Solve et Coagula.
Favorite non-UER websites for Urbex?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
First time poster here. A friend and I are doing a bunch of Urbex research as I type this. We’ve been looking into this for a while and are excited to get started.

That said, what are your best Urbexing resources outside of this site? This site has a ton of good info, of course, but it’s always nice to diversify sources. Thanks!
Re: Favorite non-UER websites for Urbex?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum obviously. That dudes book is pretty sweet on that website
N. Illlinois
Re: Favorite non-UER websites for Urbex?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Just looking on Google maps for potential locations helps me quite a bit
Chicagoland/Sometimes Austin
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Re: Favorite non-UER websites for Urbex?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
google maps, depending on the kind of location there are some wiki-type sites that give good info. ex: asylum projects
Solve et Coagula.
Re: Favorite non-UER websites for Urbex?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
google maps, depending on the kind of location there are some wiki-type sites that give good info. ex: asylum projects

Ah, didn't think about that wiki idea. Thanks!
Milwaukee, WI
Meow Meow Fudder Mucker!
Re: Favorite non-UER websites for Urbex?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Google maps, of course...

I also use ACME Mapper:
The topo layer often shows underground stuff like tunnels and drains.

And Wikimapia:
I would assume they use the same satellite images as Google, but the zoom feature seems to produce a much clearer image. Google maps (even in 2D) often show distortions brought on by how they stitch together satellite and flight photos.

Bridge Hunter has led me to some cool in-use and decommissioned bridges:
I have also used Bridge Hunter to help me find Bandos. I am not good at just wandering. I need a destination. Load up some bridge locations in to Google Bitch, and tell her to avoid highways. The BEST way to view any state/country, and has led me to countless bandos just by happening by. So, the old bridges are definitely cool, but if I never make to the bridges I punched into Google Bitch, it means I found better stuff to explore!

History, history, history.... I am far from mastering public records and the library, but reading about the history of one location in great detail has led me other places by sheer co-inky-dink....

2 edits: Added another link, spelling, additional detail...
[last edit 6/18/2018 12:47 PM by Mr. Bitey - edited 2 times]
Milwaukee, WI
Meow Meow Fudder Mucker!
Re: Favorite non-UER websites for Urbex?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Some favorite sights for viewing Urbex/Rurex locations here. These are mostly just photo collections, and rarely share location and POE details.

The best photo collection of drains I have found thus far:

And a great collection of mine explores. ZERO location data - these are from hired professionals. Should you happen to buy an old mine, you can hire these guys to map it and let you know of the conditions. They also have assisted in missing persons searches - but in reality are body recoveries....
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