General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
So last night at about 7 (well past sundown here) I got a severe case of cabin fever. I didn't want to drive anywhere too far but there are some water towers near me so I decided that I'd just climb one of those for the first time. Here came the issue, at the very top the VERY top there was a ladder block that prevented me from climbing any further. Do you guys have any advice on how to bypass that? I didn't want to do any experimenting because it was very dark and a deadly drop.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
If it's a caged ladder and if you can, simply climb on the outside of the cage near the gate and climb around it.
Normally they place these at the bottom not the top! If it's got barbed or razor wire too best to not fuck with it. Getting hung up on barbed wire gets ugly fast.

Climbing on the outside of the cage isn't hard but you need to be spot on and a good climber.
Bug out before you get in a jam if need be; better to bug out and live to climb another day!
You can practice doing this closer to the ground at first.
Remember, there is no 'if I fall' when climbing; you fall, you die... even with a safety harness.
I advise free climbing it.
Rest at the top of the ladder before you climb around the gate.

Never climb when it too cold as to cause problems with your grip.
NEVER climb on wet steel!
Steel is completely unforgiving. If you fall even a few feet onto steel expect broken bones at the least.
Do wear a pair of high top lace up boots suitable for climbing. Avoid soft soled shoes ie running shoes as these can cause foot problems.
A good pair of leather gloves that you can easily grip the steel with.
Pull ups are a good training exercise as they build the key muscles groups needed for climbing in the upper body/back.

Even if you can't get past the gate, ladder climbing is a great exercise. Do a couple up/down climbs.

Uncaged ladders are the best and easiest to climb but these are rare nowadays.
ALWAYS be certain to steel is sound, bug the fuck out if there are any doubt about its structural integrity!

Anderson, SC
It's also a gun.
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
So odd for them to cage it at the top? That's like asking for a death.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by jeepdave
So odd for them to cage it at the top? That's like asking for a death.

Lol, they're asking you to stay the fuck off their tank. No big deal anyway unless they went ape shit.
For protecting the water or cell antenna.
Gates nearer to the bottom are easier to breach.
Usually you just need to free climb.
Sometimes they just cut off the first 20 feet of ladder... then you need a ladder, or such.

They now lock the tank hatch as well... no more skinny dipping in the public water supply.
Vehicular Lord Rick
northeastern New York
No matter where you go, there you are...
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
another thing you might want to consider is the condition of the ladder.

I worked 11 years at a paper mill and any platform, ladder or catwalk is subject to corrosion from being out in the open, even an active site. In the time I worked in that mill we had several fail, almost killing a couple of guys.
we used to have gloves that had wet traction (don't laugh...)... i'll see if I can't find the name of them. (reason was everything was wet where I worked from either leaks, condensation, or being cleaned up with a hose)

I suppose the best advice that can be passed along is use your noodle...
Carpe noctum
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by sparta213
at the very top the VERY top there was a ladder block that prevented me from climbing any further.

Is it worth the risk to go any further?
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by rob.i.am

Is it worth the risk to go any further?

Personally, I'd say no. I've passed on rooftops before because accessing them would require me to free climb on a rickety support strut six stories up. I just don't trust my climbing skills enough to risk my life for a few photos. The risk outweighs the reward by too many orders of magnitude.

Ultimately, it's not my choice though. Just be sure to think very, very carefully about whether those photos are worth your life if you fall, and how confident you really are about being able to climb without falling.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran

Personally, I'd say no. I've passed on rooftops before because accessing them would require me to free climb on a rickety support strut six stories up. I just don't trust my climbing skills enough to risk my life for a few photos. The risk outweighs the reward by too many orders of magnitude.

Ultimately, it's not my choice though. Just be sure to think very, very carefully about whether those photos are worth your life if you fall, and how confident you really are about being able to climb without falling.

If he's slim enough to fit through the cage, -fit- enough to climb, and it's a straight climb on the outside of the cage with no added obstacles... it's no big deal.
Ever climb a tree?
When's the last time you hurled yourself down the highway at 80 mph?
You ever fall doing chin-ups or rope climbing?

3 points of contact at all times; every hand hold and foot hold count.
Fun times... take the risk, manage the risk.
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran

Personally, I'd say no. I've passed on rooftops before because accessing them would require me to free climb on a rickety support strut six stories up. I just don't trust my climbing skills enough to risk my life for a few photos. The risk outweighs the reward by too many orders of magnitude.

Ultimately, it's not my choice though. Just be sure to think very, very carefully about whether those photos are worth your life if you fall, and how confident you really are about being able to climb without falling.

Yeah, it's not worth it for me either. Especially after the recent events that took place with my medicine changes and all...
Cincinnati, OH
"So what do you do for fun?" Oh I go in abandoned buildings and take pictures.
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

They now lock the tank hatch as well... no more skinny dipping in the public water supply.

Did that used to be a thing?
Anderson, SC
It's also a gun.
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ryan5685

Did that used to be a thing?

Cincinnati, OH
"So what do you do for fun?" Oh I go in abandoned buildings and take pictures.
Re: General Water Towers Questions
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by jeepdave

I'm so curious now, Going based on common sense I'd sad that it's not possible but there are a lot of things that sound impossible
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