I hope you're having a great day, if you're not, you should because you can!
post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
There is an apartment that burned give or take a week ago in my area, want to check it out, but wanted to know how long i should wait as im sure families are still gathering whatever they can. Just want to see the extent of the damage and maybe make it my first pics on here. If i miss a guide somewhere i apologize but some help would be appreciated
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Since you put it that way, it doesn't sound like a good idea.
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by boxingkibbles96
There is an apartment that burned give or take a week ago in my area, want to check it out, but wanted to know how long i should wait as im sure families are still gathering whatever they can. Just want to see the extent of the damage and maybe make it my first pics on here. If i miss a guide somewhere i apologize but some help would be appreciated

I wouldn't. Honestly I think it is disrespectful to do this or even think about it.

Don't be so desperate for pics dude, have some respect.
I hope you're having a great day, if you're not, you should because you can!
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thats why I was asking, i knew i wanted to give time for the shock and awe to wear off and that its a hell of a thing to go through. Exactly why I wanted to ask people who have been doing this alot longer than me. Apparently made myself sound like a dick, I apologize
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by boxingkibbles96
Thats why I was asking, i knew i wanted to give time for the shock and awe to wear off and that its a hell of a thing to go through. Exactly why I wanted to ask people who have been doing this alot longer than me. Apparently made myself sound like a dick, I apologize

You are not a dick, you're just unaware of your actions and words.

Kansas City, KS
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Just because a building burned doesn't mean it's been abandoned.

Retrieval of property, investigations, renovation, etc. are all about to take place.

As with anything - be smart and do your research. Scout the building, find out it's activity level. Posted security? Family staying around the area?

Be careful.

(Just answering the question in a way - no moral guidance.)
[last edit 1/18/2018 9:49 PM by 4Valhal - edited 1 times]
San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
investigations go on for weeks if a cause isn't found immediately, dont be the reason a family suffers because evidence is trampled on or moved.

insurance companies love when they dont need to pay....

you did the right thing by making a thread looking for advice
Anderson, SC
It's also a gun.
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Like others have said this is one explore to pass up, at least for the time being. Now, if you want to talk to the local FD to see if you can take photos with one of them guiding you for class etc that could be a route. But the legal implications are far more than a simple trespass. Also burned structures are one of the most dangerous locations to explore. I rank it with how cave diving is dangerous to scuba divers is how burned structures are to Normal UE. There can be damage that has zero indication that it could fail. Cement isn't immune to heat and stress. Water damage from the FD can soak floors and put them beyond their load limits. I don't know how seasoned you are but fire damaged structures can kill you quickly.
San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
dave knows ^^^^

Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Like others have said, I'd pass on this one. I've explored a building post fire before, but it was a cold storage warehouse, and several weeks after the fire. There's no sentimental value to a warehouse, and the investigators had long since finished their job.

But exploring what was once somebody's home is always an intimate exploration, even when they left years ago. Exploring people's homes so soon after a fire is just rubbernecking, and not worth the emotional toll it would inflict on the victims.
Usually naked
The Delta Quadrant
Resistance is Futile
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
So given how short of a time ago it was...I wouldnt say never explore it, just give it some more time.

One of the first places i ever explored was an abandoned apartment complex. The entire thing had been abandoned for at least 6 months, if not a year. It, too, had burned. Not one apartment but like 3, in two different buildings.

Something to consider if you do go check it out (later down the line) is the stability of the whole structure. One of the apartments i went into had a stove/oven/range coming through the floor...and it wasnt one of the apartments that had burned, it was next to it. So...yeah, be careful and respectful
I hope you're having a great day, if you're not, you should because you can!
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
thanks to all of you for the help. answered all my questions. Over all seems like Im gonna pass, i have a feeling the whole complex may wind up being abandoned, it was a 4 alarm fire at some older apartments so im not sure if they will re build or not
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by boxingkibbles96
thanks to all of you for the help. answered all my questions. Over all seems like Im gonna pass, i have a feeling the whole complex may wind up being abandoned, it was a 4 alarm fire at some older apartments so im not sure if they will re build or not

Wait it out. Sometimes patience is part of the hunt and you might get a whole complex instead of someone's tragedy
I hope you're having a great day, if you're not, you should because you can!
Re: post fire explore
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
sounds like a plan
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