Posted on Forum: UER Forum
hey all I'm new to UER. As my name implies, I generally smoke when I explore. I smoke when I'm not exploring too, but that's beside the point. I wanted to know what you all thought of exploring either while you're high or smoking during the trip. I've spent so many summer nights on the roof of a building with my friends, booze, and a bong.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
You get one shot at it.
You fall; you die.
Anything that impairs judgement or reflexes is a hazard.
Been there, done it and more but I don't recommend it.
One member here has already died from a fall while smoking pot... climbing is not the time to relax!
New Jersey
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
If you're discreet about it, it's usually fine. Your username leads me to believe that's not really much of a concern of yours, but what do I know.

I'll smoke in places if they're laid back and in states or cities where it's legal/decriminalized. Otherwise I'll save it until I'm out and can find a better place. It's usually better to commit one crime at a time if you want to minimize your chances of getting in trouble.
Adventure is the air in my lungs and the blood in my veins
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I have gone on a few drunk hikes and walks in forested areas near me that I thought might be hiding a few things but depending on what I find idk if I would ever explore or climb while drunk. Lots of things can go wrong when exploring and Id rather be sober for that. Also weed make me sleepy :p not good for exploring. But everyone has their own exploring thing!!!!
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Experienced users shown little or no impairment when doing known tasks ie driving.
They tend to be more cautious.
However a tenth of second delay in reaction time if you slip and need to regrasp could mean life or death when climbing.
I've come close to having objects fall on me and had floors collapse under me; a tenth of a second is a lifetime.
Time is a luxury you don't have when things go to hell. You need to choose the right choice fast.
Quiet as a dang churchmouse
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk
You get one shot at it.
You fall; you die.
Anything that impairs judgement or reflexes is a hazard.
Been there, done it and more but I don't recommend it.
One member here has already died from a fall while smoking pot... climbing is not the time to relax!

Blackhawk is the Gandalf of this place, his advice is always spot on. Every town has an "old abandoned house/barn/glue depot" where it's fun to fuck around, but those are pretty low profile. For anything more intrepid/involved I'd leave the bong at home.

You've also got to think about worst case in terms of getting caught. If a police officer ends up having to search you, marijuana possession isn't going to help any argument you try to make. Possession is still illegal in New York as far as I've heard unless you have a medical card, but I still wouldn't combine it with UE.

I'm no seasoned vet like blackhawk, but I absolutely agree with him on this. I also don't smoke, but it seems like a bad mix.
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I never explore when I'm intoxicated. There's a couple of different reasons for that- first, as others have said above, you don't want to inhibit your reaction times or judgement ability. Secondly, I've known burned buildings that I suspect were torched by people screwing around with smoking things.

Lastly, try to avoid breaking more than one law at a time. Just as you don't smuggle fireworks (or anything else) over the WI/MN border with your tail light out, you don't consume illicit substances and participate in activities that increase your odds of contact with the police... such as trespassing. A cop will be far more willing to let you go if all you've done is trespass, while if you're consuming marijuana AND trespassing, they'll probably arrest you.
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by EsseXploreR
If you're discreet about it, it's usually fine. Your username leads me to believe that's not really much of a concern of yours, but what do I know.

I'll smoke in places if they're laid back and in states or cities where it's legal/decriminalized. Otherwise I'll save it until I'm out and can find a better place. It's usually better to commit one crime at a time if you want to minimize your chances of getting in trouble.

It's illegal here in New York, but for the most part I'm discreet. I hate obnoxious stoners as much as the next guy, but I'm almost always bringing a j with me or a bong if I've been to the spot before.
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk
Experienced users shown little or no impairment when doing known tasks ie driving.
They tend to be more cautious.
However a tenth of second delay in reaction time if you slip and need to regrasp could mean life or death when climbing.
I've come close to having objects fall on me and had floors collapse under me; a tenth of a second is a lifetime.
Time is a luxury you don't have when things go to hell. You need to choose the right choice fast.

I would consider myself experienced enough that I have little to no impairment, I get the tenth of a second but I guess I'm still just too young and dumb to care in that regard.
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Hoover

Blackhawk is the Gandalf of this place, his advice is always spot on. Every town has an "old abandoned house/barn/glue depot" where it's fun to fuck around, but those are pretty low profile. For anything more intrepid/involved I'd leave the bong at home.

You've also got to think about worst case in terms of getting caught. If a police officer ends up having to search you, marijuana possession isn't going to help any argument you try to make. Possession is still illegal in New York as far as I've heard unless you have a medical card, but I still wouldn't combine it with UE.

I'm no seasoned vet like blackhawk, but I absolutely agree with him on this. I also don't smoke, but it seems like a bad mix.

