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New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
- I was wondering if I should post to the Location Database or is there like an unspoken rule to not do so?

- Do full members have a separate location database?

- Am I going to get hazed for being new here?

- Are you guys still pretty active?

- And once again, I have a few locations and was wondering if I should post them or not.
China, IL is the best at math
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This is my understanding of things:

- Posting to the DB is for full members only

- Kinda. Full members can see locations that basic members cant

- I haven't yet. Most members are respectful and helpful but every once in awhile a person might not respect you as much or discard your opinion but thats just how some people are.

- Very. Its not like a new thread pops up every few minutes but if you ask a question or start a thread it will be active. It also depends on the board, UE main, Rookie and Photography are the most active.

- Only Full members can. Sucks for us
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Tribi
- I was wondering if I should post to the Location Database or is there like an unspoken rule to not do so?

It is written into the code that basic members can't post to the Location Database.

Posted by Tribi

- Do full members have a separate location database?

Not exactly, but we can see locations that aren't marked public. Depending on prior contributions in your region, that can be a little or a lot.

Posted by Tribi
- Am I going to get hazed for being new here?

No, unless you post about MSP sites. This isn't a frat. That said, if you react weird to something, people will needle you and see what happens. It weeds out the people who have no place being here.

Posted by Tribi
- Are you guys still pretty active?

The site is less active than 10 years ago but there are still many active urban explorers on here. Many also don't post on here as much anymore but are still otherwise active and may keep an eye on the site.

Posted by Tribi
- And once again, I have a few locations and was wondering if I should post them or not.

Share your pictures in the forums, not the database, and be careful about oversharing information. Users will take note and respect you if you share your work (and it's good) and if you demonstrate responsible handling of sensitive location information. Since most of us are not in your region, we're going to be more interested in your photographic eye or your ability to tell a story than your disclosing of map coordinates for an abandoned place that probably should be kept secret.
Kansas City, KS
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hazing - You will get 100% out of this forum what you put into it. If you look around you'll see members with 10, 12, 15 year stickers on their profile. They've been here putting in work a lot longer than my little three month sticker, and they deserve to be afforded respect. The only time I've watched people get hazed per se is when they have had it coming. Just be respectful and courteous and you'll have a good experience. This is, hands down, the most helpful and welcoming forum I've been a part of. Just don't come in with your muddy boots on their white carpet (and soon it'll be your white carpet too.)

Activity- Definitely active. There a lot of individuals on here with tons of experience and years in the UrbEx community. It's only natural for some of those to find other hobbies and ways to spend time. UER is a great place to learn and hang out. Activity comes from it's members being active. Invite your cool friends and share your pictures and stories. If you want your local area to be more active go out and find some cool stuff to bring back to UER.
Join us
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I know it's tempting to post your latest greatest place in the UE DB, but it can wait. Plus, you don't know if someone has already posted that location! Just have fun exploring, and documenting, and photographing. When you're ready to be a full member, then you can add your places to the DB.
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Juxobe
This is my understanding of things:

- Posting to the DB is for full members only

- Kinda. Full members can see locations that basic members cant

- I haven't yet. Most members are respectful and helpful but every once in awhile a person might not respect you as much or discard your opinion but thats just how some people are.

- Very. Its not like a new thread pops up every few minutes but if you ask a question or start a thread it will be active. It also depends on the board, UE main, Rookie and Photography are the most active.

- Only Full members can. Sucks for us

Okay, thanks for the pointers man.
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed

It is written into the code that basic members can't post to the Location Database.

Not exactly, but we can see locations that aren't marked public. Depending on prior contributions in your region, that can be a little or a lot.

No, unless you post about MSP sites. This isn't a frat. That said, if you react weird to something, people will needle you and see what happens. It weeds out the people who have no place being here.

The site is less active than 10 years ago but there are still many active urban explorers on here. Many also don't post on here as much anymore but are still otherwise active and may keep an eye on the site.

Share your pictures in the forums, not the database, and be careful about oversharing information. Users will take note and respect you if you share your work (and it's good) and if you demonstrate responsible handling of sensitive location information. Since most of us are not in your region, we're going to be more interested in your photographic eye or your ability to tell a story than your disclosing of map coordinates for an abandoned place that probably should be kept secret.

Thanks a ton for answering all these! I appreciate it a ton as I plan on using these forums often.

I'm just a kid who likes to wander
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed

No, unless you post about MSP sites. This isn't a frat. That said, if you react weird to something, people will needle you and see what happens. It weeds out the people who have no place being here.

What's the deal with MSP posting?
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by ChvsingxGhxsts

What's the deal with MSP posting?

Just post a picture of anywhere in the city and you'll find out. They've got a large offline community and don't tolerate new people giving away any of their possible locations, at all costs.
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed
Just post a picture of anywhere in the city and you'll find out. They've got a large offline community and don't tolerate new people giving away any of their possible locations, at all costs.

