Soon to close
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Is it OK to post about a location you know is about to close for good?
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Soon to close
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It's okay if precautions are taken but you probably only really need to do it if you're looking for other people to explore it with. There are ways to make threads non-public, so you could post it in a regional forum and ask moderators to make it private.
Re: Soon to close
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks for the tip
Cincinnati, OH
"So what do you do for fun?" Oh I go in abandoned buildings and take pictures.
Re: Soon to close
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
When I know a location is about to close I wait for some other idiots to go there and break in. Then you can see if the owner cares enough to fix it, if they do it might be a safe bet to wait a little while and if not you’re probably good to go.
Smack dab in the middle of Texas
Best to not look back and see what follows
Re: Soon to close
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ryan5685
When I know a location is about to close I wait for some other idiots to go there and break in. Then you can see if the owner cares enough to fix it, if they do it might be a safe bet to wait a little while and if not you’re probably good to go.

That is generally my go to with locations. Especially the more recently closed ones.

Also per say it is a McDonald's or department store in busy strip that is closing I wouldn't recommend it because those are generally flipped pretty fast and could become inhabited faster than the word getting out about it.
Re: Soon to close
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Oh trust's not a McDonald's.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention what it is.
Cincinnati, OH
"So what do you do for fun?" Oh I go in abandoned buildings and take pictures.
Re: Soon to close
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by xXxStrangeRxXx
Oh trust's not a McDonald's.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention what it is.

Nobody is going to get mad at you unless you reveal specific details. It's fine to say there's a school closing near me but people might be annoyed if you say "The school at xxxx main Street in anytown, NW that you can enter through the second to far left window which is unlocked and also there's no security and please trash the place and steal their copper wiring"
Re: Soon to close
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Ok. It's an inland shipyard scheduled to close in May of this year.
Cincinnati, OH
"So what do you do for fun?" Oh I go in abandoned buildings and take pictures.
Re: Soon to close
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by xXxStrangeRxXx
Ok. It's an inland shipyard scheduled to close in May of this year.

Ah that's cool! I don't know details but I'd be a bit wary of expensive boats that they want to protect. It's not always like that but you know if Mr. Rich Guy has his 2 million dollar yacht there, the owner better protect it or he could get sued.
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