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Vancouver Island.
Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hey everyone,

I wasn't sure where to post this so I assumed that the 'Rookie Forum' would be the best place to post it under.

So there is this abandoned house I want to check out nearby where I live and I want to explore it before they knock it down. However I am contemplating if it would be worth it for a number of reasons.

1. It is boarded up and I think there is only one entrance/exit.

2. The police station is literally a 30 second drive up the road from it and if someone were to call them, I don't want to be stuck inside when they arrive.

3. This is probably just my paranoia getting to me but I walked past it one day and the people clearing old furniture out of it were wearing respirators. Now that could mean either there is/was something extremely toxic inside the house, or it is just regulations for that kind of job. I do not own a respirator at this time.

4. There are houses next door on both sides and across from it and there is a park down the road so there is the occasional car going up and down the road.

I am just getting back into urban exploration after not doing it for a few years. I would love to check this place out and get some photos of it but due to the risks involved, I am willing to pass this one up.

Thank you for reading and I appreciate your feedback.
[last edit 3/4/2018 3:16 AM by L0st1nt1m3 - edited 3 times]
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I personally wouldn't do that one unless you can find an owner and get permission.

The police would be a serious pain in that proximity, and I don't know of any furniture company that makes it's employees wear respirators for no reason.

If you talk to an owner and pretend to be a student or blogger doing a bit on abandoned houses and want some photos, you'll both take care of the police problem, and he'll be able to warn you if you need a respirator.
Vancouver Island.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TakesWalks
I personally wouldn't do that one unless you can find an owner and get permission.

The police would be a serious pain in that proximity, and I don't know of any furniture company that makes it's employees wear respirators for no reason.

If you talk to an owner and pretend to be a student or blogger doing a bit on abandoned houses and want some photos, you'll both take care of the police problem, and he'll be able to warn you if you need a respirator.

I was leaning towards that direction anyway. (not checking it out.) I am not sure who owns it or used to own it. I am also not sure where I would look to find out. Thank you for your input.
[last edit 3/4/2018 3:15 AM by L0st1nt1m3 - edited 1 times]
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Depending on the traffic and whether the point of entry is visible from the street, an exploration across the street from a police station can be feasible. I've climbed a crane that was across the street from a police station myself. Granted, that was at 1 AM, so not a whole lot of traffic or police were present.

If they were wearing respirators but weren't tearing up the house, then I'd put money on the house being infested with black mold. Asbestos is only dangerous if you disturb it, while black mold can screw up your lungs just by being in the same room.

If this were a mansion or big, old house, I'd say it might be worth the risk, but if it's just a standard residence, I'd pass unless you can get permission.
Vancouver Island.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran
Depending on the traffic and whether the point of entry is visible from the street, an exploration across the street from a police station can be feasible. I've climbed a crane that was across the street from a police station myself. Granted, that was at 1 AM, so not a whole lot of traffic or police were present.

If they were wearing respirators but weren't tearing up the house, then I'd put money on the house being infested with black mold. Asbestos is only dangerous if you disturb it, while black mold can screw up your lungs just by being in the same room.

If this were a mansion or big, old house, I'd say it might be worth the risk, but if it's just a standard residence, I'd pass unless you can get permission.

Hi Aran,

Thanks for checking this topic out and for your advice. It is a small two-story house. The police station is up the road and around the corner, so they can get down there pretty quick. The entrance is down some steps in the front yard so it is in plain view of the street/neighbors.
Quiet as a dang churchmouse
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
As for number 2, spots next to police stations can be trouble. That's not to say they're not doable, or that you should be unreasonably paranoid, but it sounds like it's an easy walk down the street for a cop on his lunch break.

That being said, if you're smart and aren't seen going in and play a good parking game, you don't have a ton to worry about other than that police response will be quicker if you happen to stir up trouble.

Always bring a dust mask rated for asbestos with you, that would be my bet as to why they wore those masks. Unless you're talking about full respirators.. that would be weird
Vancouver Island.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Hoover
As for number 2, spots next to police stations can be trouble. That's not to say they're not doable, or that you should be unreasonably paranoid, but it sounds like it's an easy walk down the street for a cop on his lunch break.

That being said, if you're smart and aren't seen going in and play a good parking game, you don't have a ton to worry about other than that police response will be quicker if you happen to stir up trouble.

Always bring a dust mask rated for asbestos with you, that would be my bet as to why they wore those masks. Unless you're talking about full respirators.. that would be weird

Thanks Hoover.