I can't say I've been in that neck of the woods before. Are they that serious about secrecy that they don't tolerate explorers posting sites online? Am I right in assuming that they shun those who do post their finds online? Do they tolerate posting online so long as it's discreet, or is all online activity discouraged?
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran

I can't say I've been in that neck of the woods before. Are they that serious about secrecy that they don't tolerate explorers posting sites online? Am I right in assuming that they shun those who do post their finds online? Do they tolerate posting online so long as it's discreet, or is all online activity discouraged?

Yes, they're serious about it*...

Discrete enforcement is a UER tradition

*note the special rule just for them in the pinned section of that forum.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran

I can't say I've been in that neck of the woods before. Are they that serious about secrecy that they don't tolerate explorers posting sites online? Am I right in assuming that they shun those who do post their finds online? Do they tolerate posting online so long as it's discreet, or is all online activity discouraged?

Even if you don't name the location, they don't like it if you post pictures that could be identified as belonging to a certain site. And they generally aren't polite about it.
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed

Even if you don't name the location, they don't like it if you post pictures that could be identified as belonging to a certain site. And they generally aren't polite about it.

Okay, thanks for the heads up. I plan to visit MSP for some exploring some time in the next few years, so I appreciate the tip on how not to step on any toes when I do visit.
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
What even is MSP? I see that acronym around but I don't know what or who it/they are.
[last edit 10/26/2017 6:53 AM by SaladKing - edited 1 times]
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by SaladKing
What even is MSP? I see that acronym around but I don't know what or who it/they are.

Minneapolis St Paul
China, IL is the best at math
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed

And they generally aren't polite about it.

Like the city or explorers?
Usually naked
The Delta Quadrant
Resistance is Futile
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm not going to quote anybody, but I'm going to talk about MSP briefly.

I am not from MSP but I handle their dramatic dealing, when they arise.

MSP is Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota. (A lot of places here on UER are referred to with their airport code because it's easy, PDX = Portland, OR. DFW = Dallas/Ft Worth, TX)

The reason MSP is so weird about their locations is complicated.

MSP doesn't have a lot of what they call "topside" locations. Most of their abandonments are gone/never existed. The being said some of their more common topside abandonments are dangerous and are featured on the news frequently because someone died there. Another issue they have is that because most of their locations are underground...it have its own sets of problems.

MSP Explorers actively fight the city to explore what they have. The city owns a lot of the underground locations they have. When a hole to something underground is closed up, it's not like you can just go pull a board off a window or pick a lock to a door. It's work to get back into the location.

That being said a lot of their locations are very dangerous and people are idiots. Remember I said that people die in some locations there frequently? This doesn't exclude their underground places. People have died because they start fires in caves, depleting their oxygen. When this happens, the city then goes out to close up the holes again because some people lost their beloved Timmy because he was an idiot.

Posting photos and shit of these places just put them at higher risk of being closed and all the MSP dudes wanna do is make sure they get their fix, too.

That being said, I encourage anyone who goes their to reach out and get together with the exploring community their. They're pretty awesome people who really know how to have a good time. Don't let other people's shit talking about something they haven't experienced deter you from trying to hit these guys up when you're in the area

And welcome to UER, OP
tollesque taurum cornu
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by blackhawk

*note the special rule just for them in the pinned section of that forum.

I didn't see that, could you please point it out to me? Thanks!
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I agree with Astro. My brief experiences with the MSP crew have been very positive.

I have to admit I regret posting at least one of the locations I posted. I would delete it if I could. I'd suggest not posting everything you find or explore - especially if someone on UER trusts you and takes you exploring. There may be a reason why they haven't already posted the location in the DB (they'll more than likely ask you not to post it anyway if that's what they want).

I try not to go on about this, but I guess it's fits in with the OP. Here is an example for you. Melbourne has had an established urbex scene since the 80's (Cave Clan). There were plenty of mistakes along the way and some locations got blocked, but now that the scene has quadrupled over the last 5 years (and is bigger outside of the Cave Clan), there are way more explorers not following even the most basic of rules or guidelines. Locations that have been doable for decades are now getting blocked. Deathstar, Wormhole & the like are now extremely hard to get into. Dreadnought has been blocked for a bit longer and was a Cave Clan member's fault, but generally I just think it's the extra traffic.

It probably doesn't help answer your question - I'm just presenting a different angle to it.

Have fun on UER.

[last edit 10/26/2017 10:55 PM by Doug - edited 1 times]
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: New here, a few questions I couldn't find answers to.
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Deconstrukt

I didn't see that, could you please point it out to me? Thanks!

I think you're shinning me on but I know there are people here who haven't noticed this

MSP, it's like another dimension were the normal forum rules are skewed.
It's rumored there's a black hole there somewhere deep in the sewers of MSP.
If you piss them off bad enough they'll make you disappear forever...
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