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Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Just wanted some opinions from the experts about which knife to carry for Urbex. Right now I carry a Karambit because its hard to disarm and if something hits my hand I won't drop it. Mine has a brass knuckle at the end so if I didn't want to stab someone or something I can just knock them out or throw a good hard punch. Who knows if I crack head charges at me I don't wanna kill anyone while exploring so I figured just having a brass knuckle and Karambit build would be good. But always up for better choices in knives to bring. Any suggestions?
Chicagoland/Sometimes Austin
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Uh, I usually just carry a swiss army knife in my bag. Its nice for certain situations. Having to stab someone is extremely overkill and carrying a knife built for killing things is insane unless you are infiltrating something you are risking your life (more than you already are exploring).
Long Island, New York
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
To re-state my point from a previous thread:

1. If you're more worried about the police than running into trouble, you don't need a weapon.

2. If you're more worried about running into trouble than you are about the police, find a better site.

At most you should have a pocket knife, for utility, not stabbing. Anything else is just putting yourself at greater risk if you get caught.
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by DescentOnARope
To re-state my point from a previous thread:

1. If you're more worried about the police than running into trouble, you don't need a weapon.

2. If you're more worried about running into trouble than you are about the police, find a better site.

At most you should have a pocket knife, for utility, not stabbing. Anything else is just putting yourself at greater risk if you get caught.

I heard sometimes there are foxes and other dangerous animals that will appear out of no were.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Marked
Just wanted some opinions from the experts about which knife to carry for Urbex. Right now I carry a Karambit

That doesn't look like practical knife although I'm sure it will get LEO's attentions...

Posted by Marked

I heard sometimes there are foxes and other dangerous animals that will appear out of no were.

If you're worried about rabid foxes/badgers/wolverines and bee spitting bears this may be the wrong hobby for you.
[last edit 2/6/2018 10:00 PM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Since September 2017 you can legally carry just about any knife any length you want in Texas.

If the knife has "brass knuckles" built in however, youre getting a ride to the slammer if caught. If youre basing youre ability to defend yourself on the style of knife you purchase or carry you might want to reconsider this hobby and stay on the sidewalk. (sounds like youre looking for a combat / survivalist / prepper type website)

Meanwhile we are really very impressed that you are ready to go toe to toe with some crack head, you should make Full Member in no time.

Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm a bit of a knife collector. I'd say something that isn't expensive as you may lose it. I'd go with a lock back, axis lock or similar. Framelocks and liner locks will fail you. Or go with a comfortable fixed blade. Something small but ergonomic. anything tactical or combat looking like a karambit and you're looking for trouble if you get caught. Besides I've never seen a useful karambit. And they're a bech to sharpen.
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
A credit card knife is pretty fantastic. They fold up to the size of a credit card so they fit in your wallet. The best part is the police have an aversion to opening your wallet, unless you are actually under arrest.
New Jersey
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Marked

I heard sometimes there are foxes and other dangerous animals that will appear out of no were.

Yeah that's usually when you spook them awake. They're taking shelter in a building that normally doesn't have people in it. There is absolutely no reason you should feel compelled to kill something in this situation. Just stay the fuck away. A knife is only good in close quarters anyway. If the animal is so "scary" you wouldn't want to be that close.
[last edit 2/7/2018 1:53 PM by EsseXploreR - edited 1 times]
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I always got with me a multifunction knife.
Oxford, UK
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Knives are for pussies.

Real explorers carry RPGs.
Secret Cult Member
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Katana or GTFO.

More seriously, I carry a small folding Ka-Bar for utility purposes. If you're knife fighting crack-heads, you've done something VERY wrong.
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by mookster
Knives are for pussies.

Real explorers carry RPGs.

Time to dust off my DnD set...
Fraser Valley, BC
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've always found decent multi-tools more useful than dedicated pocket knives, though I do carry both whether I'm exploring or not. They also carry less of a stigma than pocket knives if you end up having to explain yourself to authorities. The best value multi-tools I've ever owned are the Leatherman Wingman and Sidekick. They're $40 - 50 depending on where you buy them, they're plenty solid and durable, the knives they come with are sharp enough out of the box, and they're useful to have on you at all times, whether you're at work, at home, or in the flooded basement of a hundred year old mill.

They're almost identical multi-tools and similarly priced. Both of them have spring loaded pliers. The Wingman has a decent pair of miniature scissors and is a better tool at home or in urban environments, the Sidekick has a saw and is a better tool when you're camping or snooping around in the bush.
[last edit 2/7/2018 5:23 PM by EPOCH6 - edited 1 times]
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by NotBatman
Katana or GTFO.

More seriously, I carry a small folding Ka-Bar for utility purposes. If you're knife fighting crack-heads, you've done something VERY wrong.

Exactly. If you're knife fighting a crackhead (or really anyone or anything) in an abandoned building you're doing it wrong. And why are you afraid of fixes? They're not scary
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by EsseXploreR

Yeah that's usually when you spook them awake. They're taking shelter in a building that normally doesn't have people in it. There is absolutely no reason you should feel compelled to kill something in this situation. Just stay the fuck away. A knife is only good in close quarters anyway. If the animal is so "scary" you wouldn't want to be that close.

Lol, somehow I don't want to take on a badger in close quarters with a knife
They decorate the entrance of their burrows with bones for a reason and it probably isn't laziness.
Las Vegas
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I have found a knife to be a very useful tool to have when exploring. I wouldn't consider one a defense tool, but rather a utility tool. We also do a lot of vertical exploring where it's a real issue if clothing or hair gets jammed in a descender or ascender. I always carry a SOG Flash II in my pocket just in case I need to clear a jam. It's assisted opening so I can deploy and use it with one hand while keeping control of my rope with the other. Along with a pocket flashlight, I would never go exploring without one.

Abby Normal
Charlotte, NC
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I carry a Kizer Gunhammer - a 3.5" flipper with titanium scales and an SV35N radian recurve blade. I don't view it as a defensive weapon but mostly an over glorified box opener.

I ended up with this as a spare from a research project at work - it was a replacement of a 12 year old $20 Chinese special and a SOG Powerlock that grew legs on a business trip. I would have replaced the multitool but if I'm on my motorcycle I have a small tool kit and if in my wife's Outback I have a decent sized mechanics tool kit.

415890.jpg (87 kb, 1500x737)
click to view

Basicly Pointy jewelry
Las Vegas
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Xaq Fixx
I carry a Kizer Gunhammer - a 3.5" flipper with titanium scales and an SV35N radian recurve blade. I don't view it as a defensive weapon but mostly an over glorified box opener.

I ended up with this as a spare from a research project at work - it was a replacement of a 12 year old $20 Chinese special and a SOG Powerlock that grew legs on a business trip. I would have replaced the multitool but if I'm on my motorcycle I have a small tool kit and if in my wife's Outback I have a decent sized mechanics tool kit.

415890.jpg (87 kb, 1500x737)
click to view

Basicly Pointy jewelry

Quick question. What is the purpose of a recurve blade? I understand skinning knives, drop point and such, but the recurve seems like a less useful shape. Apart from being an attractive knife, what led you to choose that style?

Abby Normal
Re: Best knife?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Abby Normal

Quick question. What is the purpose of a recurve blade? Abby Normal

quick answer: there isn't one

knife makers build weird shit like that to get the tacticool crowd's attention

just pure marketing

notice the speed holes that make it open faster? they save weight when climbing in the Himalayas too
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