Bay Area
Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hi all,

I'm curious to hear how long you usually wait between exploring a location and posting images of it online. Would this change depending on whether or not anyone saw you on the property?

Up until now I've typically waited several months before sharing my pictures, but I'm not sure if I'm being too cautious.
I aim to misbehave
Re: Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've posted while still inside.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Ill post stuff live while Im there, or sit on it for years. It all depends.
Chicagoland/Sometimes Austin
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Re: Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I typically post right when im done editing. Sometimes that can take months, sometimes its as soon as I get home. Quite a few people I know believe in not releasing photos until a place is sealed, demo'd, or already blown up.
Oxford, UK
Re: Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
As soon as I can, I don't like to sit on photos.
Long Island, New York
Re: Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I post when I'm done editing, but pics that reveal information will only be made public after a location is gone.
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I often post as soon as I'm done editing, though I take care to make sure nothing that easily identifies the location gets posted. While I do post some locations on the DB, others I keep to myself- it all depends.
Hamilton, ON
Are you on the square?
Re: Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed
Ill post stuff live while Im there, or sit on it for years. It all depends.


I actually still have a bunch of undeveloped medium format film. Maybe one day I will develop, scan, and maaaaybe post. I completely forget what is on it, though.
Central PA
Re: Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TrixieSparrow


I actually still have a bunch of undeveloped medium format film. Maybe one day I will develop, scan, and maaaaybe post. I completely forget what is on it, though.

Well at least develop it before it goes stale!

( I say with several undeveloped rolls from years ago and a darkroom in the basement full of expired chemicals... )

On topic though, I apparently like to wait almost a decade to post anything. I've sat on a pile of stuff for years that some people have convinced me to finally start trickling out.
Re: Appropriate Picture Sharing Etiquette
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I guess I'll throw my 2c out there:

I post as soon as I get around to editing the pictures. Sometimes that's next day, sometimes its a few months (I'm busy/lazy). I wouldn't be concerned about posting after being seen. It'd be a lot of effort to track down the photos, then connect them to you, etc. I wouldn't be worried.
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