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Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've been checking out a certain building and I think I've found a good POE through a basement window, but I'd essentially be sliding down a pile of rubble so I feel like I wouldn't be able to go back out that way. Only other exits I can see are third story windows, and jumping from that high doesn't seem like a good idea.

Have any of you ever had an issue with being stuck inside a building after getting in? Or is it usually pretty easy to get out once you're inside?
High Park, Toronto
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Generally once you're inside you can most likely get out via another door or window. That being said, don't close doors and the like behind you without checking if they'll lock or not first.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Rarely is getting trapped inside an issue if you're careful. One of the few times it concerns me is going into drains, caves, mines, bunkers or missile silos. In a missile silo I once climbed down a deteriorating 2x4 framework about 10 feet because the staircase (on which I almost made that fateful last step) was cut out. Had the wood collapsed I'd have been needing to get creative... part of the fun.
No one knew I was there and there's no cell service in a harden silo.

Sliding down rumble doesn't sound like good plan. One broken bottle, etc could rip you up proper.
Jumping is a worse idea; being whole and healthy is not to be thrown away on a whim.
The rewards verses risks should be considered before diving in...

If it seems like a bad idea, it probably is.

*wear high top laced boots if you do go.
[last edit 1/15/2017 2:27 AM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I had a similar situation a few months ago. Getting in required scaling an exterior wall and climbing through a hole in the collapsed roof, followed by sliding down a fallen support beam to the ground.

The support beam was very smooth, somewhat rotted, and had very little traction. I had to get back out the same way I went in, so I made a stack of fallen bricks and rubble to attempt to climb out. It gave me the leg up I needed to climb onto the support beam and back out through the roof.

Sometimes you may need to get creative, or in certain cases you may need additional equipment- though I've never been to one, I've heard some missile silos and tunnels require climbing gear to access.

Just try not to get trapped underground at all costs. If this pile of rubble you speak of is too unstable to climb up, it's too unstable to slide down. Otherwise, look for more entrances, or bring a rope ladder or something.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Be sure your phone is charged so you can still post on UER while trapped.
Adventure is the air in my lungs and the blood in my veins
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Usually there is always an exit but I would bring one or two other Urban Explorer friends with you in case you arent able to get out!
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Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Be careful of jail cells too. It's not worth getting the shot of you behind bars... they still work sometimes!
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I was trapped inside of a place recently. Fortunately, all I had to do was wait until the workers from the active property came back the next morning.

Two friends of mine had one of those "that'll never happen to me," kind of scenarios. Their POE was boarded back up while they were inside. They looked for an alternate way out for a good two hours and finally resorted in breaking a window from the inside. It was either that or call the cops and they decided on the former.
Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Always good to explore in pairs so someone can help you out.
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I always bring a backpack with flashlight, ropes, snacks and anything i think i might need getting in, out or while inside.
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I feel like a length of rope would be your best bet, if you definitely know how to secure it properly and it won't be visible to passersby when left trailing into the window. I'm no expert, though!
With Night, Freedom
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Usually, you'd be able to find a door or window you'd be able to exit through, though I'd definitely recommend bringing a length of rope or something that you can use to climb back up in case there isn't a suitable exit. In addition to that, definitely charge your phone before going, and if you're insistent on going alone, ask a friend to check in with you at regular intervals in case something bad does end up happening and you need rescue or emergency services.
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Yep. Been there. Done that.

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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Dee Ashley
Yep. Been there. Done that.


You wuved it
That's about the only way to keep you out of trouble
With Night, Freedom
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Dee Ashley
Yep. Been there. Done that.


Wow that was a ride, glad you made it out alright
southern NY
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I think it might help to bring rope or paracord in case you find a situation where you feel you might not get back out. I wish I had brought some on my first explore at an old pulp mill since the only way down to the bottom of the structure was a little dangerous.

406708.jpg (73 kb, 800x600)
click to view

Here is the way down I had to take, to the left there was a +20ft drop to the ground floor and where I need to hop down to was about 6ft below me and right under the ledge was a gap in the wall that lead to a +10 ft drop. If I made one wrong movement, I would have had a very very bad day. I (stupidly) decided that the best way to make sure I could get back out was to climb down then back up without my backpack. Why I thought that would be a good way to test it, I'll never know. On my way back up to get my bag I almost trapped myself since the only foot holds to get up were covered in ice and just so happened to be the little wall you can see to the left dividing the 20ft drop and 6ft drop. Yikes! Obviously I got myself out of that but ever since, I bring some rope with me in case I feel like exploring somewhere where I might not be able to get out of.

All in all, I would say to always bring equipment to get you out of such a situation and use your best discretion and a good knowledge of your abilities to determine if you may or may not be able to get out.
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I could have gotten out, but my car was a different story. I had bolt cutters, but was saving that option for the very last one (it wasn't the lock's fault I was too lazy to park outside the gate). I've never had to use a destructive means of entry or exit, and I didn't want start then. Fortunately, my waiting paid off, and I was able to drive out without any problems the next morning.
Provvy-Prov, Rhode Island
www.mycophagia.c om
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It's almost always possible to find something you can stand on so you can get out again. But I say buy a portable charger. A good one can recharge a phone several times.
DFW, Texas
Write something and wait expectantly.
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by General Zod
It's almost always possible to find something you can stand on so you can get out again. But I say buy a portable charger. A good one can recharge a phone several times.

Yes. These things are great for more than just phones, but I usually reserve mine for emergency phone usage (and my rechargeable flashlight).
Hamilton, ON
Are you on the square?
Re: Getting trapped inside
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by General Zod
It's almost always possible to find something you can stand on so you can get out again. But I say buy a portable charger. A good one can recharge a phone several times.

Yes!! I carry mine with me ALL the time. I strongly recommend Anker as a brand. Most Anker power banks also have an emergency flashlight built in as well.
[last edit 6/12/2017 5:57 AM by TrixieSparrow - edited 1 times]
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