Found a Store Under Construction With Open Door. Need Advice.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I found a place under construction with an open door. The problem is that it is next to a popular restaurant, and workers come in occasionally. I want to avoid confrontation, but it does seem pretty much inexorable in this scenario. You guys have advice on confrontation with workers, ideal times to enter, and what to do when things don't go as planned?
Also, Please note that I this is my first time doing this.
[last edit 6/13/2018 3:52 PM by Orbit64 - edited 1 times]
Milwaukee, WI
Meow Meow Fudder Mucker!
Re: Found a Store Under Construction With Open Door. Need Advice.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
When exploring drains during the day, I wear a hard hat and orange vest. No one ever questions me. A clipboard and laser measuring tool adds to the "I belong here" disguise kit....
Re: Found a Store Under Construction With Open Door. Need Advice.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Wizbang
When exploring drains during the day....

Sorry I should have been more specific. It is just a store under construction no drains or anything. Just a door to walk through. And I am too young (just turned 16) for the construction gear to be effective lol.
Secret Cult Member
Re: Found a Store Under Construction With Open Door. Need Advice.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
When I happen across a situation like that where there's something interesting and an unlocked door, I just walk in and have a look around.

Don't take anything, don't cause any trouble, and if/when someone stops you just be honest. "Sorry, the door was open and I was just curious."

That's not going to work if you're climbing up six floors of an office tower under construction, or it's the middle of the night, or whatever, but for a new/remodelled storefront that's just sitting there, I've never had any trouble just popping in in the middle of the day and apologizing and leaving when someone sees me.

Spoiler Alert: They're usually not actually all that interesting, but it is fun to just pop into something on a whim, once in a while, just for the simple joy of it.
Milwaukee, WI
Meow Meow Fudder Mucker!
Re: Found a Store Under Construction With Open Door. Need Advice.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Orbit64

Sorry I should have been more specific. It is just a store under construction no drains or anything. Just a door to walk through. And I am too young (just turned 16) for the construction gear to be effective lol.

I know you had no drains involved, was just sharing how I avoid standing out as an explorer.
Re: Found a Store Under Construction With Open Door. Need Advice.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Orbit64
I found a place under construction with an open door. The problem is that it is next to a popular restaurant, and workers come in occasionally. I want to avoid confrontation, but it does seem pretty much inexorable in this scenario. You guys have advice on confrontation with workers, ideal times to enter, and what to do when things don't go as planned?
Also, Please note that I this is my first time doing this.

doesn't sound like a good situation
Re: Found a Store Under Construction With Open Door. Need Advice.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by NotBatman
it is fun to just pop into something on a whim, once in a while, just for the simple joy of it.

Well said, some folks refuse to learn this regardless whether rookie status or not.

It is the core of what urban exploring is about to me anyway.
Re: Found a Store Under Construction With Open Door. Need Advice.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Obviously you should try to be kinda sneaky getting in and going when you won't be interrupted, but if you're just a lone teenager checking out a building and you don't look like you're doing something sketchy (because presumably, you aren't), no one's really going to care. I got caught exploring an abandoned power plant office (the parking lot was semi-in-use by the active powerplant next door, and the worker saw my bike parked by the open window). When the worker asked what I was doing there I just told him I was curious what was inside and made it clear that I was leaving.

If there's no sign, lock, or patrol, then chances are the stakes are pretty low for getting caught, just don't act sketchy.
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