Of the times I've been caught with weed, I've always just been given a warning or a ticket for something unrelated and all the cops do is make me stomp the rest of my bud on the ground. "This is a worse punishment for you than jail." is a direct quote from a cop that pulled me over.

I agree with leaving the bong, I usually just roll something or I'll bring a cheap bowl that I can toss if I'm somewhere I'm less comfortable in.
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran
I never explore when I'm intoxicated. There's a couple of different reasons for that- first, as others have said above, you don't want to inhibit your reaction times or judgement ability. Secondly, I've known burned buildings that I suspect were torched by people screwing around with smoking things.

I explore a lot high, but never drunk. The only times I've drank in urbex have been in buildings I've explored hundreds of times and usually whoever I'm with and I will stay in the same area or part of the building. I've never come close to setting anything on fire but I have definitely seen fires that were started by an idiot with a lighter
New Jersey
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Hoover

Possession is still illegal in New York as far as I've heard unless you have a medical card, but I still wouldn't combine it with UE.

Posted by ue&420

It's illegal here in New York, but for the most part I'm discreet. I hate obnoxious stoners as much as the next guy, but I'm almost always bringing a j with me or a bong if I've been to the spot before.

You can have a little more than a half ounce on you in NY and it's a $100 fine, so that's not really a big deal. And that's only if they have a reason to search you. When I was cited for trespassing I wasn't searched, so again that's where the discretion comes in. Js are great because they're easy to ditch, but if you're walking down a hallway smoking that it's gonna leave a nice smell for a while. I usually pack a chillum and take a rip or two on a rooftop or near an open window I know nobody is going to be near. I also keep all the shit I may need to ditch in the same pocket, so if the time comes where it needs to get tossed I know exactly which pocket needs to get dumped. Again, it really all depends on the place. I also never bring anything I'm not prepared to get rid of. There is am abandoned school somewhere at this very moment with a batt and a grinder full of kush I had to stash when we were waiting out police inside.

Despite all that thought I've put into it, 9/10 times I just wait until I'm out.
Quiet as a dang churchmouse
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ue&420
I agree with leaving the bong, I usually just roll something or I'll bring a cheap bowl that I can toss if I'm somewhere I'm less comfortable in.

For the record, I meant that as a blanket statement. I wouldn't bring anything related to marijuana for liability reasons. I wouldn't go impaired for liability + judgement reasons.

The first time I was caught exploring, EVERYTHING I had on me was searched thoroughly. Having an ounce somewhere would've screwed my partner and I. Luckily, all I had was my camera.

I'll admit I've also got a stick up my butt when it comes to this sort of thing. I'm not trying to judge anyone for their choices, everyone's entitled to have fun in their own (victim-less) way. That's why we're all here, to trespass and have fun in a victim-less way. Just exercise safety and caution, my guy.

Edit: Added context
[last edit 2/6/2018 1:16 AM by Hoover - edited 1 times]
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by EsseXploreR

I also keep all the shit I may need to ditch in the same pocket, so if the time comes where it needs to get tossed I know exactly which pocket needs to get dumped. Again, it really all depends on the place. I also never bring anything I'm not prepared to get rid of. There is am abandoned school somewhere at this very moment with a batt and a grinder full of kush I had to stash when we were waiting out police inside.

Despite all that thought I've put into it, 9/10 times I just wait until I'm out.

The one time I was worried about cops I threw my bag into the bushes, went to McDonalds, and came back an hour later after dark and rummaged through thorns as cars drove by. It was really not a good time but you reminded me of it.
[last edit 2/6/2018 1:37 AM by ue&420 - edited 1 times]
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've never smoked, let alone while exploring, but I've explored with people that did so during the act. Of course it's not something you'd wanna be doing in a high-tension situation (lots of surveillance, in a vulnerable location, etc.), but otherwise I feel like it's not the worst thing you could do. Recently I was exploring with two guys, both of whom had been smoking while we were walking around an asylum. If impairment is a topic of discussion, we ended up getting spotted by a passerby and they were both as alert as me when we had to lay low and plan an exit. Again, I'm not too experienced, but if you're not high as a cloud and you're in a place you're familiar with, it can simply be a way to relax. That's how I see it.
Anderson, SC
It's also a gun.
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Pretty sure this will be a self solving issue.
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
As a participant in both I can tell you this: These are two habits I leave separated. No need to combine them in my opinion. Now if I've gone on a nice stoney hike and find something to explore it's likely I will do so but if it's not a great structure it's even more likely that the place will end up on my list for later.
Quiet as a dang churchmouse
Re: marijuana?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by jeepdave
Pretty sure this will be a self solving issue.

That's what they said about the tide pods
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