Albuquerque, NM
First Urbex Adventure
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This is my first true Urbex adventure, which happened to take place at a small abandoned apartment complex (at least it appeared to be apartment like) alongside the busy road, and I happen to come across this little guy (the bunny).

I was quite content that I explored this place, especially it being a place fit enough for a first-timer, except the fact that I came across a homeless guy which kind of gave me the spooks.

Anyways, will post more photos of the place if asked to!

N. Illlinois
Re: First Urbex Adventure
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Good to hear your first explore went well, would love to see more pictures!
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: First Urbex Adventure
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It's always good to see photos from new explorers, if you wouldn't mind posting them. The first exploration is always the hardest just because you don't really know what to expect, so I'm glad yours went well.
China, IL is the best at math
Re: First Urbex Adventure
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Yeah hobos still spook me almost every time! But I find most of them are pretty cool and say hello. They usually aren't dangerous but it doesn't hurt to carry a tripod. I don't even take pictures on all my explores but its a good incognito weapon. Good luck on your future adventures!
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: First Urbex Adventure
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I ran into a homeless guy a couple months ago and it gave me quite a scare, even after being at this for 13 years.

This forum is a bit of a sandbox to learn how to explore, so don't be afraid to post about your first adventure in other forums, such as your region or Photography. I'd also like to see your pictures a little larger.
Kansas City, KS
Re: First Urbex Adventure
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Congrats on the first explore! Please feel free to share pics. We'd love to see them.
Re: First Urbex Adventure
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Way to go! Please post more pictures.
Smack dab in the middle of Texas
Best to not look back and see what follows
Re: First Urbex Adventure
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Juxobe
Yeah hobos still spook me almost every time! But I find most of them are pretty cool and say hello. They usually aren't dangerous but it doesn't hurt to carry a tripod. I don't even take pictures on all my explores but its a good incognito weapon.

That's exactly why I carry mine! I usually like to stay behind the camera so I think I have used it for 3 pictures in total. But it can definitely stun someone long enough to give you a head start
Mid to south TX
I just like to take pictures TBH
Re: First Urbex Adventure
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Definitely post more pictures!!!
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