N. Illlinois
First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
So I've done a bit of exploring before, but nothing really risky I guess you could say, most locations I've been I could just walk right on. This week I'm planning my first 'big' explore with a friend. I'm looking for advice, as I am still very much a novice.

Here's the situation.

There is a recently (about a year and a half ago) abandoned building near my city. It's scheduled for demo soon so I want to get in to see it before this happens as it could be any day they roll the excavators in.
The problem is, this place is in plain view of absolutely everyone. The parking lot is shared with an active and still very busy sports club facility, the highway runs along the opposite side. Behind the building is a business complex that is about 50-100 yards away that is in direct view, and in front runs the busiest road of the city. The point I'm trying to make is, there's a 99% chance we're going to be seen walking onto the property.

Option 1 is this, park at the sports club and walk onto the property as if we're supposed to be there, maybe make it obvious we're taking pictures. Walk to the back, where the business complex is, and head towards the courtyard of the place. The courtyard entrance is pretty overgrown so if we can make it there without raising too much suspicion it will cover us quite well from view of the outside world. We will have to walk by the windowed part of the sports club though unfortunately, this is unavoidable. Inside the courtyard on 3 sides are all rooms with outside entrances.

Option 2 is we park at a hotel not too far away and walk the main road and cut through the parking lot, and enter through the courtyard. This will shield us from view of the office complex and sports facility, but put us in direct view of the main street, but most people would probably assume we were just cutting through.

Option 3 is that we go Sunday, when the business complex is closed so it will remove that set of eyes from us, but we will still have the sports complex as it is open 7 days a week, and potentially security since they are there 24 hours on weekends.

Options 1 seems the best to me.

We figure this will be best done in the day on a weekday, late morning/early afternoon (hopefully most of them will be out to lunch) as we can blend in by parking in the sports club lot, and at night this location is pretty closely watched by local PD and private security. Day will of course grant us a bit more liberal use of our flashlights and camera flashes as well.
I also might note that the owner of this property is a bank, so contacting them really isn't plausible.

I'm pretty nervous about this, but the reward is worth the risk. I just want to manage that risk as best as possible.

So are any of these a good plan? Should I be doing things differently? Or is this a terrible idea I should abandon all together? Or am I completely overthinking this and should quit worrying as much? As this is my first 'real' explore, I'd prefer to avoid confrontation with any enforcement as much as possible. Of course, that's usually the goal but I'm sure you understand what I mean lol

Any constructive input is more than welcomed.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Why not predawn it?

A hotel parking lot sounds like the best way, if you really have to arrive be car.
N. Illlinois
Re: First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed
Why not predawn it?

A hotel parking lot sounds like the best way, if you really have to arrive be car.

I have to check the security situation. Last I knew they had security there from sunset to sun rise and 24 hrs on weekends. Last time I was there, that seemed to still be the case. But that might be a good way to go.
Cincinnati, OH
"So what do you do for fun?" Oh I go in abandoned buildings and take pictures.
Re: First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I’d say early Sunday morning. You have to take risks sometimes to see the greatest reward (if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime however) and I think you’ll have the least chance of getting caught at about sunrise on Sunday. People are sleeping or going to church so hotel patrons will probably be sleeping, eating breakfast, or not focused on people messing around outside, the business park will be closed and who the hell goes to the sports club at 8am on a Sunday? If the guard is there, you probably won’t be able to get in but people on here have pulled of crazier stuff. Also consider asking the guard if you could take a few pictures to preserve the building before it is destroyed forever. You could also ask him to give you a tour but he might think you’re trying to distract him from someone else.

Good luck!
Smack dab in the middle of Texas
Best to not look back and see what follows
Re: First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
From someone who was a rookie much more recent than I'd like to admit and entering some pretty openly sketch locations.....

1. Always have a camera around. Even if you aren't actually taking pictures. It removes some suspicion of you being a vandal.

2. Playing off the whole having a camera. If someone does happen to stop you. Just say you are interested in older and abandoned buildings. And you just wanted to get some cool pictures. Then walk away to approach from another direction if you can.

3. During the day the whole "I'm supposed to be here" goes a very long way. (Not just for exploring either ;) ) just be confident

4. It's always better to get caught leaving the property then entering it. So if it seems risky to go during the day but you want daylight while there. Enter in pre-dawn is the best option. Plus how many people are paying attention coming in on their morning commute. I know I'm not awake by the time I get to work.

Also! Don't dress like a criminal or hoodlum. Dress like you belong there. Jeans and a t-shirt usually do me fine
[last edit 4/12/2018 11:54 PM by Trout na bout - edited 1 times]
Kansas City, KS
Re: First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Best thing I can tell a fellow rookie (others with more experience will come along with much better advice than I can give) is to be mindful of light and noise discipline.

Don't shine your light out windows. Avoid making the place look like the produce section of your local supermarket. When outdoors try to travel by moonlight.

Don't be hooting and hollaring, laughing, stomping around, breaking things, etc.

Best of luck!
Re: First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
from my experience 24 hour guards either sleep from midnight till their shifts up or spark up a blunt in the parking lot (true story, twas funny as ShizNit),
If you go early morning or late night most of the time security guards are not on top of their game.
N. Illlinois
Re: First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks for all the advice! We did the explore and it went without a hitch, so I was probably just over thinking it, but that's a lot of good advice that I definitely will keep in mind as I am still very much a rookie.
Cincinnati, OH
"So what do you do for fun?" Oh I go in abandoned buildings and take pictures.
Re: First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Trout na bout
4. It's always better to get caught leaving the property then entering it.

My excuse is “I’m leaving because I saw a sign saying we can’t be here” or “I thought I might get in trouble for being here so I’m leaving.” Most of the time people won’t give a shit if you’re leaving.
Kansas City, KS
Re: First 'risky' explore for a rookie. Looking for advice/tips on exploring my first real location
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Glad it went well!
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