that is. Thank you for any info anyone can give me. Such as "at the old chimney, face north and walk 50 paces..."
Re: Hooker's Cave near Abbott, TX -- directions to the entrance
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Maggie May, I actually own the property now. We are working on a lot of things there. will be another 6-8 months before open.
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Hooker's Cave near Abbott, TX -- directions to the entrance
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by MaggieMay
Thank you for any info anyone can give me. Such as "at the old chimney, face north and walk 50 paces..."

You won't get any here. The urbex community as a whole generally has a policy of not giving out sensitive information (like entrance details) to just any random person who asks. We've all seen the tragedy of the commons, scrappers, and vandals destroy too many places once that information became too widely known, so now everyone only shares details like that with people they trust won't wreck the place.

Quite frankly, given that you've been here for five years and never tried to contribute in any way besides asking for sensitive info without doing anything to earn trust, you'd have an easier time getting blood from stone.
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