I'm not going to quote anybody, but I'm going to talk about MSP briefly.
I am not from MSP but I handle their dramatic dealing, when they arise.
MSP is Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota. (A lot of places here on UER are referred to with their airport code because it's easy, PDX = Portland, OR. DFW = Dallas/Ft Worth, TX)
The reason MSP is so weird about their locations is complicated.
MSP doesn't have a lot of what they call "topside" locations. Most of their abandonments are gone/never existed. The being said some of their more common topside abandonments are dangerous and are featured on the news frequently because someone died there. Another issue they have is that because most of their locations are underground...it have its own sets of problems.
MSP Explorers actively fight the city to explore what they have. The city owns a lot of the underground locations they have. When a hole to something underground is closed up, it's not like you can just go pull a board off a window or pick a lock to a door. It's work to get back into the location.
That being said a lot of their locations are very dangerous and people are idiots. Remember I said that people die in some locations there frequently? This doesn't exclude their underground places. People have died because they start fires in caves, depleting their oxygen. When this happens, the city then goes out to close up the holes again because some people lost their beloved Timmy because he was an idiot.
Posting photos and shit of these places just put them at higher risk of being closed and all the MSP dudes wanna do is make sure they get their fix, too.
That being said, I encourage anyone who goes their to reach out and get together with the exploring community their. They're pretty awesome people who really know how to have a good time. Don't let other people's shit talking about something they haven't experienced deter you from trying to hit these guys up when you're in the area
And welcome to UER, OP