The house is within walking distance from where I live. Also I will get a dust mask of some kind as soon as I can. And I will be sure to look for that rating.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Sounds like a lot of trouble for just a house. Maybe too much risk for too little of a reward. If you're gonna go definitely where a mask/gloves.
Quiet as a dang churchmouse
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by L0st1nt1m3

Thanks Hoover.

The house is within walking distance from where I live. Also I will get a dust mask of some kind as soon as I can. And I will be sure to look for that rating.

Oh I'm sorry, I read "hotel". What I said about 2 still stands in theory, but yeah I'll agree with everyone above me that it sounds like a lot of trouble for a house.

I don't know what type of area you live in, but if you have access to rural areas then you have access to a near infinite supply of abandoned houses. Abandoned houses in urban areas can be plentiful, but come with a huge amount of trouble. Probably best to move on, unless you're hell bent on exploring the house.
Vancouver Island.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I think I will skip this one. Thank you everyone for your input!
Cincinnati, OH
"So what do you do for fun?" Oh I go in abandoned buildings and take pictures.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Also buy a respirator; they are rather inexpensive and great if you don't like cancer.
Quiet as a dang churchmouse
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ryan5685
Also buy a respirator; they are rather inexpensive and great if you don't like cancer.

Great life advice no matter where you go in UE. Respirators are a good idea.
Vancouver Island.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ryan5685
Also buy a respirator; they are rather inexpensive and great if you don't like cancer.

I don't like cancer. I will pick one up next chance I get.
Kansas City, KS
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
My $.02 - If this was an awesome hospital or old church with some cool architecture then I'd probably say risk it. But a simple two story house that you have seen people taking stuff out of?

I wouldn't bother.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
To me this sounds like a candidate for the blatant approach. Park right in front, get out of your car with a clipboard and a backpack or satchel type bag, spend a couple of minutes looking at the house and the power line connection, write some BS on this clipboard, maybe fake a phone call looking annoyed thumbing through some papers on the clipboard, then walk right up to the front door and try it after a quick knock. If it's locked, just look even more annoyed and leave.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ahhntzville
To me this sounds like a candidate for the blatant approach. Park right in front, get out of your car with a clipboard and a backpack or satchel type bag, spend a couple of minutes looking at the house and the power line connection, write some BS on this clipboard, maybe fake a phone call looking annoyed thumbing through some papers on the clipboard, then walk right up to the front door and try it after a quick knock. If it's locked, just look even more annoyed and leave.


This is social engineering people.
Anderson, SC
It's also a gun.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ahhntzville
To me this sounds like a candidate for the blatant approach. Park right in front, get out of your car with a clipboard and a backpack or satchel type bag, spend a couple of minutes looking at the house and the power line connection, write some BS on this clipboard, maybe fake a phone call looking annoyed thumbing through some papers on the clipboard, then walk right up to the front door and try it after a quick knock. If it's locked, just look even more annoyed and leave.

This is my tactic of choice. But age and appearance are key factors to making this work. A white Ford Ranger helps.
His operating system is unstable.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by L0st1nt1m3

I don't like cancer. I will pick one up next chance I get.

Unless you know how to properly fit and use one, going with a respirator is a bad idea. Unless you get a proper seal, it'll just potentially trap crud in the mask to be inhaled.

There's a reason why there are lots of classes to properly be fitted for and use one commercially. A generic P95 or P100 mask will do fine, so long as you fit it tightly to your face/nose. Personally I prefer a respirator, but I'm used to wearing one regularly and have professionally used them in contaminated environments.
[last edit 3/6/2018 7:17 AM by DarkAngel - edited 1 times]
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I don't think that this would really be worth it. The risks out weigh the cost. But if you do decide to go then I would pick up a respirator. They're like $45 and $45 out of your pocket is better than lung cancer.
Cincinnati, OH
"So what do you do for fun?" Oh I go in abandoned buildings and take pictures.
Re: Is It Worth It? (Need Advice)
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by DarkAngel
Unless you know how to properly fit and use one, going with a respirator is a bad idea. Unless you get a proper seal, it'll just potentially trap crud in the mask to be inhaled.

I don't quite know if I agree with this. It's simple enough to put your hands over the filters and try inhaling and if your air is restricted and the mask comes toward your face then it fits right. As long as you do that and keep it clean I think it's much safer to wear one, even if it's not perfect.
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