Posted by Mr. Bitey They cannot push trespassing on you. They simply cannot prove it. There is nothing they can do about the pics, either. They were taken from a public street. If they personally were on the front porch when you took the pics, and you did not obtain permission to post them, that is different.
Even in that case if they were in the open where they have no reasonable expectations of privacy there's not much they could do. A webmaster might take them down as a courtesy.
Another important point is these images aren't being used for commercial purposes; to directly generating profit as with an ad shoot.
In that case releases would be needed.
Posted by 2Xplorations
some of those pics do not prove he was on a public street some with the bushes in the foreground like number 5 with a flash, don't look like "25x" whatever the Hell that means in focal length?
If it's who I'm thinking of they were physically on/inside private property ie trespassing?
Posted by 2Xplorations Why does anyone want to take a picture of someone's home anyway, vacant, abandoned, historic register or not. Its somebodies private home. Find something better to infiltrate or do the exploring with permission exploring thing. In the part of the country where I live you get caught doing this stuff (except as noted from a public sidewalk maybe) you end up in the county jail, the e.r. or even the morgue. Not worth it for some amateurish poorly composed digital pics to publish in the Internet man.
Personally even when street shooting in a public place I get 'permission' from the subject. It may just be a gesture with the cam and a smile.
Those who don’t want shot, I leave be; plenty of fish in the sea. Don't poison the water...
If cops are around I let them know I'm shooting. Sometimes it gets me a better location or even some pics of the cops.
I agree with 2Xplorations; houses with people I avoid out of respect.
All that said it's one thing to shoot an image for yourself.
Is sharing it with anyone and everyone really necessary?
Rule#1 People are trouble