Could I post images of just the exterior of a location if I can't get in? Or do I have to include both exterior and interior pictures? I apologize if this question was already answered but I couldn't find one. There's an abandoned gas station in my small town, mostly stripped, but on the main road with all of the larger supermarkets and shops, it would be obvious trying to get in as it's right next to troad and I'm not sure there is an open entrance. I do plan to take pictures and/or video today but I just wanted to see if I could still post them.
Posted by Funeral Director Could I post images of just the exterior of a location if I can't get in? Or do I have to include both exterior and interior pictures? I apologize if this question was already answered but I couldn't find one. There's an abandoned gas station in my small town, mostly stripped, but on the main road with all of the larger supermarkets and shops, it would be obvious trying to get in as it's right next to troad and I'm not sure there is an open entrance. I do plan to take pictures and/or video today but I just wanted to see if I could still post them. |
The database has stricter rules than the forums, obviously. I've been to a couple abandoned gas stations, one which had a lot of very nice old rusted machinery, the other which was dull. Gas stations usually don't have much of an interior, so you don't need to post an interior just for the sake of it.
As for forum posts, if all you have is a couple pictures of a structure in the distance that you couldn't get closer to, I see no value in sharing it in the LDB or the forums. About as helpful as a beer brewer letting his friends try what he's working on halfway through fermentation. If it were a historic building or something, maybe, but not a closed gas station.
Posted by Steed As for forum posts, if all you have is a couple pictures of a structure in the distance that you couldn't get closer to, I see no value in sharing it in the LDB or the forums. |
I can get close to it and take shots through the window or of the pumps and the structure itself, but not necessarily go in. But you did answer my question so thank you.
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