Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Maybe I'm about to commit a faux pas by asking about full member stuff as a non full member, but do sites ever get removed from the full member database? If so, what are the grounds for removal? I know of at least one site that's been taken from the pleb db, but that's because it hasn't been demolished yet. I'm sure that happens pretty often. I've never actually seen the full member database, so I wouldn't know what goes on there.
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
We delete DB entries that don't conform to the rules, are bogus, silly ones like your grandmas basement, or Carlsbad Caverns public tours and those that don't contain at least one photo gallery, or are duplicates of sites already in the DB etc.

Marking its status as demolished does not remove it.

This site is pretty liberal in what it allows. One entry has a few pics of the outside of a grain elevator taken from a drone. Half the people surveyed felt it qualified as urban exploration.
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by 2Xplorations
We delete DB entries that don't conform to the rules, are bogus, silly ones like your grandmas basement, or Carlsbad Caverns public tours and those that don't contain at least one photo gallery, or are duplicates of sites already in the DB etc.

Marking its status as demolished does not remove it.

This site is pretty liberal in what it allows. One entry has a few pics of the outside of a grain elevator taken from a drone. Half the people surveyed felt it qualified as urban exploration.

Ok, thanks for the quick answer.
Alberta, Canada
And therein, as the bard would tell us, lies the rub.
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by 2Xplorations
This site is pretty liberal in what it allows. One entry has a few pics of the outside of a grain elevator taken from a drone. Half the people surveyed felt it qualified as urban exploration.

Lmao. I've done so much more exploring than I thought...
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Mission Control
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Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by flySparro

Lmao. I've done so much more exploring than I thought...

I guess this makes public cam feeds fair game too.
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

I guess this makes public cam feeds fair game too.

Man, I never realized Google Maps Street View counts as exploring...
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran

Man, I never realized Google Maps Street View counts as exploring...

Back off, that's my vehicle to UEDB fame
Join us
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It can certainly be a disappointment to see the basic DB and seeing all the demolished locations. Those don't go away when you get full membership, and aren't necessarily equaled or surrounded by potential locations either.

In my area, I enjoy browsing through the pics of old places, since that's what most of the entries are. It serves as a good history gallery to browse through.
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

Back off, that's my vehicle to UEDB fame

How about we include historic maps in the database? We would have a theoretically infinite number of new locations! /s
(Edited to indicate sarcasm)
[last edit 1/29/2018 5:17 PM by EnvoyToTheMolePeople - edited 1 times]
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Nihil Novi

How about we include historic maps in the database? We would have a theoretically infinite number of new locations!

how about no?

we would have a bunch of new members whining that those locations are old and theyre demolished and theyre disappointed in that and they cant find anything to explore unless somebody gives them Full Membership..

you can view literally thousands of historic maps on any number of websites now

why don't y'all actually go physically explore something in real life instead of waiting for your smart devices to explore it for you?

(Google street view! somebody oughta slap blackhawk for that one, but in all fairness that's probably where we are headed next)

... vitual instasploring it counts as UE now!

at any rate I often include historic maps in my UEDB location's galleries to if I want to show changes in a certain area
[last edit 1/29/2018 4:00 PM by Explorer Zero - edited 1 times]
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by 2Xplorations

how about no?

we would have a bunch of new members whining that those locations are old and theyre demolished and theyre disappointed in that and they cant find anything to explore unless somebody gives them Full Membership..

you can view literally thousands of historic maps on any number of websites now

why don't y'all actually go physically explore something in real life instead of waiting for your smart devices to explore it for you?

Are the little wimp ass n00bies blind?
There are sites to splore -everywhere-.
I never use the DB to find sites and the use the DB for fun when I'm bored...
It always amazes me how some here think the UEDB is the fucking cat's ass and an exploring essential. Bloody tourists...

(Google street view! somebody oughta slap blackhawk for that one, but in all fairness that's probably where we are headed next)

... vitual instasploring it counts as UE now!

I was being so sarcastic... footprints or you were never there!
Lol, got a virus bitch slappin the hell out of me now anyway

[last edit 1/29/2018 5:03 PM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by 2Xplorations

how about no?

we would have a bunch of new members whining that those locations are old and theyre demolished and theyre disappointed in that and they cant find anything to explore unless somebody gives them Full Membership..

you can view literally thousands of historic maps on any number of websites now

why don't y'all actually go physically explore something in real life instead of waiting for your smart devices to explore it for you?

(Google street view! somebody oughta slap blackhawk for that one, but in all fairness that's probably where we are headed next)

... vitual instasploring it counts as UE now!

at any rate I often include historic maps in my UEDB location's galleries to if I want to show changes in a certain area

I should have made the sarcasm a little more obvious.
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Nihil Novi
I've never actually seen the full member database, so I wouldn't know what goes on there.

How up to date the Database is varies wildly depending where you're looking. Some cities like Toronto and NYC have relatively large urban explorer populations, and the DB may be updated fairly often by multiple members as locations are found or demolished.

Other cities (and sometimes entire regions) only have a couple of explorers, and updates tend to be sporadic. Locations may be out of date since sections like this tend to be maintained by one or two members, and when those people stop adding to it can be years before another explorer starts updating again.

Essentially, if you want an area updated, you gotta do it yourself. I've found a few locations by tracking down DB entries that are still standing, but I've also found some that were demolished long after the original entry maker stopped exploring. Most of my locations were found through other means.
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran

Essentially, if you want an area updated, you gotta do it yourself.

I certainly plan to. I've got all kinds of places in mind that I would love to share. Assuming, of course, that they comply with the rules.
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Nihil Novi

I certainly plan to. I've got all kinds of places in mind that I would love to share. Assuming, of course, that they comply with the rules.

whats holding you back why not share some stuff you actually explored that's what this sites about, no rule against
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by 2Xplorations

whats holding you back why not share some stuff you actually explored that's what this sites about, no rule against

Quite. Nothing puts you on the fast track to FM status like frequent exploration photo sets.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: Are sites ever removed from the fm database?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran

Quite. Nothing puts you on the fast track to FM status like frequent exploration photo sets.

Pics or it never happened.
Danger, action, and industrial sell; talk walks.
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