The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Just a random find with sentry looks like they just packed what they wanted and left . They didn't even bother to remove the photos from the walls or the glasses from the cabinet .










11.Why doesn't anyone abandon rare cars !


13. The original house was on the property as well but was only worth one picture .

please someone explore with me
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
fantastic set, loving #2
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Great job! With all the left over belongings, there's surely a story to be told here... nice find.
L'architecture nous revele son histoire mais nous cache ses secrets.
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Storytrail
Great job! With all the left over belongings, there's surely a story to be told here... nice find.

Durham Region
Someday is NOT a day of the week !
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Great find !!

They had good taste in whiskey...mmm love the Crown Royal !!

That New Yorker looks still in pretty good shape too...wonder why so much was left behind...if only the walls could speak
Just sweep it up
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by leafloving4x4gal

That New Yorker looks still in pretty good shape too...

Chrysler New Yorkers of that vintage are notorious for transmission failure.

Awesome find though. I'd love to make it back out to Saskatchewan
Winnipeg, MB
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
awesome pics! the dolls in the suitcase? creepy.

I once found a pretty rare car in a very scary old house. a scroll down my instagram page would show you, 64 weeks back lol. how time flies.

anyone curious to see the car, @rampantscyther on instagram. I have difficulty sharing pics to this site with my cell phone..
Oakland, Ca
asbestos lead asbestos
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Something about newer abandoned places like this seem much scarier and sinister than older historical ones. I can't place my finger on it, but I suppose it feels more real.

Posted by rampantscyther
awesome pics! the dolls in the suitcase? creepy.

I once found a pretty rare car in a very scary old house. a scroll down my instagram page would show you, 64 weeks back lol. how time flies.

anyone curious to see the car, @rampantscyther on instagram. I have difficulty sharing pics to this site with my cell phone..


Get the Imgur app, just upload from there, then cut and paste the link in the IMG brackets
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks for the comments always appreciated. It was weird to see an abandoned house with a satellite dish.
kt, 21, photographer, canada
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This is super spooky. Awesome find, the house is beautiful.
Ontario, Canada
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

Great tour; some really interesting left-overs here, for sure.
You didn't happen to get a closer shot of that wreck seen through the living-room window in that first shot, did you?

Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Digging the shot with the electric organ!
Gives me the chills.
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Neat to see the pictures that were left behind.
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Glad you decided to share those pictures. I never thought they would be worth posting...I guess I was wrong!

Ever since we visited that house, I have been wondering what happened to the guy who used to live there...Perhaps he got ill, and died unexpectedly. He most likely didn't have any relatives...Very sad.
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by sentry
Glad you decided to share those pictures. I never thought they would be worth posting...I guess I was wrong!

Ever since we visited that house, I have been wondering what happened to the guy who used to live there...Perhaps he got ill, and died unexpectedly. He most likely didn't have any relatives...Very sad.

We should revisit it and take a closer look i feel like we probably missed something. just don't open the fridge this time...
Halifax NS
Re: The scream house
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
man that car is in good shape
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